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Blue "Pete" Charvel 17000 plus note solo posties


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No you suck, Pete rocks.


aww.. someone is bored now that boyfriend Geoff is away cheating on you with his wife...


poor snoookums

Nah, I'm just picking up the slack. Now that he's gone your ass is mine for three weeks...




















...how could he leave me for that bitch?!! :crying:

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  • My Little Pony
Now that he's gone your ass is mine for three weeks...


why does it not surprise me youd say something like that....

Should it surprise you?

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Solo pasties? ;)


JK! Congrats, go Pete! :)

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I feel like I'm reading the marquee at McDonald's....only it's the HH billboard...."Over 17,000 served..." LOL Hmmmm...I kinda like that idea. Maybe someone should come up with an avatar....or a signature that gives people some recognition on that one!


But, yeah....I would say that at least 95% of Pete's were of the 'quality quantity' kind!!! :)

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