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Lonnie Holdaway and the Hurricane CD reissues scam

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Well hell, I've kept silent on this long enough. I've had my suspicions about Lonnie for several months now...ever since he starting throwing bullshit excuses my way on why our trade was getting delayed again and again and again. First off it was that he was buying a new house. Then he was having major back surgery. Next he was traveling to Florida...it just went on and on. I talked to a couple others here at the board (who I don't want to name...if they feel like weighing in, that's their choice) via PM about my problems with Lonnie, and they pretty much confirmed that something fishy was going on. Even my PM's regarding the live Hurricane release were ignored, which I thought was awful strange. I would bet that the only thing that screwed with the scam was when Grab.em.all posted regarding his problems with contacting Lonnie. The scam was then shifted into damage control, trying to assure everyone here at the board that everything was fine. I wanted very badly to call Lonnie out, hoping if my concerns were voiced in a public forum I'd get a response from him, but figured I'd get napalmed by other members here who consider him a friend (& at one time, that included me).


I was just ready to post about the thread that Grabemall started!


Good thing I read this first!


My how our thoughts have changed within a few days!


I'm lucky in that I'm not out too much...I did spend around $300 picking up cd's that Lonnie specifically requested for our trade, but I can always turn around & sell them. It's just a *&% hassle I wasn't planning on having to deal with.


I can vouch for chocularok cuz I was one of the people he confided in. And yes, I gave Lon the benefit of the doubt cuz of my past experiences with him. So I can say chocularok is right, he has been talking to me about the bad luck he has had with Lonnie for well past a month now. Too bad I was wrong! I hope Lonnie is happy that he sold his soul to the :devil:

Gonna add my thoughts to this mess. I also had bought from Lonnie in the past and had made a couple of trades and deals with him in the spring and summer of 2006. Everything went FINE! Then about a couple of months ago I made anthor deal with him. Time went by and no cds. I began to email him. No replies. I emailed EVERY email adress he has ever had and has. NO replies. I pm'd him several times. NO replies! Time was ticking on my paypal time limit. I picked up the phone and called a HH member who I have traded with and think the world of. That was Studboy (Steve). I wanted some advice what do next. I mean after all Lon has been here a lot longer than I have. I had to file a paypal dispute and then esclate it to a claim. Finally I get a message from Lon's girlfriend telling me that Lon and I can NO longer do business and NOT to tarnish his repuation,especially on Heavy Harmonies. I got my refund but nothin from Lonnie! I decided to keep this mess to myself and not bring it here. I knew his reputation and I figured I would be BUTCHERED! I mean hell who would have believed it? I started to pm chocularok and tell him what I had been through and I wish I had. I apologize for that. I saw how people came to Lon's defense on him not getting back to chocularok about their trade. Maybe that's when I should have come forward and told my story. I feel bad for all of you here that have spent money. I pray that you get your money back! You guys and gals are great people who I have a lot of RESPECT for. I wish you all the best. You guys DESERVE better than this!

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I would venture to guess that he has planned this for well over a year.....and here's how I think he did it.......



1.) Befriended people...especially to the point of sending 'free' cdrs of compilations, etc. This built up the relationships he needed to secure the trust of the people of this site...and probably others.


2.) He would never deal with me...or with Mike Butt, who is a very good friend of mine. Why? Because we called him on his trades with us over the past year. Each one NEVER materialized....for whatever reason. He simply would not even communicate with me. That way he alienated himself from those that didn't play along...or questioned him....or that could do something about it, if he did....


3.) Is his name really 'Lonnie Holdaway'......? I would be surprised if it is, as this is an easy case to prosecute and it wouldn't take much to find him. There are phone records and physical adresses.....a trail.....


I guess we'll wait and see. I would notify the authorities, especially those that lost large sums of money. Hell, if I were Georg, I would be on the first plane to Arkansas......

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Wow.... this is a shocking revelation. I also have to visit paypal now. Damnit... pre-orders always scare me but I really wanted the Hurricane reissues. I am speechless.

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Sam, I deleted a line from one of your posts and all the responses to it.


This is neither the time nor the place to be plugging your record label. Please do not do it again. This is far too serious an issue...





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"Lonnie Holdaway" isn't exactly a common name; if he's been using an alias, he's been using it for quite a while:




As you can see if you visit the above link, he is listed as a Blytheville High School alum from 1984-1988 on Classmates.com


Also, this article:

dates back to 1998


Plus, he's on 411.com:



His name is either really Lonnie Holdaway, or the real Lon Holdaway passed away, and someone else has been using his name.



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Question.... some of you 'collectors' have been in this business longer than me. Back in the early days of ebay weren't there a few shysters from the Florida area (or wherever) who ripped off a number of people?


I seem to remember a few of you talking about that.


Is it possible that this is the same guy?


the seller from florida that got everyone mad at him for supposed shady deals was Manny Comres, alot of folks claimed to have been ripped by him, I never was though.....

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Again , I am not giving up on Lon yet but....check this shit out!!!!!


Every package I have got from Lon came from a Ford / Lincoln dealership in Blytheville.


NEVER on the return address did it say Lonnie Holdaway.


Lon , please prove me wrong and be the stand up guy we all know you to be!!!


Same here. On the deals we made they were delievered by the boys in brown(UPS). I thought that was strange shipping them that way. They weren't huge deals or weighed much. He is the only person I have dealt with that shipped that way. Like Sam said they were always in a box from a Ford dealer. Hell I thought maybe he was a parts man or something and he was having them pick up his shipping costs. Who knows? I just hope for all of us this is a bad nightmare !

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"Lonnie Holdaway" isn't exactly a common name; if he's been using an alias, he's been using it for quite a while:




As you can see if you visit the above link, he is listed as a Blytheville High School alum from 1984-1988 on Classmates.com


Also, this article:

dates back to 1998


Plus, he's on 411.com:



His name is either really Lonnie Holdaway, or the real Lon Holdaway passed away, and someone else has been using his name.




Wow! :blink:


This is getting too interesting....


Why not just get a real job??? :angry:

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Strangely enough...Manny Comres has..or had...adresses in Arkansas.....and, to my knowledge still has arkcds?? Or Wolf something or other....



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Guest AORMusic.com

Hi all here...


I am from Sweden and i notised HH tread in MR.com.

I'm afraid there is someting fishy about this.

Sinse HH's tread i got courious and checked out this dude's site.

Then i noticed that he listed the Jim Jidhed CD for re-release.

And a lot of that info did´nt add up to what i know about Jim.

I will try to get a hold on Jim today to se if he can clerify somthing about this for us today.


I for one hope that this is all a huge mistake, but it seems strange.

George Siegle is a great record deler and a stand upp guy

and i'm shure that he would never send out any mail like this if there was'nt anything very wrong.

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IF this is all true what is the size of the rip off monetary wise are we looking at? Having said that I guess he may well have been selling to more than HH members as there is a note on the noticeboard at MR.COM about this thread.

I hadn't bought from him so I'm not sure about the size of his operation.....would all this be worthwhile to him for just a few thousand dollars or is it way above that sum?

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"Lonnie Holdaway" isn't exactly a common name; if he's been using an alias, he's been using it for quite a while:




As you can see if you visit the above link, he is listed as a Blytheville High School alum from 1984-1988 on Classmates.com


Also, this article:

dates back to 1998


Plus, he's on 411.com:



His name is either really Lonnie Holdaway, or the real Lon Holdaway passed away, and someone else has been using his name.





A call to the dealership might shed some light. But, in truth...if it is actually him, if he hasn't left the country, then he's in for an interesting ride I would guess....


It also may be why he pulled the plug as soon as he did. He probably could have milked it longer, if it weren't for the mishap with Georg and it getting too out of hand...


Also, didn't any of you find it 'odd' that his website was set up on a freeserver website hosting URL??

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Strangely enough...Manny Comres has..or had...adresses in Arkansas.....and, to my knowledge still has arkcds?? Or Wolf something or other....




Cynthia Wolf is the seller in arkansas I think, CDwolves is the user id, and I once was told she and manny were together.....but like brian said, I have no idea if they are connected to lonnie.....


I remember lonnie back when I first started on ebay over 8 years ago.....he had a small shop on Gemm, I think he still does....back then he was advertising the then hyper rare cd's Black N blue (all of their stuff), lillian axe, and others that are now not that hard to get, but back then were incredibly rare.....he had multiples listed on gemm for $25 each or something, which at the time was a killer buy as the black n blue's alone were well over $100, but when I tried to buy from him he quickly disappreared and pulled the ads off of gemm.....the last dealing I had with lonnie was 6 months ago, he was peddling some rare cd's he claimed a friend of his had for sale, someone going through a divorce and wanted a quick turnaround on the discs....he offered me 2 rock boulevards, sgt. roxx, theatre...and some others....but when I started asking more details he quickly disappeared, and never talked to me again....seems he just sold these same discs to adriano, I wish I would have said something but I really had no proof of wrong doing, just a strange way of dealing, and an annoying habit of starting deals then disappearing.........


Jim is right, some of us would be on a plane to Arkansas, although if this is actually a scam, he should be long gone unless someone can catch him counting his cash on the way to the plane..... :angry:

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3.) Is his name really 'Lonnie Holdaway'......? I would be surprised if it is, as this is an easy case to prosecute and it wouldn't take much to find him. There are phone records and physical adresses.....a trail.....


Well, seems there is a person called Lonnie Holdaway in Blytheville, AR. There is an info on classmates.com he attended high school there in 1984-1988 which sounds about correct age.


Also, this link: http://fuelmypain.com/modules.php?name=New...e=article&sid=3 , there is a "contact Lonnie" link in the text someplace in mid-page, which links to his e-mail address (lrc72315@sbcglobal.net).


It is not clear from the page if this is a past, or upcoming event (there is a copyright©1998 note at the end, but it could indicate the establisment for this online service). In any case there are some phone #s in the bottom of the page that can be followed.

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I believe it to be much more then 17,000. He had said 3,000 intial copies of all the hurricane stuff, and I believe he said he was almost sold out of the intial run. Then he was also getting good money on shipping. I think its more likely he got much more then 17,000.

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3.) Is his name really 'Lonnie Holdaway'......? I would be surprised if it is, as this is an easy case to prosecute and it wouldn't take much to find him. There are phone records and physical adresses.....a trail.....


Well, seems there is a person called Lonnie Holdaway in Blytheville, AR. There is an info on classmates.com he attended high school there in 1984-1988 which sounds about correct age.


Also, this link: http://fuelmypain.com/modules.php?name=New...e=article&sid=3 , there is a "contact Lonnie" link in the text someplace in mid-page, which links to his e-mail address (lrc72315@sbcglobal.net).


It is not clear from the page if this is a past, or upcoming event (there is a copyright©1998 note at the end, but it could indicate the establisment for this online service). In any case there are some phone #s in the bottom of the page that can be followed.


P.S. oops, sorry, I see Mike has beaten me up to this info already.

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Also, didn't any of you find it 'odd' that his website was set up on a freeserver website hosting URL??



Indeed; I think subconciously that's why I didn't order anything from him...I was waiting for the glowing reports from other members to come pouring in before I sent the ol $$$ his way.


Also, something else to note about the RnR Records website...if you look around on it, you'll find NO contact info of any kind. NO email address, NO mailing address, NOTHING. The only thing there is the automated Pay Pal process set-up to take in the $$$





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Also, didn't any of you find it 'odd' that his website was set up on a freeserver website hosting URL??



Indeed; I think subconciously that's why I didn't order anything from him...I was waiting for the glowing reports from other members to come pouring in before I sent the ol $$$ his way.


Also, something else to note about the RnR Records website...if you look around on it, you'll find NO contact info of any kind. NO email address, NO mailing address, NOTHING. The only thing there is the automated Pay Pal process set-up to take in the $$$






I looked through his reissues but quite honestly I had everything he was reissuing so I had no interest in buying from him, although I would have been leary to start any deal with him again......but I agree with mike, if I had indeed been interested in getting his cd's I would have waited until I got all the great reports of how great his stuff was.......I always avoid preorders....

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