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The F*%K Thread


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Geoff, Minxx, fuckin' thanks for the advice, but I fuckin' give up on the fuckin' quote shit for right now... It's givin' me a fuckin' headache...I'll fuckin' try again later...


Speaking of things that fuckin' ache, I twisted the fuck out of my fuckin' ankle last night when I was walkin' the fuckin' dog and it's fuckin' KILLING me this morning. My fuckin' co-workers better not fuckin' piss me the fuck off today cuz I'm in a foul fuckin' mood!!


Further to this, Nick stubbed his fuckin' toe yesterday. You two should start a fuckin' support group or something fuckin' civil and giving like that. Kids will fuckin' love it.

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Further to this, Nick stubbed his fuckin' toe yesterday. You two should start a fuckin' support group or something fuckin' civil and giving like that. Kids will fuckin' love it.


Yea, fuckin' A Nick, how's your fuckin' toe? My fuckin' ankle is still fuckin' killin' me. It ain't so bad just walking around but if I have to go up or down stairs... OUCH


I'm tryin' this fuckin' quote thing again Geoff and Minxx, we'll fuckin' see how it worked in a fuckin' minute...

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Fuckin' A, it fuckin' worked. BOO FUCKIN' YA!


Thank God cuz that's been fuckin' botherin' the fuckin' crap outta me!

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Fuck, am I the only one still fuckin' hangin' on this fuckin' thread? Where the fuck is everybody?

Oh well... my son decided to wake the fuck up at quarter to 6AM on this lovely Sunday fuckin' morning (UGH!) ...he's watching Thomas the Fuckin' Tank Engine right now therefore I'm venting my frustration at not being able to sleep the fuck in a little this fuckin' morning on my favorite fuckin' thread on my favorite fuckin' message board. I need some fuckin' coffee!

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Hey Freddy, I'm fuckin' back. Wow, this fuckin' thread does look like a bit of a fuckin' wasteland at the moment. Better spice this fucker up. What do you say we add some fuckin' Chlli, some fuckin' pepper, and generally, just some fuckin' hot stuff to heat it up? No? I didn't fuckin' think so either.


Anyway, it's fuckin' Monday again. I hate my fuckin' posts on Monday. They tend to suck even more than fuckin' normal, and that's really saying some fuckin' thing.

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We gotta kick this fucker up a few fuckin' notches Geoff! I'm all for some hot fuckin' chili and peppers as long as there are some cold fuckin' beers to cool the burn with. Whattaya say?

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Yeah, I could use some cold fuckin' beers to wash this day down with. In fact, that sounds like a pretty fuckin' grand plan to me. Thumbs the fuck up.

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I got a cold fuckn' bottle of Saranac Pale Ale next to the fuckin' keyboard as I fuckin' type... :)

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I have a pile of fuckin' work next to the keyboard... and a pretty fuckin' poor attitude to go with it today. Fuck, I really hate fuckin' Mondays.

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It's still Sunday fuckin' night here in the good ole U.S. of A., but I'll be right where you are in a couple of fuckin' hours Geoff... I'll have another beer for ya right fuckin' now. :)

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Well, looks like this day might have a slight fucking positive at the end of it. Apparently the surf is meant to be getting pretty fucking massive as the afternoon goes on. By the time I get down there after work it'll be fuckin' monstrous, so that might be some (fucking painful and drown-worthy) fun. Actually looking forward to this little adventure in self fuckin' mutilation.

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Further to this, Nick stubbed his fuckin' toe yesterday. You two should start a fuckin' support group or something fuckin' civil and giving like that. Kids will fuckin' love it.


Yea, fuckin' A Nick, how's your fuckin' toe? My fuckin' ankle is still fuckin' killin' me. It ain't so bad just walking around but if I have to go up or down stairs... OUCH


I'm tryin' this fuckin' quote thing again Geoff and Minxx, we'll fuckin' see how it worked in a fuckin' minute...

woo-fuckin-hoo!!! Freddy fuckin did it!


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Fucking car ran out of fucking petrol this morning. 5 metres from the fuckin' petrol station. They were going to charge me ten fuckin' dollars for a can, so I ran back home and got my own fuckin' can from the garage (home was only 20 fuckin' minutes away), filled it up, went back to the car and spilled half in the gutter, got half in the tank and then I pulled into the fuckin' petrol station. I am so fuckin' tired, especially my legs, and really, I could have used a better start to the fuckin' morning than that.

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Well, looks like this day might have a slight fucking positive at the end of it. Apparently the surf is meant to be getting pretty fucking massive as the afternoon goes on. By the time I get down there after work it'll be fuckin' monstrous, so that might be some (fucking painful and drown-worthy) fun. Actually looking forward to this little adventure in self fuckin' mutilation.


Surf was so fuckin' massive I couldn't even get out there yesterday afternoon. Tried for a few fuckin' minutes, caught a little shitty wave halfway out and eventually went in to fuckin' shore. Man, I wish I had my own fuckin' helicopter.

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Surf was so fuckin' massive I couldn't even get out there yesterday afternoon. Tried for a few fuckin' minutes, caught a little shitty wave halfway out and eventually went in to fuckin' shore. Man, I wish I had my own fuckin' helicopter.

when you get your own fuckin 'copter, head on out here - massive fuckin waves at Maverick's.
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Surf was so fuckin' massive I couldn't even get out there yesterday afternoon. Tried for a few fuckin' minutes, caught a little shitty wave halfway out and eventually went in to fuckin' shore. Man, I wish I had my own fuckin' helicopter.

when you get your own fuckin 'copter, head on out here - massive fuckin waves at Maverick's.


Massive waves are fuckin' awesome... it's just fucked trying to get out there and stay out there if you catch a wave and have to go back out... unless that fuckin' chopper's sitting in your back fuckin' yard. But yeah, heard about Maverick's. Consider me there, when I have this fuckin' chopper. I'll drop in for some tea, a peck on the cheek and a romantic dinner, if that's ofuckigkay with you.

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Massive waves are fuckin' awesome... it's just fucked trying to get out there and stay out there if you catch a wave and have to go back out... unless that fuckin' chopper's sitting in your back fuckin' yard. But yeah, heard about Maverick's. Consider me there, when I have this fuckin' chopper. I'll drop in for some tea, a peck on the cheek and a romantic dinner, if that's ofuckigkay with you.

It's ofuckinkay with me... drop by any fuckin time. Peck on the cheek is ofuckinkay too. The invite's also for your girl, so I'll whip up some romantic tidbits for ya'll to fuckin knosh on.
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Fuckin' knosh... sounds interesting. If you mean you're going to send us a to a secluded fuckin' room by the sea where we'll make love all night on a beanbag with the sea as a fuckin' backdrop, with me occasionally 'knoshing' her breasts... well, I'm saving for a chopper as we speak!!!

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no, that's not what I fuckin meant  <_<      but hey...  spare room's fuckin yours - have at it!  :P


Sounds like a fuckin' plan to me. Could you please arrange to put a fuckin' picture of the fuckin' sea on the wall, just so the moment can shine a little more. Love making is fuckin' awesome.

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Could you please arrange to put a fuckin' picture of the fuckin' sea on the wall...

No fuckin need - you'll have the real fuckin view from your fuckin window


Fuck, so my first suggestion wasn't far off the fuckin' mark, then. Let's stick with that fuckin' one then. That way I get to 'knosh' lovely breasts too.

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This is how big the fuckin' surf was this morning. Holy fuckin' shitballs!!!




For FUCK's sake, Geoff !! Is this you ?????

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