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Kidd Wikkid re-issue

Guest wikkid1

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One more thing Stormy , I noticed you didn't mention ONE Retrospect release....once again.


The question you asked was "Auctioning bootlegged material? Like what?" and I pointed only the ones I'm 100% sure of. I dont know whether your "releases" are legit or not, so I left them out.

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I must say, I have met some cool people here... and have been introduced to some bands that I hadn't given a chance to before. And I'm sure I'll keep in touch with some of the people I have met.


I thought this site was about the MUSIC. Seems like it's more about people who are insecure and have to try to bring others down. Well... Good Luck.



I hope I am not the only one who see's that this is a stupid bunch of posting and that the downfall could discourage some interesting people, IE: LV KIX from posting again.


The debate side is great and informative, but when it gets personal with name calling and "threating" e-mails, that is when it should stop.



LV Kix, keep inputting, the sight/community needs your input and besides I haven't had the chance to mail you my Kix Blow My Fuse promo picture and have you get it signed for me :P


Just me $.01

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Wow, 80sMentalCollector... if you think there are ONLY six people who oppose Sammy's apple cart of bootlegs, overpriced CD-Rs and other worthless junk items, then you are truly living in a your own blind spot. You might THINK there are only six because only half a dozen speak out against him, but I can assure you, there are DOZENS more who feel EXACTLY the same as we do. So word to the not-so-wise, unless you want to be called Iggy around here (that's short for Ignoramus), quit your yappin'. You don't know the half of it, nor even the quarter of it, so keep those poorly-researched little statistics to yourself.


There are 4 reasons why Retrospect sucks and here they are, listed as FACTS because that's what they are. And each one of these FACTS I can support with proof. That's what makes them FACTS.


FACT #1. Sam sells Russian bootlegs (don't let the word import fool ya) on eBay. Stormspell's post nicely supports what I have to say about this.


FACT #2. Several reissues on Retrospect Records ARE CD-Rs. Friction "Baby Talks", Rock Boulevard... I could go on. You press them on green-tinted discs, they're CD-Rs, ok? And I'm sure the color copier at Kinko's needed a toner refill after the artwork was generated. And how about those little kiddie scissors he used to cut the inserts? Were they orange or blue? Does the local pre-school know they're missing?


FACT #3. Sam has sent me and others who oppose him threatening and obscenity-strewn emails. No way to do business... not that I would anyway.


FACT #4. Sam overcharges for his reissues. Name one other vendor out there (yes, include those big bad European labels, too, 80sMentalCaseCollector!) that sells CDs or CD reissues for $39.99 a piece. You can't, because they don't exist. If the other guys sell for $10-12 and Sam sells for $39.99-$49.99, can you say RIP OFF?


Notice, 80sSammyProtector, that I have not stated anything about whether or not Sam rips off his bands or not. Why? Because I have no proof of that, and unlike yourself, I know when to keep my mouth when all the facts are not (or not yet) available. But when I do have the facts in front of me, and I feel others who think the same way I do could benefit from these facts (avoid being ripped off or deceived), then yes, I speak my mind.


And if speaking my mind based on FACTS is considered bashing, then I'm not BASHFUL and never will be. Until Retrospect can stand up, play fair and start behaving like a REAL label, I'll maintain my right to be as negative as I want to be.

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Holy Crap Storm.  You did your homework!! You get an A+ and you don't have to shower after gym class :lol:    ~C


Can I get a golden star too, please please :angel:

Duly noted.....your efforts will come up at conference time young man :P

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What's really scummy about this whole thing is the way 80smetalcollector has acted since joining our board...pretending to be just another fan/collector like the rest of us, while the whole time he has actually been a "mole", probably sent here at Sam's request. When you go back & read his posts, he starts off with the polite comments here & there...then slowly the Retrospect plugs sneak their way into his posts. Then he starts mentioning Sam by name...next he starts broadcasting coming upcoming Retrospect releases. Now all of a sudden he is privy to certain royalty rates info...I'd say this guy not only works for Sam, but he's a business partner as well. :bs:

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As I sit here reading through this thread, I'm overcome by this eery feeling...it's like a combination of deja vu mixed with a bad case of diarhea...in other words...


Haven't we been through this shit before? :P

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It's junior high all over again.........

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It's junior high all over again.........


Is not.








Haha.......ya bastard!!! :lol:

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Well, my dad can beat up all of your dads. This really is childish and stupid. I thought it was decided that the best way to "defeat" Sam was to not do business with him. This was funny for a little while. Now it's just annoying. Both sides of this argument have stopped being amusing. Doesn't anyone have anything better to do? We've got EBAY police, Retrospect police, Sam's personal rim job boy, and everything else going here. It's all just stupid. I understand the protect the community from the big bad music label jerk, but come on. Post it and let it go. It's always appreciated, but it can only help those who help themselves. As much as people here hate to admit it, people do an will continue to do business with Sam. I don't, but that's because Wally says I can't. Wally being my wallet. How cute is that? I named my wallet. So, I guess I haven't even had to think about whether I would or not. If you are ok with Sam's issues and buy from him, that's your choice. If you don't agree with how the cds are pressed and sold then don't buy them. It really is that simple. If a band is getting ripped off and someon puts a bug in their ear, fine. Let them handle it from there. I don't mean to burn anybody here, but it really is getting silly. Couldn't your time be spent contributing to the 'Metal Jay Still At It' or "Nick The Pirate/Asian Pimp" threads. Those 2 threads are hilarious and whoever started those threads is the one who really should be a star. I propose a fund be started for that person.



Just my 14 cents, which just might be a full day's pay.

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Well, my dad can beat up all of your dads. This really is childish and stupid. I thought it was decided that the best way to "defeat" Sam was to not do business with him. This was funny for a little while. Now it's just annoying. Both sides of this argument have stopped being amusing. Doesn't anyone have anything better to do? We've got EBAY police, Retrospect police, Sam's personal rim job boy, and everything else going here. It's all just stupid. I understand the protect the community from the big bad music label jerk, but come on. Post it and let it go. It's always appreciated, but it can only help those who help themselves. As much as people here hate to admit it, people do an will continue to do business with Sam. I don't, but that's because Wally says I can't. Wally being my wallet. How cute is that? I named my wallet. So, I guess I haven't even had to think about whether I would or not. If you are ok with Sam's issues and buy from him, that's your choice. If you don't agree with how the cds are pressed and sold then don't buy them. It really is that simple. If a band is getting ripped off and someon puts a bug in their ear, fine. Let them handle it from there. I don't mean to burn anybody here, but it really is getting silly. Couldn't your time be spent contributing to the 'Metal Jay Still At It' or "Nick The Pirate/Asian Pimp" threads. Those 2 threads are hilarious and whoever started those threads is the one who really should be a star. I propose a fund be started for that person.



Just my 14 cents, which just might be a full day's pay.



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:) Hey I learn alot from these threads. Heck Its just hitting me that some people have there own labels :anon: . Ive never bought from him personally and I am sure as much as i have read that theres definetly a problem. You can not have that many people saying these things without some or all truth in it. I have sold to him back a few months ago. It was some rare cassettes and yes I have watched to see if any of those have popped up on cd yet. At this time I havent seen them. One for sure was super rare. Guess I should do more reading as I never realized how many people here and there have there own labels & how many have or have been in a band. Im just a Plain FAN :)
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I must say, I have met some cool people here... and have been introduced to some bands that I hadn't given a chance to before. And I'm sure I'll keep in touch with some of the people I have met.


I thought this site was about the MUSIC. Seems like it's more about people who are insecure and have to try to bring others down. Well... Good Luck.



I hope I am not the only one who see's that this is a stupid bunch of posting and that the downfall could discourage some interesting people, IE: LV KIX from posting again.


The debate side is great and informative, but when it gets personal with name calling and "threating" e-mails, that is when it should stop.



LV Kix, keep inputting, the sight/community needs your input and besides I haven't had the chance to mail you my Kix Blow My Fuse promo picture and have you get it signed for me :P


Just me $.01


For me personally it is nothing else, but a global war agains bootleggers. It doesnt matter to me if it is Sam, 80esmetalcoolector, or anyone else - its just when I see someone trying to justify/promoting bootlegging or ripping off, I feel oblidged to respond.


Yes, I agree it is repetitive, tiresome, beating the dead horse, ugly, etc. AND I have felt bad on occasions when this shit was spreading throughout the entire forum and people were complaining. But since now it is restricted to this very small corner only, I dont think it should be problem for anyone, and if for some reason it is, just avoid reading here and thoroughly enjoy the rest of the forums.


I respect other member's opinions and will not spread the shit outside this place. But when I see a question here from a person who has 30+ bootleg auctions currently on eBay, and boldly asking "me selling bootlegs?" I just cannot close my eyes and pass by.


That's all

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Guest wikkid1

Like many of you here have said, the proof is in the pudding. I just want someone to take responsibility for their actions and their comments. When someone backs me up against the wall and threatens to take what's mine, I'm going to get pissed. Not one person who's contacted me has anything even remotely good to say about how this label is run. When that many people take time out of their schedule to write or call, it speaks volumes. That's all there is to it.


I'm sorry but there can't be that many "haters" unless there's a substantial reason behind the hate. I don't know Sam, I don't hate Sam, but we won't sit by and let someone say they're going to re-issue a CD we worked long and hard to put out. The threat was made and I'm simply stating what the consequences will be if the threat is carried out.

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Like many of you here have said, the proof is in the pudding.  I just want someone to take responsibility for their actions and their comments.  When someone backs me up against the wall and threatens to take what's mine, I'm going to get pissed.  Not one person who's contacted me has anything even remotely good to say about how this label is run.  When that many people take time out of their schedule to write or call, it speaks volumes.  That's all there is to it.


I'm sorry but there can't be that many "haters" unless there's a substantial reason behind the hate.  I don't know Sam, I don't hate Sam, but we won't sit by and let someone say they're going to re-issue a CD we worked long and hard to put out.  The threat was made and I'm simply stating what the consequences will be if the threat is carried out.


Isn't it always the detractors who are the loudest in a room.........


So why don't you put some energy into actually getting your cd re-released? Sounds like a plan.........

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Guest wikkid1

Yes, that's our plan. When and where is yet to be determined.


I've had enough of this whole can of worms. I've read through a bunch of posts here and I have to agree with the people that say it's Sam's right to do what he wants with his label. If indeed his releases are legit, more power to him. I just think you get more bees with honey. To go into a public forum and threaten or insult the very people who would support your business doesn't make much sense to me. It's America--if someone doesn't appreciate certain things about Sam's biz and how he runs it, they have every right to say so w/o being threatened with bodily harm. On the other hand, Sam has every right to defend how he makes his living. I just don't see why it gets so vicious.

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Isn't it always the detractors who are the loudest in a room.........



I for one havent written to Kevin, but it pleases me to know that many others had taken their time to do so. Obviously it is not only the few of us, the so called "detractors" who care, so there is a hope. Good!

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Guest wikkid1

You guys act like I should bow down and worship at your throne or something. I was trying to be cool and mend fences a bit (and NOT for the sake of getting Sam to reissue the disc--I could give two fucks about ever working with him after I've seen how he treats people) but if you're going to get vindictive with me, you can fuck right off. Two can play at that game.


And Sam never had any intention of releasing Kidd Wikkid? My email inbox says something totally different. Boy, you've got me crying in my beer...



Seriously, you're trying to tell me that all these people are simply jealous of Sam and his label?? I'm sorry bro, but I just don't buy into that. He had to do something to piss off all these people. "


Yes , they are jealous.  He pissed them off by re-issuing discs that made their cd collections de-value.  It's all selfish and arrogance man. You need to learn that about this community.


"Maybe I jumped the gun on my judgement but I had a friend call me from clear across the U.S. just to tell me Sam is not a fair and reputable person to deal with. Sam is convinced that it's T-Bone but it's most definitely not. Could I be wrong about Sam? Sure, it's quite possible but I doubt that many people would be so venomous unless they had reason to be. Explain why that many people are so pissed at him. "


Not fair and reputable?  Talk to the bands who are on his label!  It doesn't get more fair and reputable!!  Who's more important the artists or a half dozen collectors who are pissed that their $100 cd's became worth $10?



"As far as Sam re-issuing the CD, (and don't take this as vindictive because it's not in any way, shape or form), we wouldn't have re-issued it on Retrospect anyway because like I've said before, we want it pressed on silver CD's (not CD-R), we want the artwork to be flawless, and we want everyone to be able to afford it for the price of a regular store-bought CD."


Sam has already made the step into releasing silver discs.  Manila Thrills , Mariah and Axtion are all silver , look awesome and practically everything on the website is priced between $9.99 and $14.99 - how is that a rip-off???  ESPECIALLY for limited edition pressings.  These people act like there are 1,000 units made of every disc.  NO , there are 100 (except for Manila Thrills , Mariah and Axtion).  I will GUARANTEE that if you re-issue Kidd Wikkid that you will not sell more than 500 units.  It's all about business man , SMART business and catering to a few asswipes on H.H. is NOT what smart biz is.



"Sam already sent me his scathing little email about how I can kiss his ass, and how he would never have any interest in releasing our material so it's obvious he can't see the point I'm trying to make. I'd already heard he was bootlegging the CD from an anonymous voicemail someone left me. Now if someone was pulling that shit with you, wouldn't you fight for what was rightfully yours? I think you would. I'm not afraid of anyone. I work for one of the most powerful entertainment companies in the business and I meet rock legends in that business on a daily basis. Does he think he's got me shaking in my boots or something? "


I think you need to get your facts right before airing a bunch of bullshit on a public forum....gee , like maybe contacting HIM first??  It doesn't matter who you work for....Sam has worked with some of the top names in the business and now owns one of the largest indie labels IN THE WORLD.  Why the hell would he risk that over re-issuing YOUR cd?  Like I said , get your FACTS before making public accusations that are unfounded. 



"If he thinks he's going to win over customers and bands by behaving the way he has on this board, he's mistaken."


He could care less about the handful of pricks at H.H. who care ONLY about the value of their collection.  He has sold more units of the 100+ artists in 3 months than they did originally back in the day.  Guess he's doin something right , eh?


You made a huge error in knocking Retrospect Records , and you'll find that out in about a year when EVERYONE (excluding the few jerk-offs that nobody cares about at HH) will be talking about how FAIR that label is and when there are 250+ bands on the label. 


THAT you can take to the bank.  You fucked up by making unfounded accusations and someday that will come back to bite you in the ass.


I'll say this so you understand in plain English....


Sam has NEVER HAD and STILL HAS no intentions of releasing K.W.

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    • I was a pretty big fan. Nature Of The Beast is a killer song. Saw them with Dave Gleeson from the Screaming Jets singing and he did an amazing job, but pretty sure they have a new singer now  I recently went through the two most recent albums before this one and there were a couple of ok tracks, but mostly mid. Fun fact: I saw the Angels a couple of years before Doc died at the Middle hotel in Ferntree Gully and they seemed to hate each other. Pretty sure Doc said nothing to the crowd all night. Fun fact 2: when they were building the transit bar in Melbourne, a mate and I found a service elevator that went to the roof, which was under construction. After peeing off the roof, which is always fun, we realised that we could clearly hear the music 5 or 6 floors below from a DJ I think. He was playing Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again. We started yelling down the No Way Get Fucked, Fuck Off bit thinking we were hilarious. Then soon we noticed people looking up, and for some reason they seemed to be clearly hearing us. Another mate then called us to tell us security were on the way up the stairs so we took the service elevator down and managed to laugh it off. Stoopid drunk story I guess, but fun days.
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    • Yeah, that's great but this is obviously an accomplished musician probably completely in control of this output... not done with Suno, I'd bet. There's definitely dudes out there who are perfectly capable of doing their own music, like this dude, but for whatever reason might not be able to put a project together, again, for whatever reason... but this definitely feels a lot more like AI feeling in the missing gaps for someone otherwise in complete control of what he wants.  Either way, it is very cool indeed.  As Darkstone says, I'm not sure paying is the way to get the best results. I'm also not saying it isn't, especially with other platforms that are not Suno. I think already knowing what you're doing, musically, is the best way to get best results, personally. Suno, for example, is just perfect for someone who might enjoy writing lyrics but is not in any way shape or form an accomplished (or even adequate, lol) musician.  But yeah, it's pretty cool for some fun. I'm not sure if you checked out my links above. Keeping them pretty quiet due to lyrical content, lol, but you might dig some of the stuff in my links. 'As the moment passes by' and 'I'll wait for you' are two of my personal faves. Along with 'Faith to fall.'
    • Yeah, musically it's what you want, but vocally... Maybe Alex should take some vocal lessons from Ken Tamplin. ;}
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