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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Some old movie - The Wrong Man I think.

B&W with Henry Fonda.

Not bad actually - I'm not usually able to stay on the channel when I'm flicking and come across an old movie, but ended up watching this one.

Weird ending, which was then explained further with a text overlay.

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There Will Be Blood.
Been sick with the flu and this came on so I watched it again even though I hated it the first time.

Thought it may be better second time around and it wasn't :(



Saw this first time in Taiwan, so nice to see it without subtitles etc.

Always had the feeling that it could have been better without getting so weird at the end.

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"Halloween" (1978)

My October isn't complete until I've had a viewing of the John Carpenter classic. Besides, I needed to cleanse my palate after revisiting Rob Zombie's disappointing re-do a few days prior. :D
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"Halloween" (1978)


My October isn't complete until I've had a viewing of the John Carpenter classic. Besides, I needed to cleanse my palate after revisiting Rob Zombie's disappointing re-do a few days prior. :D

That scene were JLC is standing in the doorway and its all black behind her and MM appears out of seemingly nowhere still illicit chills. Best cinematography ever and is ripped royally still to this day by everyone.

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"The Forest" (1982)
Deep in the woods, a quartet of backpackers have an unfortunate run-in with a psycho cannibal hermit who's tortured by the spirits of his dead kids ... or something like that. Hilarity does not ensue. "The Forest" is WAY below average, poorly acted, snail's paced slasher crapola. To add insult to injury, the copy streaming on Amazon Prime plays like a washed-out VHS tape that's been rented 1000 times. AVOID.

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"Asylum" (1972)

A job-seeking doctor arrives at a creepy old mental hospital and meets its four most interesting patients, who tell him their stories of how they got there - involving a corpse in a freezer, a murderous imaginary friend, a tailor who makes an unusual suit, and a doctor who creates living dolls.
A creepy-cool British horror anthology from Amicus Studio, who also brought us the similarly styled "Vault of Horror" and "Tales From the Crypt." All four of the stories were written by Robert "Psycho" Bloch. Retro fun!
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"Jurassic World" (2015)

The dinosaur park is open for business, and to draw in new crowds InGen has whipped up a brand new, supersized, genetically engineered monster dino they call "Indominus Rex." Needless to say, this will turn out spectacularly bad for everyone involved.
There's really nothing here that you haven't already seen in the previous three "JP" movies but it's still a fast paced ride full of stunts,narrow escapes, and dino chowin' action. A fun popcorn flick.
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"Jurassic World" (2015)


The dinosaur park is open for business, and to draw in new crowds InGen has whipped up a brand new, supersized, genetically engineered monster dino they call "Indominus Rex." Needless to say, this will turn out spectacularly bad for everyone involved.

There's really nothing here that you haven't already seen in the previous three "JP" movies but it's still a fast paced ride full of stunts,narrow escapes, and dino chowin' action. A fun popcorn flick.

Watched it last night too. Borrowed it from my son. Fun to watch, but I think Ive seen enough of the "Jurassic" movies. Unless they do something completely different & new. They are getting repetitive. ;)

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HellBoy II - The Golden Army :)

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I LOVE this film!

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"Rewind This!" (2013)

Cool documentary about the history of the VHS video format -- how it changed the way we watched movies, and its effects on the movie business and the retail industry. It also profiles a couple of diehard VHS collectors who refuse to let go of the format. Quirky, entertaining stuff.
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Cliffhanger - still one of my favorites.

Cobra - easy enough to watch. I remember getting Cobra sunglasses at my local video store when I rented it when it was released lol

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"Rewind This!" (2013)

Cool documentary about the history of the VHS video format -- how it changed the way we watched movies, and its effects on the movie business and the retail industry. It also profiles a couple of diehard VHS collectors who refuse to let go of the format. Quirky, entertaining stuff.

This has been on my watch list for a while now. Thanks for reminding me. Or shall I say re "winding".

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