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66 mustang

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X-Men Days of Future Past




I really enjoyed this.. Though I DO Have some questions?? Like How is Professor Xavier alive after what happened in The Last Stand?? Unless this is a different timeline or something.. Keith?? any help Man??? :tumbsup:


Aside from that I really did enjoy this move and look forward to Apocalypse.....

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  • My Little Pony

X-Men Days of Future Past



I really enjoyed this.. Though I DO Have some questions?? Like How is Professor Xavier alive after what happened in The Last Stand?? Unless this is a different timeline or something.. Keith?? any help Man??? :tumbsup:


Aside from that I really did enjoy this move and look forward to Apocalypse.....


I believe this was a way to reboot the series. From what I understand, they brought in the whole time travelling gimmick to bring back characters they wanted, and kill off others.

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"The Interview" (2014)

When a clueless American talk show host snags an exclusive interview with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the CIA decides to use it as the cover for an assassination. Mayhem, naturally, ensues.
The controversial comedy that caused an international incident and brought the wrath of hackers down upon Sony Pictures ... wasn't really worth making such a fuss over!! Seth Rogen is funny, as is the guy who plays Kim Jong Un, but James Franco gets annoying after a while.
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Escape From Tomorrow (2013)


Dubbed the ultimate guerrilla film, this Fantasy-Horror flick was shot on location at both Disneyland and Disney World. I'll be honest, I didn't really know what the hell was going on. After I watched it, I read the synopsis on Wikipedia, and it makes a bit more sense now. I can't exactly recommend this one. The acting wasn't that great -- it wasn't terrible either -- and it was hard to follow, but I really just watched it for the same reason most people did: to witness guerrilla filmmaking taken to the next level.

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  • My Little Pony

"The Interview" (2014)


When a clueless American talk show host snags an exclusive interview with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the CIA decides to use it as the cover for an assassination. Mayhem, naturally, ensues.

The controversial comedy that caused an international incident and brought the wrath of hackers down upon Sony Pictures ... wasn't really worth making such a fuss over!! Seth Rogen is funny, as is the guy who plays Kim Jong Un, but James Franco gets annoying after a while.


I have no interest in seeing this. All the controversy seems like it was created simply to promote the film, because nobody actually wanted to show this, it is that bad. But after we blamed North Korea for the hack (such bullshit!) this movie became the poster child for freedom of speech. It all seemed to work in their favour, just a bit too much.

Oh, and I can't support that pedophile. James Franco. My friend worked on this film, and he had nothing good to say about him. He didn't say anything negative, mind you, because he wants to keep his job. ;}

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Jeez, you'll think up anything to get out of watching a movie, won't you? Again, pointless shit which has nothing to do with whether the movie is any good or not. How can you say "It's that bad" in the very sentence after saying you have no interest in even seeing it?


Seriously, I'm sure my PM box is free. You are terrible with movies and need my help asap on how to watch movies. I will charge you a lot of money for my services, but you need it, because you really, really suck.


And jeez, you think you might be being a little harsh on Franco? I saw your line about him being a pedophile and I'm all like zomfg, I had no idea. I hope he dies tomorrow for sexual assault on young girls and/or boys. I go do a Google search and his crime is trying to pick up a 17 year old girl? Fuck me. Okay, so he was a bit silly to do what he did, but let me alert you to the real world. If you know a single male of any age group who has not fantasized about a girl who might be (who ever even knows these days) 17 years old (unintentionally or not), well, I'll eat my balls. To label that pedophilia is a bit extreme in my opinion, though I'm sure not everyone would agree with me.


Anyway, I saw a movie! It was this:


Fatal Honeymoon ; pretty basic TV movie, but still extremely interesting. It is based on the true story of the US honeymooners who came to Australia on their honeymoon in 2003, where the wife of 11 days died whilst diving on the Great Barrier Reef. I'll be honest and admit I wasn't overly familiar with the story but found the basic movie enthralling. The movie heavily, heavily, heavily painted the picture that the husband murdered his wife, and to be honest from everything I read post-movie and the evidence present, I'd be inclined to agree. But he is a free man today after serving an 18 month sentence in Australia.


Anyway, all that aside, I just really enjoyed it. I get the feeling it was more or less shot in Australia (even the US scenes) and dodgy Aussie actors were hired to play US characters with awful American accents, but that aside, I liked it. Pretty comprehensive version (though undoubtedly biased) of a story I was not familiar with, but now am.


I do wonder how a movie like this is allowed to be released, basically leaving it's message completely unable to misread... accusing a free man of murder. Not that I disagree with it... just surprises me it is allowed a release.

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I'm not a fan of Rogen or Franco but I will probably check it out just because of the controversy.....I do believe North Korea was responsible for the hacking as they are incredibly thin-skinned....never heard about Franco being a pedophile but anything is possible I guess but I would need some serious evidence before I labelled anyone with that moniker...

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  • My Little Pony

I'm not a fan of Rogen or Franco


The funny thing is, from their on-screen appearances, Seth Rogen comes across as a douche, while James Franco seems like a nice guy. But apparently the very opposite is true. I thought that was interesting. I'm still not typically a fan of Seth Rogen's films.

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  • My Little Pony

I'm not a fan of Rogen or Franco


The funny thing is, from their on-screen appearances, Seth Rogen comes across as a douche, while James Franco seems like a nice guy. But apparently the very opposite is true. I thought that was interesting. I'm still not typically a fan of Seth Rogen's films.

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Double-feature with the young'ins on a snowy afternoon:

"Underdog" (2007)


Disney's live-action take on the classic '60s superhero-pooch cartoon is silly fun for kids and relatively painless for their parents.


"Rodan" (1956)


Toho Studios followed up "Godzilla" with this flick about a pair of prehistoric pterodactyls re-awakened by atomic testing. Enjoyably goofy rubber-monster nonsense. Fun fact: this was Toho's first "kaiju" movie to be filmed in color.

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Did a double feature at the 2nd run theatre today with the sprites and saw:


Big Hero 6=Excellent, great story and tons of goodness and for comic geeks the after credits bit is sweet!


The Penguins Madagascar=Excellent as well. If you dig the franchise you can't go wrong with the Bond-esque penguins and John Malkovich as the bad guy is nice!

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never heard about Franco being a pedophile but anything is possible I guess but I would need some serious evidence before I labelled anyone with that moniker...


I read a bit more on it last night after my post and apparently the age of consent where he was at is 17 years old anyway. It's 16 in Australia. Looks like Karpethead is one of "those guys." Jumps the gun with idiotic comments before actually applying a little bit of common sense and logic to the situation at hand. Not a fan of that type of rubbish at all. Hate it, in fact.

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Back on track here. Love watching underdog with the kids, who doesn't love a bad guy team of putty (seinfeld) and tyrion (game of thrones).

Big hero 6 was good fun.


Just finished watching blue ruin - fucked up revenge movie.

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Watched The Book of Life. Good one to watch with the kids especially if they like music in their movies. Will be grabbing the soundtrack.

I guess because it's not disney/pixar or dreamworks no one cares. Check it out, great animated flick.

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"R.O.T.O.R." (1988)

The robotic lawman of the future malfunctions and goes on a killing spree, so the scientist who invented it must track it down... with the help of a female body builder with a skunk streak in her hair. Much unintentional hilarity ensues.

This awful no-budget "RoboCop"/"Terminator" wanna-be has achieved semi-legendary status in bad movie circles. The acting and dialogue are horrendous, the pacing is non-existent, and the "robot" is just a leather jacketed dude with a porn 'stache. WTF moments abound.

For best results, watch this movie while under the influence of at least a 12 pack of beer.
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"Swamp Women" (1956)

One of Roger Corman's earliest directorial efforts, this enjoyably trashy "bad girl" movie follows four female prison escapees into the swamps of Louisiana, on a quest to recover a stash of stolen diamonds. Needless to say, greed and the wildlife both take a toll on the partners along the way. Hot '50s chicks in short-shorts having catfights? Hubba hubba, Roger, you DO know what I like. :D

For some reason, this film was included in my "50 Horror Classics" DVD pack even though it's most definitely NOT a horror movie, it's a crime/caper flick... unless you consider attacks by rattlesnakes and rubber-alligators "horror" material.
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Under the Skin (2013)


The third film from British director Jonathan Glazer; this time he seriously channels Stanley Kubrick. It stars Scarlett Johansson, and may even be her best performance, yet. I don't want to say too much about the film, as to not give it away, but it follows her, a seductress, as she drives around Scotland preying on men. If you like artistic films, ala the aforementioned Mr. Kubrick, you will not want to miss this one. Absolutely stunning.

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The Heat ... a nice reminder that Sandra Bullock CAN make a decent film!

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Interstellar - decent sci-fi flick...worth checking out if you are a fan of the genre

Transcendence - this was better than I expected but I would not call it great...worth watching once

Divergent- this was a pretty good movie and I'm curious about part 2 that opens in March

Ouija - not very good...

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  • My Little Pony

Interstellar - decent sci-fi flick...worth checking out if you are a fan of the genre


Is this available, yet, or did you see it in theatre?


Transcendence - this was better than I expected but I would not call it great...worth watching once


This is that Johnny Depp film, right? It started off with promise, but quickly trailed off.


Divergent- this was a pretty good movie and I'm curious about part 2 that opens in March


I never bothered with this, as I admit being prejudice towards younger actors. Is it that good? Maybe I'll check it out.

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The Signal (2014)


I'm not sure how to explain this one without giving away too much (I know, I seem to say that all the time). It starts off following three MIT students on a road trip to California. On the way they are taunted by a hacker and they trace him to an abandoned house where... I'll leave it there. Laurence Fishburne is the only face I recognized, but the cinematography was great, and the direction was good. The story is what gets criticism, but I enjoyed it. It generates a lot of questions, and I think the lack of answers is what upsets most viewers. Anyway, it's a nice addition to the growing indie sci-fi scene. I'd recommend it.

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