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66 mustang

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In The Electric Mist ; not a bad murder mystery movie set in the swamplands in the US. Starring Tom Lee Jones & John Goodman (is that his name?) it goes alright. There's holes here and there and it's not perfectly crafted... ending is kind of a non-event too, but it was okay.

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Saw: The Final Chapter.. Again.. LOVE this movie!! :tumbsup:


Good one that. Love the scene with the guy from Linkin Park in...

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The Killing (2011)

13 episodes series, done the marathon yesterday after spending 4 days in a row, hm i'll say it's a good one, pretty typical murder/mystery type of movie, and right in the middle, it's kinda predictable, but i like the twist at the end, but this cliffhanger type of ending is really killing me :christmas:


hm, okay hooked up to wait for the second season :popcorn:

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Bridesmaids (2011)

thought it's a funny movie, but in fact, it's not and it's retard.

I watched this with my wife yesterday and it's a big yawn for me, in fact, i slept halfway and probably awake when Wilson Philip's 'Hold On' is played out, well a good song indeed, but an ultimately boring movie for me.

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Resident Evil : Afterlife (2010)

two horrible movies in two nights, definitely bad days for me. This is zombie-shooting with lots of boring slow-motion. Perhaps intended for fans of the video-games or zombie thing only. I didn't finish this movie and walked-out of my theater .. err .. room :D

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Jumper - close to as safe as a movie gets. It wasn't bad, but it was just average. Nothing overly wrong with it, but it almost seemed rushed and void of much of a storyline. Still totally watchable, though.


Premonition - wowser. Finally, after months of searching I have found another true gem. This is a heartbreakingly sad film about a romantically detached couple with 2 kids, deep into marital staleness. Starting on the day Sandra Bullock is informed of her husband's death, the movie jumps from the day of his death, to the day before, to the day after, to 2 days before (and so on for the full week around his death). It's a little hard to follow at the start when you're not sure what's happening, but in the end it was completely captivating, chilling, and as I said above, completely heartbreaking. I've never actually watched a film just hoping for some miracle "happy" ending, but I did in this one. Despite the sad way in which it touched me, I thought it was excellent. And I must say as a here-nor-there observer of Sandra Bullock, I think she looked absolutely gorgeous in the film. Not sexy swimsuit nudity stuff, as she was merely an everyday housewife, but she just looked beautiful. Sexelicious. Excellent film, an instant all time top 10 for me.

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Yeah, and she was smoking hot in the Blind Side too



Yeah, that's still high on my list of films to view. Must see that one.

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Kicked off my annual Schlock-Tober festivities with "Man-Thing" (2004)




Oil company workers and rednecks learn the folly of digging for oil in sacred Indian swamp lands when they meet the Guardian of the Swamp, a hulking vegetation creature who tears any and all intruders limb from limb.


Based (loosely) on the classic Marvel Comic, though it had little to no resemblance to the source material. Despite that it was a decent creature feature.

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The Devil Rides Out (1968)


An occult themed Hammer horror about a Satanist group that wants to possess a young man and Christopher Lee as the protagonist (!) who tries to save his soul... I'm a fan of these type of films but this one didn't impress me much; a few cool scenes but a little bit boring overall.

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The Devil Rides Out (1968)


An occult themed Hammer horror about a Satanist group that wants to possess a young man and Christopher Lee as the protagonist (!) who tries to save his soul... I'm a fan of these type of films but this one didn't impress me much; a few cool scenes but a little bit boring overall.


Not one of the best Hammer films but watchable

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Priest - another vamp flick...s'okay.

it was different wasn't it. Vampire flick set in futuristic sci-fi and Old West at the same time mixed with a little Mad Max thrown for good measure.

Yeah, it left the end open for a sequel, I enjoyed it more than these crappy vampire films/shows where the vamp is some teenage good looking guy/girl, or ones where it is some kind of romantic foppish character....Anne Rice completely fucked up the vampire genre and turned it into Mills and Boon romance, something for sexually frustrated housewives and young girls! Vampires should be evil - nay nay and thrice nay - the epitome of evil as they were in folklore and Bram Stokers classic.

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