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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Castle of Cagliostro


Good animated film, great characters, possibly not one I'll watch again, but really enjoyable.

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Watched The Mummy and the Mummy Returns, on Blu Ray.. Absolutely FANTASTIC picture!! Damn I am loving Blu Ray.....


Did I mention I watch My Blu Ray movies onMy new 50" Plasma HDTV?? It's SWEET!!!! :tumbsup:


I`m quite envious :crying:

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Did I mention I watch My Blu Ray movies onMy new 50" Plasma HDTV?? It's SWEET!!!! :tumbsup:


Jeebus. Have you tried watching porn on that thing yet? Must be bigger than life! :yikes:

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Innocent Voices


A true story based on the memories of a boy who lived during the civil war in El Salvador. A harrowing, yet incredible film. If you have any interest at all in the subject matter, or just serious films in general, I strongly recommend seeing this. Just don't expect to have a big smile on your face afterwards! A humbling experience.

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Does it live up to the hype?

Honestly, it was good, but no. I guess because I read so much fiction and have seen so many movies along the same lines, it was a little too predictable for me. My wife liked it a lot, and it really was very entertaining, with some great special effects.

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Does it live up to the hype?

Honestly, it was good, but no. I guess because I read so much fiction and have seen so many movies along the same lines, it was a little too predictable for me. My wife liked it a lot, and it really was very entertaining, with some great special effects.


Good summary, cheers. I think we'll wait for the DVD. Quite fancy seeing Scott Pilgrim instead...

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Scooby Doo 2


:rofl: See the thread I just started about the new "Scooby Doo" cartoon series!

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Jailhouse Rock


The King of R n' R ( not AOR ) :popcorn:

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30 Days Of Night


Good Vampire movie - Lots of blood and gore just the way I like it

I loved this one. Spook factor was up there with the blood and gore.

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