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66 mustang

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"The Descent" ... whoa. Nasty lil' piece of work here. A group of women goes cave explorin' in the Appalachian mountains and get on the wrong side of a race of Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers (haha). Creepy, dark, claustrophobic, gory, totally killer.

Great film :tumbsup:




backed kicks arse. Chicks are hot too :-)

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Clash of The Titans. Some good special effects. A lot better than the first version of the movie. :lol:


Watched this one the other day. I have to totally disagree the original still rules, the story line is way better with more action. There are no boobies in the new one, so right there the original is better. :tits:

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Illegal Aliens


Definitely one of the worst films in history. Three aliens morphed into some silicone boobed chicks and trying to save the world or something. Okay, even the chicks were ugly. It's a real low budget garbage.

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Well... I kinda liked it, cool futuristic design and a cooler Bruce Willis but the story goes nowhere. And you're having the feeling that you're watching 'I, Robot 2'... even the old professor is played by the same actor! :whistle:

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I wasn't watching, but my daughter and niece had High School Musical on while the wife and I were playing PC games in the same room. Sadly, I saw enough to realise that the story is exactly what I thought it would be and could have been written by an 8-year-old. The music made me want to rip my ears off. Truly awful, someone please make the nasty mental images disappear... :puke:

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Started re-watching "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" last night but started drowsing so I turned it off about 40 minutes in... will pick up where I left off tonite.. .

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The Proposal ; my mate gave me a bunch of Ryan Reynolds movies to borrow the other day, and this was one of them... and the best too. Predictable and more subtle than a straight comedy, but enjoyable nevertheless. I enjoy Reynolds in anything and Bullock is "enterable" in this too. Yeah it's a girly film, but not bad at all.


Waiting ; another Ryan Reynolds film. No real point or story - more like a day in the life of a waiter in a restaurant. Not a total disaster, but awkward in spots. To be honest, though, not as bad as it was shaping up to be. Watchable.


1408 ; I really quite enjoyed this. I figured out the point I thought it was going to go back to as soon as the scene happened, but it looks like that was only a small part of it in the end. A bit of a mindf*ck, trying to figure out exactly what's really happening or not, but a very cool film anyway. I'd recommend it for the horror fans amongst us.


Amusement ; another good surprise. Looked trashy on the cover, but this was not bad at all. It seemed very random through the first three major scenes/stories, which were three separate almost cliched horror scenes, and I swear the villian in each different part was a different person, which I still don't understand, but it all supposedly tied together in the end and really wasn't bad at all. Lead girl had an A+ body and of the other two girls one was very nice and the third not bad either. Well shot... yeah, not too bad at all.

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Waiting ; another Ryan Reynolds film. No real point or story - more like a day in the life of a waiter in a restaurant. Not a total disaster, but awkward in spots. To be honest, though, not as bad as it was shaping up to be. Watchable.



I enjoyed Waiting, it was quite funny and has Anna Faris in it. :quagmire:

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Finished "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (2nd time seeing it) last night. I know a lot of fans of the novels hate that movie because it didn't "stick to the books," but anybody who's read the novels should know that they're generally so random and non-linear that producing a truly "faithful" film adaptation would've been impossible.


As it is, I dig it. The movie may not reproduce the story of the novel to the absolute letter, but it still captures their insane vibe.Plus, Zooey Deschanel is hot. :wub:

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince


I loved the previous episodes and I love this one as well. Awesome movie.




Each to his own I suppose!


They watched High School Musical 2 last night. Oh dear. Still, less predictable than the first one, a bit funnier, but still very, very painful to sit through.

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince


I loved the previous episodes and I love this one as well. Awesome movie.




Each to his own I suppose!


They watched High School Musical 2 last night. Oh dear. Still, less predictable than the first one, a bit funnier, but still very, very painful to sit through.


The Potter films are great.....what's not to like about them.


However, none of the films have lived up to the books and this one in particular missed about half of the book out.


Glad that they have decided to do 'The Deathly Hallows' over 2 films, and not cut corners.


The last book is excellent and by far the best....the films are gonna rock

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince


I loved the previous episodes and I love this one as well. Awesome movie.




Each to his own I suppose!


They watched High School Musical 2 last night. Oh dear. Still, less predictable than the first one, a bit funnier, but still very, very painful to sit through.


The Potter films are great.....what's not to like about them.


However, none of the films have lived up to the books and this one in particular missed about half of the book out.


Glad that they have decided to do 'The Deathly Hallows' over 2 films, and not cut corners.


The last book is excellent and by far the best....the films are gonna rock


imo the first 2 films were terrible, in fact the first one would probably be in my top ten worst films ever. Lots of very short scenes, awkwardly stitched together, really disjointed. A bit like watching a sketch show, but without the laughs. I quite enjoyed the third film and thought things were looking up, but did not like the 4th or 5th.


To repeat what I said in another thread, for me it's all about the stories and I don't think these are good stories at all. Don't mean to offend anyone, I just hate Harry Potter!

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince


I loved the previous episodes and I love this one as well. Awesome movie.




Each to his own I suppose!


They watched High School Musical 2 last night. Oh dear. Still, less predictable than the first one, a bit funnier, but still very, very painful to sit through.


The Potter films are great.....what's not to like about them.


However, none of the films have lived up to the books and this one in particular missed about half of the book out.


Glad that they have decided to do 'The Deathly Hallows' over 2 films, and not cut corners.


The last book is excellent and by far the best....the films are gonna rock


imo the first 2 films were terrible, in fact the first one would probably be in my top ten worst films ever. Lots of very short scenes, awkwardly stitched together, really disjointed. A bit like watching a sketch show, but without the laughs. I quite enjoyed the third film and thought things were looking up, but did not like the 4th or 5th.


To repeat what I said in another thread, for me it's all about the stories and I don't think these are good stories at all. Don't mean to offend anyone, I just hate Harry Potter!


all boils down to taste i suppose, but you cant really say the stories are poor. Rowling has captivated a generation with her ideas and story lines and made a $billion along the way

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Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince


I loved the previous episodes and I love this one as well. Awesome movie.




Each to his own I suppose!


They watched High School Musical 2 last night. Oh dear. Still, less predictable than the first one, a bit funnier, but still very, very painful to sit through.


The Potter films are great.....what's not to like about them.


However, none of the films have lived up to the books and this one in particular missed about half of the book out.


Glad that they have decided to do 'The Deathly Hallows' over 2 films, and not cut corners.


The last book is excellent and by far the best....the films are gonna rock


imo the first 2 films were terrible, in fact the first one would probably be in my top ten worst films ever. Lots of very short scenes, awkwardly stitched together, really disjointed. A bit like watching a sketch show, but without the laughs. I quite enjoyed the third film and thought things were looking up, but did not like the 4th or 5th.


To repeat what I said in another thread, for me it's all about the stories and I don't think these are good stories at all. Don't mean to offend anyone, I just hate Harry Potter!


all boils down to taste i suppose, but you cant really say the stories are poor. Rowling has captivated a generation with her ideas and story lines and made a $billion along the way


But loads of it isn't her ideas at all, it's just taken from other stories/myths/legends!

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I'm sure I'll get made fun of tons for this, but I recently watched "17 Again" with Zac Efron. It was actually a really good movie. Aside from the fact that it was chock full of hot chicks, Zac Efron wasn't annoying already (like I thought after knowing of his High School Musical past). Really funny stuff, I thought, because of the positions of his character. Thomas Lennon (Reno: 911) was funny too. (Any sci-fi geeks will love this movie too. haha) Other than the very ending, which was rather obvious and lacking in a smart/"logical" segue, even with the suspension of disbelief, I thought it was an enjoyable movie.

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