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66 mustang

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Taxi 2


Great sequel, very enjoyable and extremely silly. And as much as I love Zooey Deschanel, Rachel Weisz, Kirsten Dunst, etc, I have decided that Marion Cotillard is the most gorgeous woman ever. She should be in all films. :masturbanana:

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"Amazing Journey: Six Quick Ones" - a documentary about The Who, consisting of six short films -- profiles of all four original Who members, a segment on Pete Townshend's writing style, and finally a look at the recording sessions for the first new Who song in 20+ years, "Good Lookin' Boy."


Maybe it's because I'm only a casual Who fan but I found this film pretty dry. There's some cool vintage live clips of the band sprinkled throughout but for the most part it's just Daltrey, Townshend, and a bunch of related guests (producers, management, etc.) talking, talking, talking, talking.

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The Final Destination


You know, it's the fourth part of the series. Well, not as good as the others (the third one is my fave) but quite enjoyable and even gorier than the previous films. Oh, and the lead female character has a very nice ass. :tumbsup:

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The Final Destination


You know, it's the fourth part of the series. Well, not as good as the others (the third one is my fave) but quite enjoyable and even gorier than the previous films. Oh, and the lead female character has a very nice ass. :tumbsup:


I enjoyed that one too, even if the "FD" formula is really getting worn out by now. You can practically recite the dialogue along with the actors. "We were supposed to die! By not dying we messed up Death's plan! Now he's trying to close the loop!" Yadda, yadda, yadda...

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Adam Sandler's FUNNY PEOPLE. Good movie, more a dramatic charactor study than a comedy, but still lots of funny bits and tons of comedian cameos. Didn't know it was 2 1/2 hrs long, glad I didn't see it at the movies! Still recommend :)

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Adam Sandler's FUNNY PEOPLE. Good movie, more a dramatic charactor study than a comedy, but still lots of funny bits and tons of comedian cameos. Didn't know it was 2 1/2 hrs long, glad I didn't see it at the movies! Still recommend :)


Recently saw this and said the same thing.


Just saw The Rocker. As much as I hate Rainn Wilson (from the few seconds of the Office I've watched and commercials and stuff) and thought the movie looked stupid, I actually ended up thinking it was a pretty good movie. Plus, any movie with our type of music in it has to be good, right?!

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Smokin' Aces 2


Hot chick, expolsions, mindless violence and good old Vinny Jones sticking things in peoples heads = Bloody excellent fun.

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The Wolfman - Excellent film IMO. I've always been a fan of anything Werewolf related and this was top notch. The transformation scenes were great to and didn't look as stupid and computer generated as some of the other recent flicks.


Hot Tub Time Machine - A hilarious movie featuring many of "our" tunes from Poison, Motley and even the Bulletboys. It was awesome nice see John Cusack in something funny again plus Craig Robinson is always hilarious.


The Road - With Viggo Mortenson. Based on the best selling book of the same name about a post appocalyptic world and about a Man traveling and trying to survive and protect his son. A good movie and a powerful reflection on our seceity and what could happen in the future. Really scary to think about.


Felon - With Val Kilmer and Stephen Dorf. Much better than I expected.

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Despicable Me and The Last Airbender.


Saw The Last Airbender last weekend...not so good. I hope the next one is much better.

It was better than I thought but had some bad parts in addition to some well filmed scenes. Kinda hit and miss.

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