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66 mustang

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"Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" (1997)

The debut of Mike "SNL" Myers' shagadelically-obsessed British secret agent who was frozen in the '60s and then revived in the '90s when his old nemesis returns with a plot to take over the world. This affectionate ode to '60s spy flicks is juvenile and silly but still funny as hell.
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"Danger: Diabolik" (1968)

Mario Bava directed this campy, colorful action flick (based on a popular Italian comic series) which is kinda like a blend of James Bond and the '60s "Batman" TV show. A high-tech master thief known only as "Diabolik" has a Batcave full of cool gadgets and a smokin' hot girlfriend/accomplice. Due to his talent for pulling off seemingly-impossible heists, Diabolik isn't just wanted by the good guys at Interpol, but also by the European crime syndicate, who are tired of him stealing their thunder. Very Sixties, very groovy!
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"Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery" (1997)


The debut of Mike "SNL" Myers' shagadelically-obsessed British secret agent who was frozen in the '60s and then revived in the '90s when his old nemesis returns with a plot to take over the world. This affectionate ode to '60s spy flicks is juvenile and silly but still funny as hell.

A few weeks back ran the sprites through this trilogy and they have been hooked ever since. Nothing more epic than an almost ten year old quoting Mike Myers.



The Night Before


Funny as all get out. Seth Rogan and company's tale of Christmas woes. There is a bit in this with Franco that is gut busting. DO NOT believe the poor reviews as this one is funny.



NSF mash up, prepare for new shorts...


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  • My Little Pony


The Night Before


Funny as all get out. Seth Rogan and company's tale of Christmas woes. There is a bit in this with Franco that is gut busting. DO NOT believe the poor reviews as this one is funny.


Just watched this off your recommendation. Much better than I anticipated.



"Are you laughing?"

"Did you just call our baby a cunt?"


Too funny.


I started, though, with Neighbors, as I figured I was already in for a night of Seth Rogen.

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The Night Before


Funny as all get out. Seth Rogan and company's tale of Christmas woes. There is a bit in this with Franco that is gut busting. DO NOT believe the poor reviews as this one is funny.


Just watched this off your recommendation. Much better than I anticipated.



"Are you laughing?"

"Did you just call our baby a cunt?"


Too funny.


I started, though, with Neighbors, as I figured I was already in for a night of Seth Rogen.


Yes Rogan is really funny in that The Night Before, his bit with Franco is pee yourself funny. People didn't like the Neighbors so much either but I dug it.



Again, not a movie, but working our way through the first season of Orange is the New Black. Not bad.

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Excellent mystery movie and one of Douglas' best !

Ive watched this one at least a 1/2 dozen times since its release. Great movie. :D



Me too. One my favourite films ever!

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Excellent mystery movie and one of Douglas' best !

Ive watched this one at least a 1/2 dozen times since its release. Great movie. :D



Me too. One my favourite films ever!





Freakin love that film.

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"The Beastmaster" (1982)

Don "Phantasm" Coscarelli's cult sword-and-sorcery classic about a musclebound barbarian (Marc Singer, later of "V") who has a knack for communicating with animals. This talent comes in handy frequently as he sets out on a mission to take down the tyrant (Rip Torn) who destroyed his village.

This silly but still-watchable fantasy flick features cool creature makeup, lots of butt kicking action, cute critters, and perhaps most importantly, Tanya Roberts' boobs.

"Beastmaster" played so frequently on early '80s cable that Dennis Miller once joked that "HBO" must have stood for "Hey, Beastmaster's On!" :rofl2:

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"The Beastmaster" (1982)



Don "Phantasm" Coscarelli's cult sword-and-sorcery classic about a musclebound barbarian (Marc Singer, later of "V") who has a knack for communicating with animals. This talent comes in handy frequently as he sets out on a mission to take down the tyrant (Rip Torn) who destroyed his village.


This silly but still-watchable fantasy flick features cool creature makeup, lots of butt kicking action, cute critters, and perhaps most importantly, Tanya Roberts' boobs.


"Beastmaster" played so frequently on early '80s cable that Dennis Miller once joked that "HBO" must have stood for "Hey, Beastmaster's On!" :lmao:

I loved that film when i was a kid.

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Went to see 'Grimsby' last night (Sacha Baron Cohen/Mark Strong)

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"The Beastmaster" (1982)



Don "Phantasm" Coscarelli's cult sword-and-sorcery classic about a musclebound barbarian (Marc Singer, later of "V") who has a knack for communicating with animals. This talent comes in handy frequently as he sets out on a mission to take down the tyrant (Rip Torn) who destroyed his village.


This silly but still-watchable fantasy flick features cool creature makeup, lots of butt kicking action, cute critters, and perhaps most importantly, Tanya Roberts' boobs.


"Beastmaster" played so frequently on early '80s cable that Dennis Miller once joked that "HBO" must have stood for "Hey, Beastmaster's On!" :lmao:

I loved that film when i was a kid.


I hadn't seen it in dog years but I came across it on a bargain bin collection DVD yesterday (packaged with three cheap-o random SyFy channel style swords-n-dragons flicks) and I couldn't pass it up!! It's aged pretty terribly of course but it was worth the three bucks just to see Tanya Roberts in (and out of) that plain-brown-wrapper outfit...I swear that flick captured her at her absolute peak of hottie perfection. :D

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"We Are Twisted F***ing Sister!" (2014)

This insanely entertaining documentary focuses on Twisted Sister's ten year struggle to land a record deal and escape from the endless grind of the suburban New York club circuit. (Their subsequent shot to the top and equally swift fall from grace could easily be a whole 'nother film!) Dee Snider and Jay Jay French get most of the camera time and have all the best stories, unsurprisingly, but many other T.S. members and associates past and present get to have their say as well. Even if you're a long time die hard fan who thinks you know everything about Twisted Sister, you're bound to learn some new bits of trivia from this doc. Required viewing for all SMF's!!
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"Eden" (2015)

After their plane crashes on a remote tropical island, the members of a pro soccer team proceed to go all "Lord of the Flies" on each other as hunger and thirst begin to take their toll. An entertaining, but mostly predictable thriller.
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"Mission Bloody Mary" (1965)

More Euro-spy fun from Italy. This is the first of three Italian/French co-productions that starred American bit player Ken Clark as Dick Malloy, aka "Agent 077" (groooan!).
Just in case you're keeping score, by the way, this series of films has no relation to the OTHER trilogy of Italian made James Bond knockoffs which starred American bit player Richard Harrison as a totally different American spy whose code number was also "077." Glad we cleared that up. :rofl2:
Anyway, Clark is sent across Europe to track down a stolen nuclear device from a spy organization called the "Black Lily," tangles with a bunch of Russian and Red Chinese spies and of course scores with a couple of hot '60s chicks. The action is slow moving and the dubbed English dialogue is hilariously awkward but I'm addicted to these cheap spy movies so it was an entertaining way to kill a lazy afternoon.
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  • My Little Pony

The Secret of Nimh


Classic animated film.


The Hogfather


This is a two part miniseries. My friend kept talking about this, so I figured I should watch it. It was my introduction to Terry Pratchett and the Discworld universe. I didn't know it was technically a Christmas story, so it was kinda out of season, but I still enjoyed it. I'll just wait til December before I watch it again.

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Daddys Home,wasn't too bad but from all the reviews ive been reading and opinions ive been hearing expected more...not as laugh out loud as id expected

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