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66 mustang

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"Friday the 13th Part 2" on American Movie Classics last night. One of the few "F13" sequels that I haven't seen a million zillion times so I'm not terminally sick of it.

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"Friday the 13th Part 2" on American Movie Classics last night. One of the few "F13" sequels that I haven't seen a million zillion times so I'm not terminally sick of it.


My favorite F13 movie. Sack on the head is so much cooler than that lame hockey mask. :whistle:



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Got FANTASTIC MR FOX for the kids, but I ended up liking it as much as they did. I never read the books but I loved the animation and found the story very charming (yes, I actually said charming!). I think anyone who likes WALLACE & GROMMIT will like ths movie, but the humor is much faster.

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Got FANTASTIC MR FOX for the kids, but I ended up liking it as much as they did. I never read the books but I loved the animation and found the story very charming (yes, I actually said charming!). I think anyone who likes WALLACE & GROMMIT will like ths movie, but the humor is much faster.


As a fan of Roald Dahl since I was about 6, I didn't enjoy this film as much as I'd hoped. So far removed from what is a lovely and very clever children's story. I thought it was okay, but not great.

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Predators.......Good movie, well worth renting.....or buying for that matter....


:agree: I really enjoyed it too, as silly as anything, but very watchable and a good film for the genre.


I just rented it and getting ready to watch it in a few minutes. Been looking forward to it. :D

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"Maniac Cop 2"




Crazed cop Matt Cordell returns from the "dead" to terrorize New York City for a second go-round, and this time he's got a "partner" -- a serial killer who specializes in prostitutes. This one's the best of the "MC" series in my book. Sleazy as hell, wall-to-wall violence, gore, and tons of action. Great little B-flick.

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Predators.......Good movie, well worth renting.....or buying for that matter....


:agree: I really enjoyed it too, as silly as anything, but very watchable and a good film for the genre.


I just rented it and getting ready to watch it in a few minutes. Been looking forward to it. :D


Well, about 20 minutes after I typed this last night I grabbed the movie to put it in my DVD player. I opened it and grabbed the disc and tried pulling it out of the case. WTF!!! :yikes: It still had the security lock on it!! When they gave it to me at the video store I never payed any attention. And I never looked at it at home again until i started to play it. So I DIDNT get to watch it last night!! :taz: The thing of it is, it was a free rental. They better give me a raincheck!! :unsure:

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'The Other Guys' ; Loved it. I honestly can't remember the last recent "comedy" I found genuinely funny. Loved this one, though. Some of the dialogue was just hilarious... the scenes when Walberg first met Ferrell's wife - just awesome. The first 3/4 of the film was pretty much all funny and the end was a little more serious, but overall I really dug this film. One of the opening scenes where Walberg is telling Ferrell how much he dislikes him, and that if he were a lion and Ferrell was a fish he would go out of his way to swim out in the ocean just to eat him... f*cking love it. Thumbs up.


'Adventureland' ; Another HUGE thumbs up. Just a sweet, sentimental tale of a small town fair over summer break in the US. I was really hoping the kid would intercourse the really sexy girl he went on a date with, but it wasn't to be. Just a simple, hugely enjoyable story. This is the kind of film I'm really digging these days.


'Basement' ; jeesus wept! Sorry guys, but English people bring to mind a person who designs a perfect woman and then cuts off her norks for some reason. I know the language is English, but what is with the abuse of it? Aside from just the pure act of these British people speaking, the dialogue and interaction between characters made me want to kill myself, the "story" was shit, the "thrills" were non-existent. I just hated this. Watching a group of dickheads walk in circles in a basement aimlessly for an hour and a half is very, very uncool. Dreadful peice of shit movie.


'2012' ; not bad at all for a harmless disaster flick. It was outrageous and over the top more times than not, but I enjoyed it for what it was. Only two years to go, guys...


'Bangkok Dangerous' ; everyone's favourite Nicolas Cage back on the scene. Having been to Thailand and knowing some of the sites, that was a fun part of the movie for me and as far as action films about hitmen go this wasn't too bad. I actually enjoyed it enough.

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Predators.. Pretty damn good!!! I liked how they incorporated information from the first Predator movie too... :tumbsup:


Like, the music played during the end credits?? Is the SAME music the character in the first movie, played by Jesse Ventura, was playing on His radio when they were flying into the jungle....


It leaves it open for more movies too.... So yea I enjoyed it... Blood and guts and shit being blown up!! :beerbang:

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"Waxwork" - forgotten '80s horror comedy in which a bunch of California teens enter a creepy wax museum, only to end up as part of the displays. I haven't seen this flick in years and though it was a lot sillier/more comedic than I remembered, there's some decent old school FX/monster makeup and a decent amount of gore as well. Perfect Schlock-tober entertainment!

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