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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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Max Payne

how was it?? thought about this one a few times.


UP - cute kids movie. if you are not moved to almost shed a tear in the first 15 minutes you have a very hard heart. then it gets going with the "today" story and is funny at times. like i said, cute kids movie.


Ghost Of Girlfriends Past - ok but don't go out of your way to see it. kind of redeams itself at the end but most of it is just not that great.

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Finally saw DISTRICT 9, could have been better, but it's not as bad as many say. The ending was unsatifying to me. Also, I'm really starting to hate documentary-style and "shaky camera" movies. But it had an interesting premise and story, and effects were cool.

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The original "Porky's" on Fox Movie Channel last night... never gets old! :rofl:

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The original "Porky's" on Fox Movie Channel last night... never gets old! :rofl:



No it sure doesn't get old.. One of the all time comedy classics!!! :rofl2:



"That... TALLYWHACKER... had a MOLE ON IT!"

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'High Tension' ; pretty good horror flick, though it's a bit harsh watching it with the English overdubs. And man, what is with a complete cast that is ugly as sin? Surely there are better looking people in France than this disgusting lead actress and her lesbian love interest? Yuck.

Great film Geoff,how did you like the stairway/cabinet death scene?Ouch!

It's all pretty good, but there's just way, way too many holes in the actual story. It really doesn't make sense when the twist reveals itself.


Anyway, saw quite a few movies over the break before I headed off:


Memento ; awesome. Very good film.


Last House on the Left (original) ; Okay, here's my stance on these films. To me, they're the unpolished garage demos released before someone proper releases the current remakes. I know it's a pretty lonely opinion shared only by myself and I think sometimes Mark too... but man I just think the remakes kill the originals. I enjoyed this, but let's be honest - it is total garbage. The dialogue is horrendous, often seemingly spontaneous, it is awfully shot, the music and sound is just a nightmare - everything about this was just terrible. The way in which the parents casually accept their daughters death and the mum even gives one of the killer a blow job before killer him? Are you f*cking serious? Terrible film, but entertaining enough... and the two lead girls are pretty nice.


Subject Two ; A little boring at times, but a pretty good film overall. Cool concept.


Christianne F ; Wow man, this was hardcore. Loved the book and I enjoyed this... pretty brutal stuff.


The Uninvited ; excellent! Loved this one... great twist I did not expect... and it actually makes sense, unlike 'High Tension'.


When A Killer Calls ; pretty simple, but goes places other similar horror flicks don't - not too bad.


Chaos ; very cool film. I really enjoyed this all the way through. Who'd have guessed Wesley Snipes would ever make another good film? :lol:

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The Day after Tomorrow



Suits the current weather ........... ! ;)

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'XXX' - HAHA! Took me about 20 goes to stay awake through the ending, but that was more due to my extreme tiredness over the past 2 nights rather than the quality of the movie... I think? Poor film with terrifyingly bad dialogue, but it was entertaining enough I guess. For a pointless action flick.

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In Bruges


[pretty pointless, but fun none the less]


best quote : Colin Farrell knocks a guy out in a restaurant "that's for John Lennon, you yankee c*nt"



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In Bruges


[pretty pointless, but fun none the less]


best quote : Colin Farrell knocks a guy out in a restaurant "that's for John Lennon, you yankee c*nt"




I didn't like the movie, but that restaurant scene is hilarious. :tumbsup:

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