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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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"Wind Chill"

-- picked this up out of the famed $5 DVD bin @ Walmart yesterday. A winter themed ghost story about two college students whose car gets stuck on a deserted road on their way home for Christmas break, where they battle frostbite and witness some weird sh*t too. Had cool atmosphere and a great premise but unfortunately it didn't do much with either of them. It was very slow moving and wasn't terribly linear either. Pass on this one.

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"Wind Chill"

-- picked this up out of the famed $5 DVD bin @ Walmart yesterday. A winter themed ghost story about two college students whose car gets stuck on a deserted road on their way home for Christmas break, where they battle frostbite and witness some weird sh*t too. Had cool atmosphere and a great premise but unfortunately it didn't do much with either of them. It was very slow moving and wasn't terribly linear either. Pass on this one.


That was a lifetime movie original and my wife forced me to watch that one a few months back when it aired. Not bad but I kept waiting for something mind blowing but then remembered it's a lifetime movie.

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"Wind Chill"

-- picked this up out of the famed $5 DVD bin @ Walmart yesterday. A winter themed ghost story about two college students whose car gets stuck on a deserted road on their way home for Christmas break, where they battle frostbite and witness some weird sh*t too. Had cool atmosphere and a great premise but unfortunately it didn't do much with either of them. It was very slow moving and wasn't terribly linear either. Pass on this one.


That was a lifetime movie original and my wife forced me to watch that one a few months back when it aired. Not bad but I kept waiting for something mind blowing but then remembered it's a lifetime movie.


Well, sh*t, where were you when I had this DVD in my hand at Walmart? :lol: If I'd known it was a Lifetime movie I woulda left it there!!


Seriously tho, I caught a little bit of this movie a while back on one of the movie channels (Starz and HBO) and what little I saw looked pretty cool. After viewing the whole movie last night I guess I must've seen the best parts already.

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"Swamp Thing" - Wes Craven's semi classic monster mash starring Adrienne Barbeau...


Was moved to watch this one cuz Adrienne also turned up in a kiddie Christmas movie my sons were watching on ABC Family Channel yesterday called "The Dog Who Saved Christmas" - and Lordy, time has not been kind to that woman. She was playing the crazy old cat lady next door neighbor. After seeing that I threw "Swampy" on to bring back memories of how good her rack used to look back in the day. :lol:

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Terminator: Salvation


I wasn't sure what to expect with this since many reviews hadn't been strong and when it was in theaters while it did good it was overshadowed by Star Trek at the time. I actually think this was damn good and a heck of a comeback for the franchise after the crappy T3. If you're looking for some of the hokey funny lines from the first three movies look elsewhere. This movie is dark and desperate from beginning to end and all the better for it. Here's to hoping that they actually do two more of these.


I feel the same way. Watched it Friday night and enjoyed it.

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'Adam & Evil' ; HAHA! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and I'm the fool! I was looking through my DVDs the other day and I see this and I'm all like, holy shit, I've had this for years and never seen it. So I put it on last night and what do you know - I had seen it. And I know why I forgot it - because I must have tried like hell to. I kept it playing because I couldn't remember what happened, and there is one extremely sexy girl in it too - sadly the first to die. :(


'Trespassers' ; another poorly made horror flick. Actually not a total write-off. About a bunch of young people who go down to Mexico on a surfing trip and get caught in this deserted beach area full of flesh-eating locals. Again, a sexy girl with an amazing rack who gets her gear off makes this more worthwhile that it should be, but I've seen (a couple of) worse films.

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Terminator: Salvation


I wasn't sure what to expect with this since many reviews hadn't been strong and when it was in theaters while it did good it was overshadowed by Star Trek at the time. I actually think this was damn good and a heck of a comeback for the franchise after the crappy T3. If you're looking for some of the hokey funny lines from the first three movies look elsewhere. This movie is dark and desperate from beginning to end and all the better for it. Here's to hoping that they actually do two more of these.


I feel the same way. Watched it Friday night and enjoyed it.


Nice. :drink:

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Terminator: Salvation


I wasn't sure what to expect with this since many reviews hadn't been strong and when it was in theaters while it did good it was overshadowed by Star Trek at the time. I actually think this was damn good and a heck of a comeback for the franchise after the crappy T3. If you're looking for some of the hokey funny lines from the first three movies look elsewhere. This movie is dark and desperate from beginning to end and all the better for it. Here's to hoping that they actually do two more of these.


I feel the same way. Watched it Friday night and enjoyed it.


Nice. :drink:

I saw this in the theaters and thoroughly enjoyed it. Have no idea why it was panned. I hope so Wes.

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Oh, I forgot:


'The Zodiac' ; Sadly, not 'Zodiac' (which is a great film), but 'The Zodiac'. It's a cheaper film and I just am interested in this story anyway so it was okay... but really, after seeing 'Zodiac' this is pretty pointless. Pretty terrible cast (That piece of shit doctor who nails Izzy in 'Greys Anatomy' was the lead actor - WTF????) and very simply made... but as I say, if you're interested in the story it's not too bad.

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Quite awesome and thrilling ! Will keep you in suspense from the first minute to the last.

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'Penny Dreadful' ; Oh my christ! Dreadful by name and by nature. This is a recent horror/slasher flick and takes place, pretty much in it's entirety with a girl trapped in a car wedged between two trees by some freak who kills everyone around her. I just had to fast forward through several parts of this - far too painful. It's a shame because the start was promising... right up until the flat tire and then it all went to hell. And the lead girl was ugly too, to top things off.


'Timber Falls' ; Haha, seriously not too bad. Started out looking like 'Saw' / 'Hostel' and then it looked like it'd turn into 'The Hills Have Eyes'. In the end it was about this freaky religious couple who couldn't have babies (But kept all the dead foetus' in glass jars in the cellar - lol) who kidnapped a pair of hikers with the hope they would have their child for them by the grace of God. It honestly wasn't too bad at all. Girl was pretty sexy too. Cheap scare at the end was a bit annoying though.

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"Terror Train" - badly dated early 80s slasher trash with a post-"Halloween" Jamie Lee Curtis being pursued by a psycho aboard a steam train. Slow moving, talky, lots of annoying characters, next to no gore, and a disappointingly small body count. Pass.

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"Terror Train" - badly dated early 80s slasher trash with a post-"Halloween" Jamie Lee Curtis being pursued by a psycho aboard a steam train. Slow moving, talky, lots of annoying characters, next to no gore, and a disappointingly small body count. Pass.

I think I remember that one. If it's what I'm thinking of that was terrible! :lol:

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"Terror Train" - badly dated early 80s slasher trash with a post-"Halloween" Jamie Lee Curtis being pursued by a psycho aboard a steam train. Slow moving, talky, lots of annoying characters, next to no gore, and a disappointingly small body count. Pass.

I think I remember that one. If it's what I'm thinking of that was terrible! :lol:


Yea, for some odd reason it's considered a minor classic of '80s horror, I'd never seen it till now though and now that I have seen it I wonder how it got such a rep. My guess is that since Jamie Lee "Halloween Scream Queen" Curtis was in it, it automatically gets a free pass from horror geeks even though the movie sucked. :lol:

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"Terror Train" - badly dated early 80s slasher trash with a post-"Halloween" Jamie Lee Curtis being pursued by a psycho aboard a steam train. Slow moving, talky, lots of annoying characters, next to no gore, and a disappointingly small body count. Pass.

I think I remember that one. If it's what I'm thinking of that was terrible! :lol:


Yea, for some odd reason it's considered a minor classic of '80s horror, I'd never seen it till now though and now that I have seen it I wonder how it got such a rep. My guess is that since Jamie Lee "Halloween Scream Queen" Curtis was in it, it automatically gets a free pass from horror geeks even though the movie sucked. :lol:



Saw a write up on this on a Horror blog I read...


Wasn't David Copperfield in it???


Yep found the write up....


Sigh. Terror Train and Prom Night were pretty much filmed at the same time and it's funny because they are pretty much the same movie. Both begin with an "accident" which causes our killer to strike back some years later to stake their revenge. Terror Train gets more points in my book however because A. it's on a train and B. David Copperfield was really doing his magic for the cheap seats in the back. Seriously what a show.



So we begin a few years back to a raucous frat party. A strange and not really funny prank is played on some geeky creepy kid- causing him to get wrapped up in a bunch of curtains. Apparently getting wrapped up in curtains makes one go crazy? I seriously thought the kid died until the ending of the entire movie came. Turns out he just went crazy and killed someone. And P.S. what is with these shitty and random pranks? First The Burning and now this? I don't care if you are a med student- normal people don't steal corpses and use them for a prank. First off it's not very funny and secondly- whose bed was that corpse in? Sick.



So fast forward to senior year where Jamie Lee Curtis is graduating early and her boyfriend throws a big party on a train. A costume party! I'm not sure about this but I think the theme was "random costume that doesn't make sense"- seriously, girl with the big pants and fake hand touching her boob? What is that? Jamie Lee Curtis? Ugly pirate really? Egads I'm so full of judgement today it's spectacular! SO soon people start getting killed- and not just any people...the very same people involved in that terrible prank! Who is the killer and how did he do it? And why doesn't David Copperfield do magic shows with dance numbers anymore?



The movie is kind of slow and pretty ridiculous. But that's where all the fun comes in. While most of the kills are off screen and pretty unoriginal- the endless scenes with David Copperfield and the stupidity of all the characters- more than make up for it. Jamie Lee Curtis is mannish and as weird looking as ever- and I seriously laughed out loud when I thought David Copperfield's assistant was her (if you've seen this you know why that would later make me laugh). There aren't too many thrills however which was a bit disappointing- but I blame that on the fact that David Copperfield's hair was thrilling enough for everyone- so it's OK. One of my favorite parts was when Doc was distressed over his friend's death- and after crying and ripping open his shirt he kept shouting "I'm a doctor! I'm a doctor!" Thank God a "doctor" was there- who else would have known that to save someone you have to cry like a baby and touch their bloody wounds with your infested hands?



Terror Train isn't a diamond in the rough that's for sure- but it still provides a decent amount of entertainment- and some serious burning questions. The most important one being; where can I get one of these hats?




The second most important question is...how does that quarter trick work?!



Found on this blog.. A pretty cool horror blog for any interested.....



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I`ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer


Pretty much a remake of the first one, alright though!

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Two part mini series on Sci-Fy channel about the Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass story.

A good movie with some interesting twists on the original story but not near as good as the last Sci-Fy mini series remake, The O.Z./Tin Man.

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Saw a write up on this on a Horror blog I read...


Wasn't David Copperfield in it???


:rofl: Yea, that's the one. Hilarious write up! I've seen that blog before but must've missed that entry.

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