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Australian (Not) Open for Djokovic


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Actually, if things keep up the way they're headed, at some point Australia will deny entry into the country to anyone who has ever met or known anyone who knew someone else that at some point in their life caught COVID-19.

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It's a big thing down here.

Letting him in with an exemption doesn't sit well when you think of the hundreds of people denied exemptions to see dying loved ones.

Last I heard, this is actually a visa issue. He's gonna get deported after spending the night in a police guarded room.

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3 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

It's a big thing down here.

Letting him in with an exemption doesn't sit well when you think of the hundreds of people denied exemptions to see dying loved ones.

I get that, and I would be pissed too, but the problem isn't that he wants to come and play, but rather the overreaching idiocy on the part of your government(s) that have made the bed everyone's lying in, so to speak. Denying him the opportunity to play just doubles down on the stupidity.

Denying exemptions to people wanting to see loved ones is deserving of a bullet IMO. There were some cases of that early on here where people were denied access to visit dying loved ones, but shit like that fell by the wayside pretty quickly.


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29 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

Got to treat everyone the same...whether the treatment is reasonable is open to debate....

Yeah, don't get me wrong, I applaud the fact that Djokovic has been able to avoid the vaccine. 

He has the balls, courage and bank account to do what I was unable to do.

There are however consequences to your actions.

I know people who have quit their jobs over vaccine mandates and I admire that.

I do however think it's a bit rich to take a (justifiably) moral stand and then request an exemption. 


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If "the system" allows exemptions to policy for various reasons, it's not wrong to then avail yourself of those exemptions. That said, they were within their rights to deny him the exemption. But they didn't. They granted the exemption, waited until he and his entourage paid the expenses and took the time to travel to Australia, and THEN decided to either not grant the exemption or say "you filled out the wrong form" or whatever. That's what is bullshit here. The timing of it all.

Had they simply said up front from the get go "No vacination, no entry, no exceptions" this wouldn't be anywhere as big of an issue. While the policy is overreaching and idiotic, one couldn't argue the inconsistency.

I bet they wanted to preserve the appeal of the Australian Open as long as possible, and since Djokovic is a world #1 player, they didn't want denying him entry to drive bad publicity. They wanted to eat their cake and have it too... hence the pullshit decisionmaking.

Governments... they ALL suck.

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22 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:

 While the policy is overreaching and idiotic, one couldn't argue the inconsistency.

Yep, that pretty much sums up every covid policy our Government has brought about.

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4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

It's a big thing down here.

Letting him in with an exemption doesn't sit well when you think of the hundreds of people denied exemptions to see dying loved ones. 

Two wrongs don't make a right, though. 

I assume Victoria is probably somewhere near 95% vaccinated and the country just over 90% vaccinated. But we still remain trapped in March 2020.

I don't care who the fuck anyone is, why does it matter what an unvaccinated person does compared to a vaccinated person? 20,000 vaccinated people per day are spreading covid, so why are we giving the remotest of fucks what an unvaccinated person adds to the equation? 

Why is any of this still a factor and have we just resigned to the fact this is how "life" is from now on? Every single thing about this whole fucking garbage gets more pathetic by the day. I hope covid tears through the Aussie Open and shuts the whole fucking thing down and it's cancelled for the year. Genuinely. Big things need to start happening to amplify how fucking idiotic the human race has become otherwise the cycle never stops. 

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My wife's uncle died. Only 10 allowed to attend the funeral. Melbourne Cup horse race, 30k can attend. Go do grocery shopping, no limits, people visiting your house it's a no-no. Want to go to work, gotta be vaxxed. Want to play tennis unvaxxed, sure no worries. 

The real issue is the rules are bullshit and arbitrary and make no sense. Until we all wake up it is just elites controlling the rest of us, we will keep getting manipulated by these distractions.

There has never been a time in history that billionaires have increased their percentage of wealth more than during these lockdowns etc and that ain't no coincidence. All governments are there to protect the ultra rich and screw the working and middle classes by keeping us controlled and distracted and ensure we keep giving them our money one way or another.

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11 minutes ago, auslander said:

There has never been a time in history that billionaires have increased their percentage of wealth more than during these lockdowns

C'mon now mate.

How else are they gonna be able to take trips to space?

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15 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

The problem is that they keep coming back....

Completely off topic, but are you guys aware of "Glen de Vries"?

He was on the same "Blue Origin" (Bezos) flight as William Shatner in October of last year.

In November of last year, he was killed in a plane crash!

Imagine being higher than most humans have ever been and then a month later, dying in a plane crash.

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10 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

I get that, and I would be pissed too, but the problem isn't that he wants to come and play, but rather the overreaching idiocy on the part of your government(s) that have made the bed everyone's lying in, so to speak. Denying him the opportunity to play just doubles down on the stupidity.

Denying exemptions to people wanting to see loved ones is deserving of a bullet IMO. There were some cases of that early on here where people were denied access to visit dying loved ones, but shit like that fell by the wayside pretty quickly.


His 'exemption' that was granted was from the Victorian govt and Tennis Australia.

He still needed to get in to Australia, which required getting through the federally run boder.

His medical exemption didn't hold up, so his visa was refused.

He played the game, he lost. Probably thought he'd get in because of who he is. Everyone, tennis fans or not, are wrapt that he wasn't given special treatment.

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12 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

His 'exemption' that was granted was from the Victorian govt and Tennis Australia.

He still needed to get in to Australia, which required getting through the federally run boder.

His medical exemption didn't hold up, so his visa was refused.

He played the game, he lost. Probably thought he'd get in because of who he is. Everyone, tennis fans or not, are wrapt that he wasn't given special treatment.

Well I, for one, am not wrapt. Not at all. Call it what you must - special treatment, or merely the simple ability to play tennis, as he's done for the past 30 or so years of his life. Whatever you call it, I sure as all fuck think he should have been "allowed" to enter the country to play the Aussie Open. 

Like I said above, two wrings don't make a right. Yes, our government is an organisation of complete cunts that have wrecked everyone's life for two years and counting, but it doesn't mean that the ongoing implementation of this is a good thing that anyone anywhere should be wrapt about. By supporting this and any decision like this you're effectively giving the green light for this nonsense to continue for the rest of our lives. 

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15 minutes ago, Geoff said:

Well I, for one, am not wrapt. Not at all. Call it what you must - special treatment, or merely the simple ability to play tennis, as he's done for the past 30 or so years of his life. Whatever you call it, I sure as all fuck think he should have been "allowed" to enter the country to play the Aussie Open. 

Like I said above, two wrings don't make a right. Yes, our government is an organisation of complete cunts that have wrecked everyone's life for two years and counting, but it doesn't mean that the ongoing implementation of this is a good thing that anyone anywhere should be wrapt about. By supporting this and any decision like this you're effectively giving the green light for this nonsense to continue for the rest of our lives. 

I don't support any of the draconian measures. I certainly don't support mandates. But I do hate that the hypocrites in Victoria keep making exceptions for the rich and powerful. Yes, I want all the ludicrous restrictions gone ASAP but I don't want only millionaire sports people to benefit from reduced impact while the rest must suffer in the meantime. If a family member can't visit a sick relative in hospital but a champion can play tennis, that is not a good thing. If one should get an "exception" it should be the one for compassion. But, really, none of these restrictions in freedom should be in place at all.

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7 hours ago, auslander said:

I don't support any of the draconian measures. I certainly don't support mandates. But I do hate that the hypocrites in Victoria keep making exceptions for the rich and powerful. Yes, I want all the ludicrous restrictions gone ASAP but I don't want only millionaire sports people to benefit from reduced impact while the rest must suffer in the meantime. If a family member can't visit a sick relative in hospital but a champion can play tennis, that is not a good thing. If one should get an "exception" it should be the one for compassion. But, really, none of these restrictions in freedom should be in place at all.

Thanks, saved me writing that.

I'm getting my 3rd jab in 2 days.
Would take more, more often if it was offered.

I'm not pro vax, but I'm happy to pump that shit into me to protect me.

But I have never agreed with vax mandates, except for people dealing with vulnerable and sick etc.

But fuck celebrities and sports people who get a free ride because they are in the public eye.
Aside from that, tennis hasn't been interesting sinve McEnroe.

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Yeah, I just feel the ill feelings are being severely misdirected in this case. And I want to make it very clear that I don't have any personal thoughts or feelings towards Djokovic himself, either way. Yes, he is rich but I'm not seeing how it's his fault that Australia is the most fucking moronic country on the planet right now. 

As probably frequently evidenced in all my posts, this whole thing just pisses me off so much. I cannot stand the wording constantly about "covid cancels this and that." No. Covid didn't cancel a single thing, ever. The idiotic, completely irrational response from our government, fed by the media, is what's cancelling everything. Not covid. It is our government that is fucking our lives up. Not covid.

If Djokovic gets an exemption and plays tennis here, I think it is petty to hold ill will towards him. Why do we want to see him suffer because every one else has and is? Isn't that really petty? We keep saying we all want all the garbage to stop, but supporting little bits here and there doesn't get anyone any further. 

And, of course, if 100% of the anger and frustration is directed at our government, then go for it. But I honestly don't understand how or why anyone feels like any of this is Djokovic's fault and consequently want to personally see him suffer because we're governed by the world's most prolific cunts.   

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Nah, I reckon he ran the risk and failed.
They say that the onus is on the traveller to have the correct paperwork.
I've always made sure I'm 100% set when i travel to countries that have strong requirements.

As for the booing, if he plays, it will be fucking funny to watch him booed every game.
Even though he's just doing what he needs to do to play the game he loves (and also pays of his 10th mortgage ;) )

I kinds hope he wins his court battle and gets in and plays, just to watch the shit show...

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9 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

But fuck celebrities and sports people who get a free ride because they are in the public eye.

The guy hits a tennis ball for Christ sakes ! 

I agree with you-F Jokey !

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
4 hours ago, Geoff said:

f Djokovic gets an exemption and plays tennis here, I think it is petty to hold ill will towards him. Why do we want to see him suffer because every one else has and is? Isn't that really petty? We keep saying we all want all the garbage to stop, but supporting little bits here and there doesn't get anyone any further. 

Who cares about this glorified ball hitter ??

Sorry but the world kinda changed in the past couple of years.You don't want to get vaxxed-good for you.Now sit down and shut up !! The vast majority of tennis players who travel world -wide got vaccinated because their careers depend on it.

What do ya think about other tournaments ? Does sound like France is gonna want him to play in the French Open !

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4 hours ago, nyoilers said:

Who cares about this glorified ball hitter ??

Sorry but the world kinda changed in the past couple of years.You don't want to get vaxxed-good for you.Now sit down and shut up !! The vast majority of tennis players who travel world -wide got vaccinated because their careers depend on it.

What do ya think about other tournaments ? Does sound like France is gonna want him to play in the French Open !

I don't care about this glorified ball hitter any more than I do the rest of the glorified ball hitters, but I'm still not understanding why he has to be treated any different to the other glorified ball hitters. 

Yes, the world did kind of change. It got a whole lot more idiotic, which seemed impossible two years ago. But we have done it, and continue to do it with flying colours. 

So I guess you're one of those who thinks vaxxed people are no longer your fellow human? Shun them from all parts of the life you're allowed to "enjoy?"

Yes, many people, including many of us, got vaxxed because our careers depended on it, but that still doesn't make it right. And I'm not going to get stuck into someone for having the balls to do what many of us wish we could have done. 

You do know he's already had covid, don't you? But even without that in mind, why does it matter anymore? Can you tell me the actual reason you think he shouldn't play the Aussie Open, as an unvaxxed player? What is the actual problem? 

What do I think about other tournaments? Well, as far as I know he's been playing the same tournaments over the last two years that every one else has? I don't know. Am I wrong? Genuine question. I don't follow the tennis. And well done to the French. Round of applause to them for not being as idiotic as this place. And I'm sure Wimbeldon and the US Open will have him, again, like they always have. Because that's how a civilised society works. 

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