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USA Economy !!!


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6 hours ago, auslander said:

Not really. The only reason it goes worldwide is in reaction to the US economy. When the US economy is doing poorly, it affects the rest of the world. Biden's oil policy has been a disaster.

Sorry but the US economy is doing great.

There's actually job growth instead of job loss under the grifter trump.Trump is the biggest job loss president in modern history.At least we can be thankful that he lost his job and took his grifter family with him.

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1 hour ago, nyoilers said:

I do wish that Ron DeStupid runs for president but he can't even squat to piss unless trump gives him permission

Your attempt at trollings really not amusing, sometimes you say some clever shit, but not usually,  nothing you say even makes sense, you cant troll me, I know your scared, the thought of DeSantis becoming president leaves you with chills, you feel like you might pass out, the thought of having a navy seal, with a backbone, and a grip on his country, economy, and who doesn't treat the truth like fine china, only taking it down for special occasions, somebody who's not a scared little bitch, taking it in the ass by the chinks, giving handjobs to the Russians, and making America a laughing joke to the rest of the world, who makes criminals pay for their actions, and holds scumbag politicians accountable for their actions.

I feel the same way when I think of if we will have an America left when this fucking Chinese agent leaves office, I know trollings fun but sooner or latter it's not going to be all that funny, when you have to go back to work cause they cut your pension off, but you wont mind will you, sharing your money with all these illegals you are so fond of, maybe you can adopt a few of them, since they are being shipped into your state, so laugh it up funny guy, get your jokes in now, there aint gonna be much to laugh at when your comrade's done destroying this place.

BTW, DeSantis isn't affiliated with Trump in any way shape or form, other then their in the same party, DeSantis has gone above and beyond to criticize Trump, he don't care for him much, so your right again.

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1 hour ago, nyoilers said:

Sorry but the US economy is doing great.

There's actually job growth instead of job loss under the grifter trump.Trump is the biggest job loss president in modern history.At least we can be thankful that he lost his job and took his grifter family with him.

Yeah job growth cause nobody's going back to work cause their all getting unemployment so they don't need to, don't be a liar about the job growth, oh wait your a dumbocrat it's in your DNA

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8 hours ago, auslander said:

Not really. The only reason it goes worldwide is in reaction to the US economy. When the US economy is doing poorly, it affects the rest of the world. Biden's oil policy has been a disaster.

wrong :



Rising inflation is triggering anxiety around the world as a surge in demand following the easing of Covid-19 lockdowns has been confronted by supply bottlenecks and rising prices of energy and raw materials.

The sharpest consumer-price increases in years in many countries have evoked different responses from central banks. More than a dozen have raised interest rates but two that haven’t are those that loom largest over the global economy: the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank.

Their differing responses reflect differences in views about whether the pickup in prices will feed further cycles of inflation or will instead peter out. Which view is right will do much to shape the trajectory of the global economy over the next few years.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
15 hours ago, Glen said:

mate that's worldwide. Due to a small issue called COVID 

Sorry dumbass...COVID is the go to media excuse for everything Biden f--ks up in this country....Border issues,economy,gas prices every last bit of it is tied to Joe and the Hoe....btw the slug is still letting every covid-infected wetback and OTM into the country at will....so save it.

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If you're looking for someone to blame for high gas prices, we're here to help. Hint: It's not President Biden.
Here's the deal: Gasoline prices have surged to seven-year highs and are likely to keep climbing. But, as my colleague Matt Egan writes, American oil companies are in no rush to loosen the spigots anytime soon. Why? Shareholders have cajoled oil companies to finally live within their means.
"Stop spending like drunk sailors. That's the message from shareholders," said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James.
  • Drill baby drill: US oil companies used to ramp up production at even the slightest hint of higher prices.
  • That kept prices at the pump relatively low. And it made the United States the king of the oil world, surpassing both Saudi Arabia and Russia in production.
  • But the strategy was terrible for the oil industry's bottom line. The oil-and-gas sector was easily the stock market's biggest loser in the 2010s.
These days, the industry's chastened by two big forces: Shareholders, who pressured the companies to cut costs, and, the whole, like, you know... historic mass reckoning with the environmental devastation wrought by fossil fuels.
Even though US oil prices have surged by more than 65% this year, US oil production is about 14% below where they were at the end of 2019.
So basically: Blame Wall Street. Oil and gas companies aren't producing more because they're focused on returning cash to shareholders.
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where did you copy that shit out of?

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15 hours ago, Metal T said:

Sorry dumbass...COVID is the go to media excuse for everything Biden f--ks up in this country....Border issues,economy,gas prices every last bit of it is tied to Joe and the Hoe....btw the slug is still letting every covid-infected wetback and OTM into the country at will....so save it.

ha ha you read my post above I take it.

love how we are all economists and experts on global inflation now ;)

gotta love this site 🤣🤣🤣

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15 hours ago, Metal T said:

Sorry dumbass...COVID is the go to media excuse for everything Biden f--ks up in this country....Border issues,economy,gas prices every last bit of it is tied to Joe and the Hoe....btw the slug is still letting every covid-infected wetback and OTM into the country at will....so save it.

maybe not such a dumbass after all:



And don't go expecting it to change anytime soon cos there will be a massive reluctance to raise interest rates, just like there is in the UK 

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that your Butt buddy Biden and his polices are screwing the USA....if you're that big of a moron to see that then I can't help you...I don't need any links from your UK BBC propaganda either...they're right up there with Huffington Post,NYT and Daily Beast as far as propaganda goes....I flush all of that sh!t down the toilet where it belongs...nice try.

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3 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

The Economy for Dummies.....

I might believe it if I Biden wasnt shutting down all the oil pipelines in the US, explain that one

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8 hours ago, Metal T said:

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that your Butt buddy Biden and his polices are screwing the USA....if you're that big of a moron to see that then I can't help you...I don't need any links from your UK BBC propaganda either...they're right up there with Huffington Post,NYT and Daily Beast as far as propaganda goes....I flush all of that sh!t down the toilet where it belongs...nice try.

I purposefully posted the link from the BBC because it isn't a US source and you still choose political opinion over fact. Lost cause mate you are. 

Look, no one outside of the US gives 2 stuffs about Biden but to think the global inflation issue is all his fault is quite frankly ludicrous. 

Look up any source on the net outside of Fox News or Newsmax (whatever its called) and they will all say the same thing. 


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1 hour ago, Glen said:

PS. 'my butt buddy Biden' 🤣🤣🤣👍

keep deluding yourself that I have even one tiny fragment of care what happens in your country 😅

Actually, given the frequency of your posting about it, one would think you're obsessed with it.

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7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

I've only heard about 1 and that was a pipeline that was going to be built....

No he's trying to shut down our main pipeline in Michigan that provides 80% of our domestic oil, dont forget the second he shutdown the Keystone pipeline that was being built, he gave the green light for russia to open their pipeline

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8 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

Actually, given the frequency of your posting about it, one would think you're obsessed with it.

sorry but I thought you were actually allowed to post in any thread on this forum... no??

If people actually posted things that made sense I wouldn't have to point things out ;)

And imo the people who are obsessed with US politics and the economy are the ones starting the myriad of threads on the subject. As I said before I've never started a thread on politics or anything related 

😊 👍

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1 hour ago, heavyharmonies said:


explain the point then. 

My point is you think I'm obsessed but I'm not. If there was never another political thread I would never comment on the US ever again. 


Why don't you call out Cody as being obsessed??? Afterall, he actually creates new threads about the US like every fortnight and has like monologues with himself.  Or is it because you and him agree on everything ;)



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1 hour ago, Glen said:

explain the point then. 

My point is you think I'm obsessed but I'm not. If there was never another political thread I would never comment on the US ever again. 


Why don't you call out Cody as being obsessed??? Afterall, he actually creates new threads about the US like every fortnight and has like monologues with himself.  Or is it because you and him agree on everything ;)




Basically they're saying: you're wrong and they're not. :lol:

Or more precisely the left-leaning press are wrong.

For example, Finnish press are more left-leaning than not and there was an article 'bout the recent climate conference in Scotland. There was a link that said something like 'The US president taking a nap, press this adorable link to watch'.

WTF?! How the hell is that adorable? Showing no respect that is. And people pretending he's doing a good job. Imagine the outcry if that was Trump.

Biden, the weakest president ever...;)

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2 hours ago, Glen said:

explain the point then. 

My point is you think I'm obsessed but I'm not. If there was never another political thread I would never comment on the US ever again. 


Why don't you call out Cody as being obsessed??? Afterall, he actually creates new threads about the US like every fortnight and has like monologues with himself.  Or is it because you and him agree on everything ;)



No it's how can he call me out for talking to myself? he doesnt need to call me out Glen, cause you always do, if you were just honest and said you just like to argue it eliminates anyone from calling you out on shit, cause they know your just arguing to argue, if you take yourself so seriously everyone else is going to do the same, damn instead of looking down on my tactics, maybe you could learn something from them, and I create new threads on the US because

A. I live here so it pertains to me.

B. I'm extremely bored and want to see if you want to come out and play

C. I need to completely vent to people and not get banned doing it, cause I cant do that on any social media platform,

D. I'm a fucking prick, and I like to Troll.

So take your pick,

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17 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

No it's how can he call me out for talking to myself? he doesnt need to call me out Glen, cause you always do, if you were just honest and said you just like to argue it eliminates anyone from calling you out on shit, cause they know your just arguing to argue, if you take yourself so seriously everyone else is going to do the same, damn instead of looking down on my tactics, maybe you could learn something from them, and I create new threads on the US because

A. I live here so it pertains to me.

B. I'm extremely bored and want to see if you want to come out and play

C. I need to completely vent to people and not get banned doing it, cause I cant do that on any social media platform,

D. I'm a fucking prick, and I like to Troll.

So take your pick,

no mate, Dan always calls ME out for telling the truth. I don't really have any interest in US politics and I'm definitely not obsessed about it or Biden or Trump. Outside of the tiny collection of people on this music forum I never mention or pretty much even think about it. 

What I will do is comment on something when I think someone is talking horseshit- like rigged elections for example, or conspiracy theories about vaccines etc etc.

I'm not trying to take myself seriously either - if you agree with anything I say is up to you, but if I comment on anything it's always from a non biased viewpoint - I have no interest in left or right or up and down or forwards or backwards. Just what I think is right and just. 

I said many times that I agreed with a lot of Trumps policies as basically I'm a Conservative, but folk still seem to think I'm a Biden hugger 🤣🤣🤣 

I only offer a balanced viewpoint which comes across as left probably because I'm normally calling all you Trump huggers out lol 😆 😂 🤣 😜 

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