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I'm really sad that I wasn't born in the 70s-- no. Seriously. Not that I think I was born in the wrong generation because nobody actually is no matter how much they think that, but, if it was the 80s all my friends would be cool, there would be no Billie Eilish & people wouldn't be surprised at my age all the time when I tell them what music I like (or vice versa if we're talking in person) & I really wanna try out an old phone. I could have cool hair, do pretty much whatever I wanted even with my strict family & all the bands would be popular and I could go to concerts and stuff and------ ugh 😔😔😔😔 just ugh. 

All you people are older so you'll be telling me stuff about the 80s or maybe even that it wasn't all that 🤷‍♀️ But believe me I've been told that a bagillion times by a friend of mine who much prefered the 90s.

Maybe. . . Just maybe. . . The Good Lord will send someone my way before they shut down and I can go to a concert :unsure::bowdown::crying:

Edited by PetraGirl86
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I thought about that many times too. However, I am not so sure it would have been THAT great..... here's why: just like people listen to garbage these days like Billie Eilish, Post Malone or whatever, the majority of people who listened to rock music in the 80s did so because it was the thing to listen to. People are sheep basically.

Same goes for the 60s or 70s, when I hear guys older than me tell me ''our music back in the day was better'' or ''we had better taste in music'' I think no you didn't because back in those days they played bands like the Eagles, Sabbath or Pink Floyd on the radio and people just went along with it.

Sure there must have been an exciting element to it being there and experiencing when landmark albums by our favorite artists like GNR, Dokken or Ratt were released. But I love that today we have the possibility of listening to everything we want cause all the good material has been released already and is easily accessible.

An example I like to make is the movie Heavy Metal Parking Lot - I bet you at least 80% of those people (most probably even more than that) would not be listening to rock or metal today (if they were the same age they were then, teens or young adults) but rather what's on the charts or the radio. Our music is a niche these days but I don't mind. At least you know that people really like the music and are dedicated to the genre

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5 hours ago, simo said:

I thought about that many times too. However, I am not so sure it would have been THAT great..... here's why: just like people listen to garbage these days like Billie Eilish, Post Malone or whatever, the majority of people who listened to rock music in the 80s did so because it was the thing to listen to. People are sheep basically.

Same goes for the 60s or 70s, when I hear guys older than me tell me ''our music back in the day was better'' or ''we had better taste in music'' I think no you didn't because back in those days they played bands like the Eagles, Sabbath or Pink Floyd on the radio and people just went along with it.

Sure there must have been an exciting element to it being there and experiencing when landmark albums by our favorite artists like GNR, Dokken or Ratt were released. But I love that today we have the possibility of listening to everything we want cause all the good material has been released already and is easily accessible.

An example I like to make is the movie Heavy Metal Parking Lot - I bet you at least 80% of those people (most probably even more than that) would not be listening to rock or metal today (if they were the same age they were then, teens or young adults) but rather what's on the charts or the radio. Our music is a niche these days but I don't mind. At least you know that people really like the music and are dedicated to the genre

Not quite sure what you're trying to get across here buddy. How old are you? People are sheep but I would have been a sheep then. I'm NOT a sheep now, so, I wish I could have been in the 80s when everyone was a sheep to the music I like. Do you think I like 80s music just because it's not popular?!?! Big fat lie. 

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5 hours ago, Geoff said:

What the hell is a Billie Ellish?! Never heard of it. 


Look her up, listen to a song, your ears are going to explode. She may be my least favorite pop star. Not that I have a favorite or even listen to any of it but she stresses me out trying to keep up with her stuttering. It's awful. 

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2 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

Not quite sure what you're trying to get across here buddy. How old are you? People are sheep but I would have been a sheep then. I'm NOT a sheep now, so, I wish I could have been in the 80s when everyone was a sheep to the music I like. Do you think I like 80s music just because it's not popular?!?! Big fat lie. 

I'm 31, and no I'm not saying you like 80s music cause it's not popular. Not at all. It's just that you mentioned all your friends woul've been ''cool'' in the 80s and I'm saying I'm not so sure about that because people are sheep and many of them would be listening to rock music purely cause it's mainstream, simple as that. But I'm sure it was an amazing decade and many people on this forum will confirm that

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1 hour ago, simo said:

I'm 31, and no I'm not saying you like 80s music cause it's not popular. Not at all. It's just that you mentioned all your friends woul've been ''cool'' in the 80s and I'm saying I'm not so sure about that because people are sheep and many of them would be listening to rock music purely cause it's mainstream, simple as that. But I'm sure it was an amazing decade and many people on this forum will confirm that

I see. Well all of them would've liked the same music as me. Now I can't talk to my friends who are my age about my music cause they just don't understand, so a lot of my friends end up being older. But that's ok 🤷‍♀️

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16 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

I see. Well all of them would've liked the same music as me. Now I can't talk to my friends who are my age about my music cause they just don't understand, so a lot of my friends end up being older. But that's ok 🤷‍♀️

I'm very, very old and I've never had a friend. 

Oh, I was meant to type more? Okay.

I'm very, very old and I've never had a friend who likes the same music as me. Hasn't bothered me too much because places like this exist. Of course it would be cool, but I wouldn't make friends with old people just to talk about music. :) Not saying you shouldn't... just not something I've done. 

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I grew up as the only one from the group of friends that liked our type of music,one or two friends liked some of the more famous bands like Bon Jovi,Iron Maiden etc but never heard of half the stuff I was into,still am btw  :),so never gave it the time of day,I was always the weirdo in the ripped jeans,long hair,tee(enter band here...….) and hi-tops lol,think its obviously just a choice/taste thing.

I have always liked the music I do,but my three sons have grown up listening to me blast this stuff all of their lives and none of them are fans,yes they know the songs,due to repeatiction but the aren't fans if you know what I mean? Which I respect because they are free to choose what they like,im still really proud just as I chose my path in life...and my Dad was NOT  a fan of Rock music  :)

But I wouldn't change it for the world,my friends that I grew up with were great friends,musical tastes and trends/styles had no impact on our friendship,I don't see much of them anymore because a lot moved off elsewhere and some unfortunately have died,just enjoy the now,lifes too short to worry imho

Edited by lettard
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1 hour ago, lettard said:

I grew up as the only one from the group of friends that liked our type of music,one or two friends liked some of the more famous bands like Bon Jovi,Iron Maiden etc but never heard of half the stuff I was into,still am btw  :),so never gave it the time of day,I was always the weirdo in the ripped jeans,long hair,tee(enter band here...….) and hi-tops lol,think its obviously just a choice/taste thing.

Now THAT is me! Yeah they all like boring guys with short regular hair. NOT ME so they laugh at that, which doesn't bother me, but friends aren't the only reason I want to live in the 80s!

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3 hours ago, Geoff said:

I'm very, very old and I've never had a friend. 

Oh, I was meant to type more? Okay.

I'm very, very old and I've never had a friend who likes the same music as me. Hasn't bothered me too much because places like this exist. Of course it would be cool, but I wouldn't make friends with old people just to talk about music. :) Not saying you shouldn't... just not something I've done. 

The reason I start talking to them is either from a game called Songpop 2, or thepetrazone or here, idk, and then we talk about other stuff. But we wouldn't have started probably without those circumstances. 

Btw, how old is 'very very' I've had 20 year olds tell me their ancient and 49 year olds say the same. Imo you aren't 'old's until you at least reach 60. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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7 hours ago, PetraGirl86 said:

The reason I start talking to them is either from a game called Songpop 2, or thepetrazone or here, idk, and then we talk about other stuff. But we wouldn't have started probably without those circumstances. 

Btw, how old is 'very very' I've had 20 year olds tell me their ancient and 49 year olds say the same. Imo you aren't 'old's until you at least reach 60. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

40 this year. Doesn't get older than that. :(

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1 hour ago, Geoff said:

40 this year. Doesn't get older than that. :(

Ohhhh gosh you are younger than my parents by 3 years- shut up. Like I said, OLD is 60+ I simply refuse to see 40 year olds as OLD. 

Hahahaha- just a spring chicken 😂😂

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think its just the same now, minus the good metal and rock, theres still shit on all the stations, at least if you live in the U.S., I know good metal is still alive and prevalent around the globe, which is why it sucks to be in the US, cause your certainly not gonna hear about it here, the 90s was the worst, but also kind of awesome in ways, but you now have the internet, which makes good music at least accessible, in the 90s you had to find import catalogs, 90% of the bands you'd never heard of, so you had to take your hard earned cash and essentially crap shoot it, especially if you wanted something out of Japan, nothing like mailing off your cash, spending $49.99 or more on a Japanese import of some band which the only thing you knew about was whatever the comparison was in the catalog, waiting a month, then finally getting it only to discover it sounded nothing like the comparison, and not only that, sometimes it was just plain shit!(see Mozart - Paris Is Dying), but in every decade there was still shit all over the airwaves, and I get what dude was saying, about people being Sheeple, they are, they listen to only what is immediately available, and I believe most either dont know or dont care to step outside the box, and realize there is way way more music, not only in other country's, but even in their own, but since it isn't on the radio, it never gets heard, even artists in the genres they may like, that are unknown and much better then whatever their force fed, Scatterbrain does a fantastic song about this exact topic called Taste Just Like Chicken, if you get a second find it, and listen to the lyrics, its fucking hilarious.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • My Little Pony

I don't know if I'd want to live through the 80's. I rather that these bands were all starting out in this decade. With the access to information through the internets, and the ease of travel these days, I wish it was all happening right now. 

How many of these old bastards actually knew all of these bands back in the day? Were exposed to their music? Had these bands play in their city? I live 45 minutes outside Vancouver, Canada. Vancouver has, and I'm pretty sure always had, a shit Rock scene. I saw Night Ranger a few years ago, and they said they hadn't been to Vancouver since 1985. Also, back in the day, it apparently took nearly two hours to get into the city. 

Yeah, it'd be great to live in the heydays of our favourite genre. As long as we still had all the knowledge of bands we have now. 

I was hanging out with a dude last week who also shared our love for this music. He's 45, and yet I knew more artists than him. He just recently discovered Hardline. And he's only now discovering the new bands. We talk about festivals needing to book the new bands, but I think the majority of people who grew up with this music are content with the few bands they still listen to, and don't care to expand their library. 

And as for being able to discuss this music with my friends: like others have mentioned, just because this music was at its peak in the 80's doesn't mean everyone in the 80's enjoyed it. I'm not gonna lie, it was great to talk shop with that dude for a whole week. That's not an experience I've had before. I don't share this interest with my friends--well, one friend likes the old Christian bands (Whiteheart, Allies, DeGarmo & Key, Petra, and Elefante). I have many friends, and we all have something different in common. Not everything has to be about music.  

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