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Brother Firetribe - Sunbound


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Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


Rant ended.




In which single way is that ironic? I like absolutely anything and everything from pop / synthwave to post-hardcore and everything inbetween - if it's good. All I ask for is a good hook and melody and you've got me interested. I don't care how heavy, and I don't care how light.


I assume you are suggesting that because I hate 70's stuff or funk or something else that I find horrible that I then only like one single style of music?


What would Jesus think of you? He'd be ashamed. Jesus hates you. You're a bad, baaad christian. :(

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Has anyone figured out what Phantasmagoria is yet??


According to Wikipedia:


Phantasmagoria (also fantasmagorie, fantasmagoria) was a form of horror theatre that used one or more magic lanterns to project frightening images such as skeletons, demons, and ghosts onto walls, smoke, or semi-transparent screens, typically using rear projection to keep the lantern out of sight. Mobile or portable projectors were used, allowing the projected image to move and change size on the screen, and multiple projecting devices allowed for quick switching of different images. The shows started under the guise of actual séances in Germany in the late 18th century, and gained popularity through most of Europe (especially England) throughout the 19th century.



Or an album by The Damned



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  • My Little Pony

Well they released the 2 weakest songs first...not that they are bad.


The rest of the album is excellent!!


Love it

That's good to know.


I actually like "Indelible Heroes," but it feels more like a Leverage tune than Brother Firetribe.

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Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


Rant ended.


That's cool if that works for you.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of Synthy Keys, but that said, I love DiAnno ST, Guiffria etc

So for me, if there is substance, hooks and lack of overproduction, I can be Ok with it.


Just like some people hate C&W. They may be good songs, but most here won't bother with them.


Anyway, it sounds like this band may be in the realm of what I'd dig, so if someone could mention a few of the songs with harder edges to them I'll check them out :)

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Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


Rant ended.

That's cool if that works for you.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of Synthy Keys, but that said, I love DiAnno ST, Guiffria etc

So for me, if there is substance, hooks and lack of overproduction, I can be Ok with it.


Just like some people hate C&W. They may be good songs, but most here won't bother with them.


Anyway, it sounds like this band may be in the realm of what I'd dig, so if someone could mention a few of the songs with harder edges to them I'll check them out :)

Try Devils Daughter or Kill City Kid off the debut.


Wish they would do a few more like this

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Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


Rant ended.


That's cool if that works for you.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of Synthy Keys, but that said, I love DiAnno ST, Guiffria etc

So for me, if there is substance, hooks and lack of overproduction, I can be Ok with it.


Just like some people hate C&W. They may be good songs, but most here won't bother with them.


Anyway, it sounds like this band may be in the realm of what I'd dig, so if someone could mention a few of the songs with harder edges to them I'll check them out :)



What on earth is C&W?
Yeah, I dunno mate. Just sounds way too picky for me. If you're on this site, basically, you'd be foolish not to check this band out. Nit-picking about keyboards or potentially not being heavy enough (no offence, but this is my most hated gripe on the planet - just makes me angry)... jeez mate, not having a go at you, but that drives me insane. Just listen to the songs, man. ;)
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What on earth is C&W?
Yeah, I dunno mate. Just sounds way too picky for me. If you're on this site, basically, you'd be foolish not to check this band out. Nit-picking about keyboards or potentially not being heavy enough (no offence, but this is my most hated gripe on the planet - just makes me angry)... jeez mate, not having a go at you, but that drives me insane. Just listen to the songs, man. ;)



Not sure if you're being serious or not. C&W is Country & Western


I'm not complaining. I'm sitting here openly trying out new music. Never said any music needs to be a certain level of heavy, I like a broad cross section of music, much of it has no weight at all.

And if what I say drives you insane, then my work here is being done :)

But calling me foolish for not checking a band out, where I am ACTUALLY posting on the thread asking about the band does make you look like a little bit of a tool.

Before you made your post, I listened to samples, asked some questions, and then asked for more samples. Looks like I have a pretty dame closed mind eh?

Everyone has their pet likes and dislikes. My likes lean more to songs with less synth keys. No big deal.

It's not like I'm here slamming the band or anything...

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Simplest thing to do is not read so much into shitty labels like AOR, melodic rock, melodic hard rock, ball licking - who gives a fuck? Just listen to the music and if you like it, you like it. If not, you don't. I hate stuff like "too AOR" or not heavy enough or too heavy or whatever bollocks one worries about.


It's all very, very simple. Are the songs good, or not? If they're good songs, who cares about the rest of it?


Rant ended.

That's cool if that works for you.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of Synthy Keys, but that said, I love DiAnno ST, Guiffria etc

So for me, if there is substance, hooks and lack of overproduction, I can be Ok with it.


Just like some people hate C&W. They may be good songs, but most here won't bother with them.


Anyway, it sounds like this band may be in the realm of what I'd dig, so if someone could mention a few of the songs with harder edges to them I'll check them out :)

Try Devils Daughter or Kill City Kid off the debut.


Wish they would do a few more like this



Yep, they were both really good on a first listen. Sounds like the first album at least is just that bit more key subtle that will do it ofr me.

More so than For Better Or For Worse, which may take a few more listens

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What on earth is C&W?
Yeah, I dunno mate. Just sounds way too picky for me. If you're on this site, basically, you'd be foolish not to check this band out. Nit-picking about keyboards or potentially not being heavy enough (no offence, but this is my most hated gripe on the planet - just makes me angry)... jeez mate, not having a go at you, but that drives me insane. Just listen to the songs, man. ;)



Not sure if you're being serious or not. C&W is Country & Western


I'm not complaining. I'm sitting here openly trying out new music. Never said any music needs to be a certain level of heavy, I like a broad cross section of music, much of it has no weight at all.

And if what I say drives you insane, then my work here is being done :)

But calling me foolish for not checking a band out, where I am ACTUALLY posting on the thread asking about the band does make you look like a little bit of a tool.

Before you made your post, I listened to samples, asked some questions, and then asked for more samples. Looks like I have a pretty dame closed mind eh?

Everyone has their pet likes and dislikes. My likes lean more to songs with less synth keys. No big deal.

It's not like I'm here slamming the band or anything...



Do what you like, mate. I was only going off the back of your "too AOR for me" comment, and then the proper AOR is just not for you comments.


Whether you meant it or not, comments like that - to me - always come across as "I'm so fucking heavy and I hate wimpy music for poofters. Only fags listen to AOR, but fuck me, I love some heavy shit."


So fair enough, maybe I'm reading more into it, but like I said, the underlying meaning behind such comments just irritates me.


As for you irritating me and you being happy with your job, don't worry. Most people here, and in the world, annoy the hell out of me. I just hate so many people. Almost everyone. My wife asks me why I'm always so angry... have you seen people?! That's why. ;)


Anyway, for the record, I did listen to this album today and the jury's out. I had a chance to spin it again (as I did with Steel Panther - spun it twice) but I opted not to, and listened to some of my faves of 2017 so far instead. It seemed very nice and very consistent, but correct me if I'm wrong - there's no stand-out tracks or anything, is there? Just good, reliable Brother Firetribe. Which is good... I just love a few stand out killer tracks on albums like this.

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Whether you meant it or not, comments like that - to me - always come across as "I'm so fucking heavy and I hate wimpy music for poofters. Only fags listen to AOR, but fuck me, I love some heavy shit."


So fair enough, maybe I'm reading more into it, but like I said, the underlying meaning behind such comments just irritates me.


Wow, you've really got me pegged!!! And all my "underlying meaning"

I listen to music from ABBA, Sarah Brightman, Yanni, Chicago, Beach Boys through to Anthrax, Sonic Syndicate and Five Finger Death Punch.

I also mentioned AOR bands which I like - a few of many.


You've read into my comment some weird conspiracy theory about music hate simply because I said some music I find to be "too AOR" for me.



As for you irritating me and you being happy with your job, don't worry. Most people here, and in the world, annoy the hell out of me. I just hate so many people. Almost everyone. My wife asks me why I'm always so angry... have you seen people?! That's why. ;)



Dude, that was a reference to my user name.


Cure The Sane.

"drives you insane"


I even put a smilie after the comment...

Did you think I was actually going out to try and upset you?

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Everyone upsets me, whether they like it or not. Saying things that make no sense (when they're meant to) just angers me too easily. Like I said, mate, do what you wish. However, on a final note, if you like a few of many AOR bands, why are you worried about a band being "too AOR?"


Mate, it's all just stupid. Just listen to the band and forget about labels and silliness. The only conspiracy is why something can be too much of something you already supposedly like.


Anyway, I'm still not certain about this album. IMO, it is definitely their weakest album, despite it being a good, solid album. Signs of a good band. Glen has the best song correct, in 'Big City Dream,' but then the rest just more or less all fall into the same category. Good, but not outstanding.


And tell me I'm wrong, but who else is hearing a pretty strong dose of Harlan Cage on this album? I remember everyone saying back in the day that they wished they did more of the synth melodic rockers and less of the straight forward rockers. Now that it's happening, I kind of wish they still varied it up with a few punchier rockers. I do love this direction, but it's a pretty safe, very one-dimensional album.

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Everyone upsets me, whether they like it or not. Saying things that makes no sense (when they're meant to) just angers me too easily. Like I said, mate, do what you wish. However, on a final note, if you like a few of many AOR bands, why are you worried about a band being "too AOR?"


Mate, it's all just stupid. Just listen to the band and forget about labels and silliness. The only conspiracy is why something can be too much of something you already supposedly like.



I seriously don't understand what you are going on about.

Let me try and rephrase what I feel deep inside my heart, just for you.


I like all types of music, some more than others. I like music with keys. When keys are synth keys, I for some reason, am not naturally partial to. Particularly when they are syrupy and overshadow the music. But I do like some of this type of music at times.


I hope I did that well enough without using a single label.

Simply, for me, a lot of AOR I simply don't like. You and others may think it's great music, but it just doesn't click with me. I can recognise good aspects to the music, but if my ears don't like it, I can't change that. I could post a whole bunch of songs from a load of bands that I really like, but many here wouldn't.

eg: Hot Action Cop would be LABELED as rappy metal, or new age funk metal, or something. I don't label it, but I understand the need for someone to describe why they don't like it, and I'm cool with that, if they gave it a listen and decided it wasn't for them.

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For the record, I don't think AOR is great music. I think great music is great music.


If you ask a Jez or the like on this board, they would probably suggest I don't know the first thing about AOR.


Which is why I just like good music and don't waste time wondering if something is too something or other such insignificant crap. Either it's good music, or it's not. Couldn't be simpler. ;)

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If I called the new BF album "death metal" or "bluegrass", would it change the way it sounds?


Ganre labels are just labels and everyone perceives them differently. They imply different things to different people.


One that always gets me is when someone uses the label "power metal" for something that IMO is clearly hard rock or melodic rock... it causes a mental disconnect. For me, "power metal" is the likes of Stratovarious, Iron Savior, Blind Guardian, Sonata Arctica, etc. Then someone will say "no, those are speed metal" and I'll be like "no, speed metal is '80s and '90s thrash"... and around we go.


Labels, schmabels. Does it sound good?

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I'd have to listen to the albums back to back to see how this stacks up, as not heard them in a while, but overall I really like the new album.


I can listen straight through without skipping (yes even the inspiro tracks) and each track has some delightful moments and strong hooks.


It's a winner in my book - OK maybe it wont quite compete with the One Desires, HEATs, Eclipses this year, but won't be far behind.

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I'd have to listen to the albums back to back to see how this stacks up, as not heard them in a while, but overall I really like the new album.


I can listen straight through without skipping (yes even the inspiro tracks) and each track has some delightful moments and strong hooks.


It's a winner in my book - OK maybe it wont quite compete with the One Desires, HEATs, Eclipses this year, but won't be far behind.


Definitely nothing worth skipping, but as we've discussed around the place before, I lean more towards albums with a few amazing tracks and some okay tracks, as opposed to an album filled from start to end with good tracks. For instance, I actually prefer the Steel Panther album quite significantly to this. I much prefer the better songs on that album, even though the worst songs are worse than anything on this one.


Yeah, it's a fine line. I love good consistent albums, but I just need a few real ball tearers in the mix.

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