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Fappy Nude Year? That's the kind of words Thomas likes. :banana:


Happy New YeAOR fappers

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  • My Little Pony

Fappy Nude Year? That's the kind of words Thomas likes. :banana:


Happy New YeAOR fappers

I knew you'd like them!



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2016 was for the most part a good year for me. Two big losses, although one I didn't find out about until the second day of 2017... so it's hard to say it affected my 2016 as it's only tormenting the start of my 2017.


But it's hard to call an entire year bad. There were/are sad moments, but a thousand great memories with the family, so thankfully the positives far outweigh the negatives. 2017 is off to a horrible start that's going to take a while to get over, but as always, I'm hoping for a good year and I wish y'all the best for the year ahead too. May it be super.

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  • My Little Pony

2016 was for the most part a good year for me. Two big losses, although one I didn't find out about until the second day of 2017... so it's hard to say it affected my 2016 as it's only tormenting the start of my 2017.


But it's hard to call an entire year bad. There were/are sad moments, but a thousand great memories with the family, so thankfully the positives far outweigh the negatives. 2017 is off to a horrible start that's going to take a while to get over, but as always, I'm hoping for a good year and I wish y'all the best for the year ahead too. May it be super.

Damn. What happened? If it's not too much to ask.

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2016 was for the most part a good year for me. Two big losses, although one I didn't find out about until the second day of 2017... so it's hard to say it affected my 2016 as it's only tormenting the start of my 2017.


But it's hard to call an entire year bad. There were/are sad moments, but a thousand great memories with the family, so thankfully the positives far outweigh the negatives. 2017 is off to a horrible start that's going to take a while to get over, but as always, I'm hoping for a good year and I wish y'all the best for the year ahead too. May it be super.

Damn. What happened? If it's not too much to ask.


In a nutshell, a very good mate of mine was killed in a car crash on the 30th of December. Left behind his wife and two young kids. I only found out on the 2nd of January, but have not been able to think of a single thing since. He was my surf buddy for about a decade, and that is a lot of time to talk about life and times. Dude loved his kids more than anything on this planet, and knowing he never got home to them, or will ever see them again... man it's taking it's toll on me. Thankfully, I've not ever really lost anyone close to me before, and I've discovered my tools for dealing with such a thing aren't great. Four days since I found out and I still just can't wrap my head around that fact that that's it for him. Nothing more. As quickly as that he misses out on the rest of his life with his kids, and all the plans he had for them as they grew up. Incomprehensibly sad.


Anyway, I won't push it here, but there's a gofundme thing set up for his wife and kids if anyone has some spare change. There's a big link on my Facebook page if anyone wants to check it out. Actually I'm not sure if it comes up to the public or not, so the link is here if anyone can help out... absolutely no pressure at all:



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wow, sorry to hear that............ :(

Yes very sad indeed and having a family and leaving them every day in and of itself is tragic as we miss so much in those numerous hours we are away, but obviously doesn't compare to never coming home. I hope you Geoff and in turn the family is strong and can begin to cope and heal.


I know it has been just shy of 2 years since our local "silver pressed" guru has left us and I still miss him dearly.

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  • My Little Pony

That really sucks, Geoff. I've never lost anyone close to me, and I always thought I would be alright if I had, but lately I'm not so sure. Especially when kids are involved. I can't imagine what the family must be going through right now. And your loss is no less great, as well. You'll be in my thoughts.

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That really sucks, Geoff. I've never lost anyone close to me, and I always thought I would be alright if I had, but lately I'm not so sure. Especially when kids are involved. I can't imagine what the family must be going through right now. And your loss is no less great, as well. You'll be in my thoughts.


It's so weird, as if I'd thought about something like this before, but I also keep saying to myself that it's "hitting me harder than I thought it would." As if I'd thought about something like this and how I'd deal with it? I dunno. But I completely know what you mean... I guess I thought I'd be able to deal with something like this easier, but it's much trickier when it actually happens. At the moment I just want to the funeral to come so we can say some sort of a farewell, but stuff doesn't move quickly this time of year.


I know in time I will be in a better headspace, but as you say Terry, I guess it will never go away. All the what ifs and whys and hows... But whatever I am experiencing, I know it's not a scratch on what his family is feeling... especially those poor kids, who probably just can't get their little heads around it at all. I'm old and can't do it. Can't imagine how a little mind goes through something like this. To actually understand that they will never see their Dad again.


Anyway, I'm getting depressed again.


May the rest of 2017 bring good things.

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