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Can I sign up for that pro level servicing? What say Leykis? I don't need the class, I get what you are laying down and practiced that art for years. Jacob young squire, I think a road trip is in your best interest...hell Portland is a dead end town anyway.

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It's a long complicated story and I really don't want to recount it all. I'll try to give a short recap. In October I met this girl at work. She was new and she was really broken. Her fiancé just died a month earlier. I've been getting to know her over the last 6 or whatever months. We've become friends/ slightly something more. It's been a very bumpy road. She has lots of issues and most people have told me to stay away from her. That didn't stop me though.


So as my time here is coming to an end I told her I intend to leave. That essentially ended any chance we had together. What I don't get is her actions. She's become much more affectionate with me over the last month or so. She's told me of her interest in another guy that she's friends with. I really didn't pay much attention to it. She seemed really insistent on telling me of it. People told me she was being deceptive. I really wasn't sure. What could have been the angle? Then she told me she wished she would have meet this other guy before her fiancé. Apparently her fiancé was an a-hole. That was slight cause for alarm. Then last Wednesday she shredded my heart.


She told me about a dream she had. In it this other guy fixes her broken heart. As she's telling me I could feel my own heart falling apart. I didn't know why she would tell me this. She knows how I feel about her. And if this is how she feels about him why would she even consider being with me? What the hell am I exactly? As I was leaving she said "Are you ok? You seem different." I said "Never" and walked away. This last week of work I've done my best to avoid her. I really don't want to be around her any more. Of course she has no idea. She has gone out of her way to find me. She knows something is wrong. Unfortunately there isn't a good way to tell someone you don't want to be around them any more.

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Oh dear, mate. I think we've discussed this several times before, but you really are me about 15 years ago (fuck time flies!).


More or less, this was me for a good ten years of my life and when you're living it it's just torturous and if you're like me, you can't see any other way. It's just how you are. I never could be anything I wasn't, even though I'd heard a lot of people say the same thing (more or less) as Cody... you can't just be confident if you're not. It's just that simple. I assume, Jacob, you're a nice, relatively shy and quiet kid. And from experience, I can say that no one on the planet wants to be this way, but if you are, that's the hand you're dealt and you can't suddenly be a super confident dude because it's so easy.


Anyway, my only advice would be to just stop putting females who don't deserve to be put on pedestals on pedestals. They're just humans like you and I. Other than that, I just really hope you meet someone who feels about you the same way you feel about them.


Because, as you know, at the time it all just feels horrible. But in hindsight, I'd just change about every single thing about how I acted and thought about females through my earlier years. But yeah, good luck, mate. I hope you meet someone worth your time soon.

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Anyway, my only advice would be to just stop putting females who don't deserve to be put on pedestals on pedestals.


Amen to THAT!

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It seems like we've been playing a game of cold war with each other. Or at least it feels that way. She knows how I feel about this other girl. She also knows the other girl is more important to me than she is. Of course me being head over heels for a girl I can't have isn't that bad. It's nothing compared to what she is involved in with anyway. I honestly don't care what she does in her free time. It doesn't bother me. We aren't in a relationship after all. Maybe she does care about the things I've told her. If this is a cold war I think she won it.


I do intend to leave Oregon in the very near future. As soon as I get my affairs in order I am moving. Before I go I have at least 1 card left to play. I will make my feelings known to the other girl. If I see an opening I will make a move. I'm not sure I care if she is in a relationship. Since I'm leaving it won't really matter.

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Its not rather or not you have confidence, yes self confidence can be easily faked, it's one of the few things that can be faked, because there is no way of telling if someone is lying about their confidence or not, it simply is either there or it is not, and if it is, how can it be questioned, then further disproved? the guys who are going to make a difference are the guys who act aloof, I do know what I am talking about, I have absolutely been you Jacob, been that shoulder to cry on, been that guy who cares, worn my heart on my sleeve, and worst of all been that guy who hears about the other guy that she wants, the difference is I said fuck this, ive had it, im done being " the nice guy" im done being put into the "friends" category, this shit isnt working for me, im done being broken hearted, think of all the time and energy thats been wasted playing this drawn out game, and what do you get for your troubles? anyways, im obviously not being taken seriously so i'll shut up about this now, btw, where you off too when you leave Oregon Jacob? do you know? may I ask?

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I get what you are saying. I am listening. I would have ask YOU Leykis, but you went Mia. So I've been winging it. All I'm saying is that she WOULD have been mine if I didn't tell her I was leaving. There is no doubt about it. So for her to tell me to my face the other guy is better is an insult. She said it to inflict pain.


I intend to go to Georgia. Probably the Savannah area. If I could I would leave this month. I need to save more money. So it's looking like July.

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Thought you didnt like Georgia and thats why you left? why don't you stop through here on your way? and let me know when your coming that way I can make you arrangements to hang here for a few, I did go MIA, I explained what I did all winter, dont know if you read it or not, but it's all taken care of now, so im certainly not going anywhere, and being laid up with this fucked up back is driving me up the wall, I am going to see Skold friday night, thats the one highlight of my fucking boring ass life at the moment, if you think she's saying that shit to hurt you, i'll tell you right now, theres way more to it then that, and it's 100% she had ulterior motives, and you should be glad you discovered it, before she sunk her stiletto heels in your back!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've hit some hard times. I'm just now starting to break out of it. A good portion of it has nothing to do with her. Everything just fell apart at the same time. I have been in bad health for a while. It has just gotten really bad. I need to get healthy before I leave.


I talked to her Tuesday night after work. That wasn't a very pleasant experience. We worked out some of our issues. Things still aren't rosy, but at least I don't have that hanging over me. It's very doubtful we'll ever be close again. It's probably best that way.


I've never actually been to Georgia. I'm from the Sooner state and I have zero interest in ever returning. A lot of stuff has to be worked out before I leave. I'll definitely consider stopping in Ogden for a day. I don't know if I can actually make it happen though.

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I've hit some hard times. I'm just now starting to break out of it. A good portion of it has nothing to do with her. Everything just fell apart at the same time. I have been in bad health for a while. It has just gotten really bad. I need to get healthy before I leave.


I talked to her Tuesday night after work. That wasn't a very pleasant experience. We worked out some of our issues. Things still aren't rosy, but at least I don't have that hanging over me. It's very doubtful we'll ever be close again. It's probably best that way.


I've never actually been to Georgia. I'm from the Sooner state and I have zero interest in ever returning. A lot of stuff has to be worked out before I leave. I'll definitely consider stopping in Ogden for a day. I don't know if I can actually make it happen though.

Dude. unless your flying, you have to intentionally miss Ogden, as it's basically right in the way any way you go, fuck, stop for a weekend, 2 nights, I will take you(and my usual entrouge)to some night clubs in

Salt Lake, and in Ogden, you can just merely sit and observe what I do, or shadow a few of my buddies around to give you different ideas, I cant get you laid, but I guarantee 100% we will give you everything you need to get yourself laid,what would you think? we drag you here, make you come to Ogden, and not only do you wake up Saturday morning with used wood, but your mind is blown waking up Sunday morning with some fine ass fucking skanks from Salt Lake, I am pretty sure that would be everything you werent expecting to happen, but you gotta be committed, and do as you see, this shit dont work if you use the approach to lure a skank in, then bust out your nice guy I will be a good friend to you routine, nope, if you plan on doing that, you better get a room. cause one rule we stand by, chicks and skanks are never brought to my place, nor my friend,s we dont want them knowing our real names let alone our places of residence, if u can just wipe your mind, and jump in feet first, I dont see you not getting some pussy, if you take care of business quick enough, you'll be so high you might even go for seconds, I just want to show you how pathetically easy it is, and how everything ive railed on you about for 4 years, is not only that big of a deal, you;ll be fucking smashing yourself at not doing it sooner, any of that Britney spears katie perry bullshit, your on your own, your going to be what you were created to be, a man, fulfilling his primitive urges to seek out and devastate as many vaginas as humanly possible, thats it, nothing more, then you can cuddle, we dont condone it, but we dont look down on it either, hell my friend Chance, he even takes the bitch out for breakfast before he gives her the easiest parting line ever invented, I'll call you next weekend ok babe, then... BYE!!! and it's Sunday and time to go shower up, and sleep all Sunday away, or watch the Baseball game with us. dude, and since I started using a walking cane for my back, something special has happened, I dont know what it is, but these fucking useless dna dumpsters seem to be drawn to guys with walking canes, fuck reading this back, this sounds like a vacation a radio station would give out, it's not, it's just watching Leykis 101 students applying their craft, after that, you go wherever you want, and do whatever you do, but you'll be doing it with a whole new head of steam, that I promise you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OMFG!!! are you fucking kidding me, Jacob, bro, dude, why are you even reading this, dude the very basis of this is incorrect, and the example and the play through, want you to be a queer in order to "see things from a woman's point of view" their 1 example for you as a man to try and see through a woman's eyes, you have to pretend you a fag in order to do, just the basis of this is complete bullshit, cause woman have NO rhythm or reason behind their actions, and I will go before any of the so called "Dr.s" that supposedly performed this test, which I don't see any credentials in there BTW, WOMAN HAVE NOTHING TO LOCK ONTO, this is so far out there, I cant even make the usual arguments, accept this is complete and utter bullshit, woman's 1st thoughts when out meeting men, are NOT!!! fear because of sexual assault or rape, im telling you Jacob, this is about so far from the truth I almost want to know who wrote this shit, it's just not, laugh at me all you want, there aren't a whole lot of things i can say i know with any certainty, but one thing I do know, that's how to get laid, most women's 1st and foremost concern, is finding a man to bury their talons into, career, bank account, stability, looks, these are in that order their only concerns, and believe me bro, I am no pig, Im just playing the game they forced me to play, that's it, nothing more, and I do know the other side of women as well, I was in a happy and sincere not to mention monogamous relationship for 10 years, that itself doesn't just happen, that takes more work then getting laid ever dreamed of, so it's not like I only know once side of this shit, women are fake, phony, insincere, vindictive, saying and doing whatever it takes to get the end game, and guys like you are just waiting to be sucked into the void, pussified, and spit into the bone pile, and guess what, they never miss a beat, you meant as much to them as the bones from the hot wings you had for dinner tonight meant to you, the only Dr I will ever trust is the only Dr who's actions and findings have ever shown me true results, none of this Cosmo bullshit article that you just posted, im talking about the professor of poon, the Dr of tang, the cunning linguist, the amateur gynecologist, Professor Tom Leykis, so you keep looking up this shit, trying to find ways around millions of years of proven history, and keep coming back with the same result, meanwhile, well you know what i'll be doing, the other side of what millions of years of proven results have proven, like I tell you every time Jacob, im always here when you decide your finished trying to fight the system, or prove it wrong, or prove somehow your different then any other guy, when your finally not only sick of being hurt, having your true self exposed, played with(and not in the enjoyable way),, and your not only sick of it, but your finally so angry you cant do anything but want revenge, Im still here, opening you with open arms, and so will be my good friends, who will never turn down a new member who's come to them with whats left of their heart in the palm of their hand, ball sack completely removed, sometimes completely gone, and asks for help in retrieving their scrotum from the purse of these dna dumpster skanks who are have your scrotum mounted on their highlight wall, and we will slowly but surely help you regain your manhood, and take back what is rightfully yours by birth, your Balls! never turn you away my friend, but this latest article only gains proof your not even kind of heading in the right direction, so I just cant continue to spin my wheels, so my thoughts are final, it's all you and whoever is helping you out from here on out, good luck mate!

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the professor of poon, the Dr of tang, the cunning linguist, the amateur gynecologist

I'm an amateur gynecologist myself. Not much experience, but i'll have a look at it for you.

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the professor of poon, the Dr of tang, the cunning linguist, the amateur gynecologist

I'm an amateur gynecologist myself. Not much experience, but i'll have a look at it for you.

Yes and a lesbian as well as an FBI (female body inspector). ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I posted it because I knew it would get a rise out of you Leykis. I would really like to hang out with you for a day or two when I make the trip to Georgia. My brother threw a wrench into my plans. He's having his bachelor party on August 27th and 28th. So most likely I will be leaving a few days after that. This whole transfer thing is not proceeding very fast. If I can get it on track I was hoping to be out of here well before the end of August. If I'm in Utah in the middle of the week is there still a way to show me your craft?

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Women are truly from another planet.


So I've been talking to this chick on a dating site. Been talking for a few weeks.


She initiates talking about my manhood. I say "I'll send you a pic instead of describing every detail of it". She likes that idea.


She then texts me back that I am a creep for sending her the pic.


WHHHHHAT??? You fucking asked for it??


Guess you just can't win with a woman!!!

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Women are truly from another planet.


So I've been talking to this chick on a dating site. Been talking for a few weeks.


She initiates talking about my manhood. I say "I'll send you a pic instead of describing every detail of it". She likes that idea.


She then texts me back that I am a creep for sending her the pic.


WHHHHHAT??? You fucking asked for it??


Guess you just can't win with a woman!!!


No bro, she's fucking toying with you, now the thing to do is give a single response, tell her a creep is the guy she usually masturbates to when he sends her pics, u did her a favor sending her some pics of real junk, and letting her know that little girls fuck around and chase around giving blue balls, and thank her for exposing herself for the desperate hard up, probably homely, and certainly desperate whore she is, and never speak to her again, let's see how long it takes for her to respond, with some smart ass(hardly) quip, when she does, go ahead and post it on here for all of us to comment on, in the meant time, new enroll can go ahead to the professors website and check him out, if you are even at all interested, I can send you all the back notes you'll need, so you can get studied up and be on par with the rest of the class, what do you got to lose? from the looks of shit, not alot, and Jacob, I told you, anytime brother. that means literally anytime, just try to let me know when your on your way so I can make way for you.



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Women are truly from another planet.


So I've been talking to this chick on a dating site. Been talking for a few weeks.


She initiates talking about my manhood. I say "I'll send you a pic instead of describing every detail of it". She likes that idea.


She then texts me back that I am a creep for sending her the pic.


WHHHHHAT??? You fucking asked for it??


Guess you just can't win with a woman!!!


No bro, she's fucking toying with you, now the thing to do is give a single response, tell her a creep is the guy she usually masturbates to when he sends her pics, u did her a favor sending her some pics of real junk, and letting her know that little girls fuck around and chase around giving blue balls, and thank her for exposing herself for the desperate hard up, probably homely, and certainly desperate whore she is, and never speak to her again, let's see how long it takes for her to respond, with some smart ass(hardly) quip, when she does, go ahead and post it on here for all of us to comment on, in the meant time, new enroll can go ahead to the professors website and check him out, if you are even at all interested, I can send you all the back notes you'll need, so you can get studied up and be on par with the rest of the class, what do you got to lose? from the looks of shit, not alot, and Jacob, I told you, anytime brother. that means literally anytime, just try to let me know when your on your way so I can make way for you.





Hey.... maybe I need to take this course! Where are you located? LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must admit to having never seen a single Sex and the City show but there is one thing that I do know....99% of everything you see on TV and in film is bullshit and should NEVER be mistaken for reality....

Including the "News".

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Women are truly from another planet.


So I've been talking to this chick on a dating site. Been talking for a few weeks.


She initiates talking about my manhood. I say "I'll send you a pic instead of describing every detail of it". She likes that idea.


She then texts me back that I am a creep for sending her the pic.


WHHHHHAT??? You fucking asked for it??


Guess you just can't win with a woman!!!


No bro, she's fucking toying with you, now the thing to do is give a single response, tell her a creep is the guy she usually masturbates to when he sends her pics, u did her a favor sending her some pics of real junk, and letting her know that little girls fuck around and chase around giving blue balls, and thank her for exposing herself for the desperate hard up, probably homely, and certainly desperate whore she is, and never speak to her again, let's see how long it takes for her to respond, with some smart ass(hardly) quip, when she does, go ahead and post it on here for all of us to comment on, in the meant time, new enroll can go ahead to the professors website and check him out, if you are even at all interested, I can send you all the back notes you'll need, so you can get studied up and be on par with the rest of the class, what do you got to lose? from the looks of shit, not alot, and Jacob, I told you, anytime brother. that means literally anytime, just try to let me know when your on your way so I can make way for you.





Hey.... maybe I need to take this course! Where are you located? LOL


Oh thats the nice thing, It's an online adult education course, no we(me and my friends) have been trying to talk Jacob into coming with us, as he clearly needs something a little more sudden and direct in his life, he's what we say a little outside of being able to just use learnings from the class, he clearly needs to learn from the class, but that bridge has burned, he's into the ballpark where he needs to be dragged out, and thrown to the wolves(or the snatch in this case)yeah your welcome anytime, matter of fact, anyone on heres always welcome, i'm sincerely trying to recover financially so me and 3 of my buddies can head to Perth or Sydney, and ravage out those clubs and bars, like to find a couple other countries to check out the pussy in as well, but Ive been told by my professor chicks from other countries arent requiring the kine or brutal blue print these mouthy bullshit american skanks do, ive even heard in some cuntries just being american is a plus, but we arent looking for easy, or give me's, we are looking for young hot 9 and 10 ass! don't get me wrong, the less work it is, the better, but the works not really that hard, certainly isnt going to be a deal breaker either, but until then, everyone here knows exactly where I live, and are more then happiily invited to go tear these fucking filthy whores out of their bullshit stuck up worlds, and introduce them to planet pump and dump, it would be better for everyone to touch up on the rules of leykis 101 though, for their own merit, and game, Jacob, is it really going to come down to this, do I really have to put your ass on a plane to Salt Lake to get you here? or fly out to Portland and meet you, cause we can do it there just as easily, about the same vibe, only Portland just does not have the quality of selection that makes it a challenge, but they got some fucking hotties there, let me know Jacob, tick tock,

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