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Hair Force One from Ottawa, Canada


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Excellent musically, indeed! First track was a monster!

Another fucking pantomime act. Someone needs to seriously advise them that you don't necessarily need a gimmick, to ditch the absolute shit name and image (and I use that word politely) and let the music do the talking, which they obviously can


Mate you make me laugh sometimes.....


You say this, but your favourite release of 2015 was Cats In Space (an absolute shit name) with one of the worst photo shoots I've ever seen which would have 99% of the world's population (outside of our tiny genre) either shaking their heads or falling over themselves laughing


Just saying............ :whistle:


Don't forget the part where Lordi is one of his favourite bands. ;) In fact, if I'm not mistaken, Lordi and The Darkness are enjoyed by several of the haters in this thread...



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Excellent musically, indeed! First track was a monster!

Another fucking pantomime act. Someone needs to seriously advise them that you don't necessarily need a gimmick, to ditch the absolute shit name and image (and I use that word politely) and let the music do the talking, which they obviously can

Mate you make me laugh sometimes.....


You say this, but your favourite release of 2015 was Cats In Space (an absolute shit name) with one of the worst photo shoots I've ever seen which would have 99% of the world's population (outside of our tiny genre) either shaking their heads or falling over themselves laughing


Just saying............ :whistle:

Come on guys.. Just look at the photo.. You know what I'm saying here. If you have to have a gimmick/image make it a good one, not just stick crap wigs on that make you look like a bunch of fag hags...why bother.
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The point being made here is start questioning band names / image within our genre and you are on very shaky ground.


I personally think that all bands should take a reality check - perhaps like Harem - and grow old gracefully.


But ultimately enjoy the music for what it is and leave image aside.

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(shrugs) I've heard better, but I've heard worse... I'm with Jez on the name, tho....


I'm not surprised to learn that they came out of the cover circuit, cuz "Hair Force One" definitely sounds like a local yokel '80s metal cover band that you'd find playing in a Holiday Inn lounge... on a Tuesday... in front of twelve people.

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This band is doomed to fail, when they band themselves after one of Edguy's greatest tracks. They can't live up to that.

Oh, you mean that band that suck 60-50% of the time? In all honesty, I already prefer these guys to Edguy and I don't even own anything from them yet! ;)


Gotta be honest, and I couldn't possibly care less about their image with songs like that. I really couldn't. 99.9% of the time you're just going to be listening to songs on your stereo, so what on earth does it matter what they look like?? ;)


As for any indication that they may be a parody band musically, I don't get that vibe at all. Just straight up strong melodic hard rock songs. Love all 4 of the songs.

Agree I don't really hear a parody band vibe here- just good MHR. Their promo photos however look so stupid and ridiculous it makes me cringe...just awful!

Jesus mate, 99% of promo photos make me cringe and they are supposedly being 'serious'.

Most promo photos don't make me cringe, in fact I think they're really cool and give an impression of the band, their attude and not just their music. Like I say image does influence my listening to a degree. If I saw an album cover showing a promo shot with five naked dudes hanging a shit, I'd be reluctant to buy or listen despite how good the music is. Re The Darkness - fair point Geoff and I see where you are coming from but to me I was never bothered by their image. Quite liked it actually. Similar to Cats in Space. But HF1 look so completely fucked up and stupid that it puts me off somewhat. I do like their songs, however and would hope that one day they lose the wigs and put out a really good album.

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I just think if the dudes want to stick on silly wigs let em get on with it.


Jesus no one slagged kiss off for looking f ridiculous....with massive high heels, silly costumes, make up etc.


Yeah they are probably having a laugh but if the music is good who cares. If the music was shit i wouldnt give them 1 second of my time.

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The point being made here is start questioning band names / image within our genre and you are on very shaky ground.


I personally think that all bands should take a reality check - perhaps like Harem - and grow old gracefully.


But ultimately enjoy the music for what it is and leave image aside.

If a terrorist, pedophile or mass murderer put out a really good MHR album I wouldn't listen to it. Note that I am not comparing HF1 to any of the above groups of disgusting people - the point I'm trying to make is that extrinsic factors like band image can influence some people, music quality aside. This doesn't worry you obviously and that's ok.


But as for Lordi - sorry Jez I'll need you to explain that one ?

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Another example is Sebastian Bach. Love the dudes voice, love his music, SR are one of my all-time favourites. BUT when I saw him live he was a disrespectful wanker with a really shitty attitude. After that night I didn't bother with his music anymore and have basically ignored his solo albums.

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The point being made here is start questioning band names / image within our genre and you are on very shaky ground.


I personally think that all bands should take a reality check - perhaps like Harem - and grow old gracefully.


But ultimately enjoy the music for what it is and leave image aside.

If a terrorist, pedophile or mass murderer put out a really good MHR album I wouldn't listen to it. Note that I am not comparing HF1 to any of the above groups of disgusting people - the point I'm trying to make is that extrinsic factors like band image can influence some people, music quality aside. This doesn't worry you obviously and that's ok.


But as for Lordi - sorry Jez I'll need you to explain that one ?

Err when did i say that. Youre taking this to new ground now. Image and someones attitude are completely different.


Im not saying i would defo not listen to their music anymore but it would depend on the circumstance.


Be a tosser like JSS was on Facebook to me and it would possibly influence me buying their future releases.....the guy from Lost Prophets tho - im outta there. Of course as anyone else would be.


Put a silly wig on tho and play awesome melodic hard rock. Nought wrong with that.

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Excellent musically, indeed! First track was a monster!

Another fucking pantomime act. Someone needs to seriously advise them that you don't necessarily need a gimmick, to ditch the absolute shit name and image (and I use that word politely) and let the music do the talking, which they obviously can

Mate you make me laugh sometimes.....


You say this, but your favourite release of 2015 was Cats In Space (an absolute shit name) with one of the worst photo shoots I've ever seen which would have 99% of the world's population (outside of our tiny genre) either shaking their heads or falling over themselves laughing


Just saying............ :whistle:

Come on guys.. Just look at the photo.. You know what I'm saying here. If you have to have a gimmick/image make it a good one, not just stick crap wigs on that make you look like a bunch of fag hags...why bother.


This thread's got to be way too much for me, but this. Honestly mate, have you seen and heard Lordi? If that's a good gimmick my penis is a pug that eats frogs and has bird wings on it. And it's a purple trumpet and vaginas are yuck.


To be honest, Lordi are just massive c*nts. Huge, gigantic c*nts. They looks like fucking maggots, and more than that, their fucked up image translates into their music too. Their image is so horrid it actually angers me.


Yeah these guys looks stupid, but I'm just not that phased by it.


Out of curiosity, Justin, did you like the Lostprophets before? Did you get rid of all their music after what happened with the lead singer? I guess I'm a cold man, but to me a good song is a good song and I can't ungood it if it turns out the band rape baby penguins in the aftermath. Don't get me wrong; I don't think that still enjoying a good song means you condone what the band or it's members did... but if I tried to tell myself I didn't like the songs anymore it'd be a lie, and I don't like to lie. ;)

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Excellent musically, indeed! First track was a monster!

Another fucking pantomime act. Someone needs to seriously advise them that you don't necessarily need a gimmick, to ditch the absolute shit name and image (and I use that word politely) and let the music do the talking, which they obviously can

Mate you make me laugh sometimes.....


You say this, but your favourite release of 2015 was Cats In Space (an absolute shit name) with one of the worst photo shoots I've ever seen which would have 99% of the world's population (outside of our tiny genre) either shaking their heads or falling over themselves laughing


Just saying............ :whistle:

Come on guys.. Just look at the photo.. You know what I'm saying here. If you have to have a gimmick/image make it a good one, not just stick crap wigs on that make you look like a bunch of fag hags...why bother.

This thread's got to be way too much for me, but this. Honestly mate, have you seen and heard Lordi? If that's a good gimmick my penis is a pug that eats frogs and has bird wings on it. And it's a purple trumpet and vaginas are yuck.


To be honest, Lordi are just massive c*nts. Huge, gigantic c*nts. They looks like fucking maggots, and more than that, their fucked up image translates into their music too. Their image is so horrid it actually angers me.


Yeah these guys looks stupid, but I'm just not that phased by it.


Out of curiosity, Justin, did you like the Lostprophets before? Did you get rid of all their music after what happened with the lead singer? I guess I'm a cold man, but to me a good song is a good song and I can't ungood it if it turns out the band rape baby penguins in the aftermath. Don't get me wrong; I don't think that still enjoying a good song means you condone what the band or it's members did... but if I tried to tell myself I didn't like the songs anymore it'd be a lie, and I don't like to lie. ;)

Thankfully I don't really know the Lostprophets or the story of the lead singer. There must be a topic somewhere that discussed this? If he committed terrorism, pedophilia, murder or raped baby penguins then I certainly would have burnt all Lostprophets CDs.

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I don't get all the angst over this subject....either you like the music or you don't, why give a shit over their looks....I'm not going to look at a poster or video while listening to the music...and I happen to enjoy Lordi and yes I like what I hear from HF1.....although I'm not going to bother picking up an EP, I'll wait for a full release...

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  • 8 months later...

I was looking forward to some music from these guys, but apparently they have put the band 'on the shelf' - from Facebook...


Hello Everyone
Wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your amazing support.
Each and every one of you were the reason we were able to exist and thrive for over 15 years.
We in Hair Force One want to let you all know that we intend to update this Facebook page with information pertaining to any future endeavors that may happen down the road.
Keep in mind
We're not saying goodbye forever
But we are saying see you later.
It's hard putting this band on the shelf for the time being but it's absolutely necessary at this time.
If and when the time comes for us to pass along new information it'll be found here.
Thank you everyone for giving us your support and now we thank you for your patience while we take our hiatus.
Hair Force One
Anyone know if they ever released anything?
Their website is also gone....
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On Facebook they said that they will be getting a mailing list up soon, for those interested.

Sounded like around a month until they update their status.

What was the EP?
I was waiting for something, didn't realise they already had something out...

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On Facebook they said that they will be getting a mailing list up soon, for those interested.

Sounded like around a month until they update their status.

What was the EP?

I was waiting for something, didn't realise they already had something out...


Link to their tunes;




I hadn't heard of these guys at all and thought they were just some novelty act just based upon the name. However, checked out the EP and really like it.....Sounds That She Makes is pretty darn good IMO and Stay isn't bad either.


Too bad it sounds like the future isn't looking good....Sure hope these guys can catch a break of some sort and crank out a full CD of tunes like this.

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I messaged these guys on Facebook today asking about their status...They are still very much a band contrary to what was posted above...and have not put the band on hold.


I was told they are currently working on new material and hope to have either a second EP or possibly a full album out in early 2017. They also may put out a new single in the next month or two.


Interested to see what happens as I think their first EP showed some promise.

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  • My Little Pony


I was looking forward to some music from these guys, but apparently they have put the band 'on the shelf' - from Facebook...


Hello Everyone
Wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your amazing support.
Each and every one of you were the reason we were able to exist and thrive for over 15 years.
We in Hair Force One want to let you all know that we intend to update this Facebook page with information pertaining to any future endeavors that may happen down the road.
Keep in mind
We're not saying goodbye forever
But we are saying see you later.
It's hard putting this band on the shelf for the time being but it's absolutely necessary at this time.
If and when the time comes for us to pass along new information it'll be found here.
Thank you everyone for giving us your support and now we thank you for your patience while we take our hiatus.
Hair Force One
Anyone know if they ever released anything?

Their website is also gone....



This is a different Hair Force One. There appear to be a few bands using that name.

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  • My Little Pony

Well fuck me.

Now I'm confused.

I don't even remember which Hair Force One's music I liked.

No wonder I couldn't find the EP....

Which ever one you like is the right one.

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Both bands seem to be fairly unknown. I'll have to track them both down and find the one which I liked. Likelihood is it's the one with the EP released and I added the wrong band in my Facebook.


Edit: Yep, that's what happened.

The band I was looking for was likely because of this thread. Just listened to their soundcloud songs again and they're pretty good.

The other HF1 I have on Facebook seems like a pretty shitty band doing average covers

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