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Yeah, my Chiefs? They're pretty good...


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Not much defense today in KC.

The best sack duo in the NFL went out early in the game and never came back. It was 14-3 when they both got hurt within 10 minutes (real time) of each other.


We are FUCKED with a capital F.

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It's either a 1 seed or a 5 seed for the Chiefs.Hopefully the Titans will be the 6 seed.

It'll be a no seed if the defense doesn't get healthy. Based on what Denver is doing to NE right now, no one seed for sure.

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Surprise surprise-Manning don't like the cold !

I was amazed this morning when I woke up. I stopped watching at 24-0 and thought it was over. My original thoughts above were that the Pats would not lose 2 in a row. I ended up being right somehow (don't tell my wife). I bet Wes is feeling it this morning.


It's a damn shame we couldn't have made one stop yesterday and stole that game. We lose this weekend and it's going to be bad...dropping two home games in a row. We need one of our top two defenders back for this game.

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Surprise surprise-Manning don't like the cold !

I think the wind affected him more.


I think the wind effected everyone in the first half especially but Manning does not have a good record in the cold either. Have no idea why...

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Not Sure How Peyton Lost That Game. His Pic Didn't Lose The Game A MUffed Fumble Did. The Receivers Had Like 7 Drops And With No J Thomas He Missed The Big Reciever. Of Course They Didn't Throw The Ball Much Until The Second Half And They Ran For 280 Yards. The Biggest Issues Were Losing Vickerson AndCromartie Rodgers In The Second Half So No Pass Rush And Rookie Corner Got Picked On.

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Not Sure How Peyton Lost That Game. His Pic Didn't Lose The Game A MUffed Fumble Did. The Receivers Had Like 7 Drops And With No J Thomas He Missed The Big Reciever. Of Course They Didn't Throw The Ball Much Until The Second Half And They Ran For 280 Yards. The Biggest Issues Were Losing Vickerson AndCromartie Rodgers In The Second Half So No Pass Rush And Rookie Corner Got Picked On.

You could point to any number of things contributing. There were a fuckload of fumbles from both teams as well.

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I know my Bucs have 2 exceptional receivers who are being wasted, perhaps they can make a trade, if the Chiefs have any players who attended Rutgers, I'm sure the Bucs would be happy to trade for them, since Greg Shisucko seems to be stockpiling his former players, can you imagine if the Chiefs acquired Vince Jackson? HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! or even Mike Williams, yeah I cant even watch this game, its way to aggravating, and I HATE!! watching a team who for all reasons should be winning a game, lose on account of Pros who make millions of dollars, not being able to do what they are paid to do, fuck it, if it was me, I would throw to nobody other then Bowe, and that Tight End seems to be a worker, he has earned the right to have some balls thrown his way, but this is to aggravating. fuck it, goodbye.

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I litterally had a headache after that game. I am tired of watchign them play press coverage and getting burned deep. Smith's pic on 1st & goal on the first drive is unacceptable. It should have been 28-7 with the door shut but of course, we have to get burned deep because we play the same defense every time. Please whatever you do don't mix in some zone blitzes or anything. Fucking unbelievable...then on top of everything else the receivers couldn't catch a cold in the 2nd half. Perfectly thrown balls dropped 5 times that I remember, half of them for 40 yards or more.


They got what they deserved. Now they deserve the 5th seed and being on the road for the playoffs.


Might as well concentrate on getting healthy, putting together a few wins and planning on the possibility that there will be a 3rd match up with Manning. The bad though...I think we may have lost Albert for the year....

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Its so aggravating, cause really you guys, the Chiefs were a couple good receivers from possibly winning that game, Alex Smith couldnt have been more accurate, matter of fact, that might be the most accurate ive ever seen him be, he was putting those throws in places that not many other QB's in the NFL could put them, he was practically making those WR's jobs easy as fuck, man that Avery dude, why do they even play him? theres got to be somebody on Waivers, or on the FA list they can snatch up, fuck sakes, Austin Collie sat on there the whole season, Patriots finally snatched him up, whats the Chiefs excuse, theres a hard nosed white boy who isnt a burner, he's a completion artist, he catches everything, oh well, glad my Bucs fucking blow, and are so far out of anything, I dont have to stress this season.

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Just when I start getting really interested, they turn sh*t. Typical.


(With apologies to Chiefs fans for jinxing your team.)



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Just when I start getting really interested, they turn sh*t. Typical.


(With apologies to Chiefs fans for jinxing your team.)




I dont know what your talking about?? My Bucs are shit, they Chiefs are terrific, they just need to make some serious changes at Receiver, and I assure you, they will be shored up. but if your a bandwagon jumper, then thats ok, I heard the Seahawks are killer right now.

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Just when I start getting really interested, they turn sh*t. Typical.


(With apologies to Chiefs fans for jinxing your team.)




I dont know what your talking about?? My Bucs are shit, they Chiefs are terrific, they just need to make some serious changes at Receiver, and I assure you, they will be shored up. but if your a bandwagon jumper, then thats ok, I heard the Seahawks are killer right now.

Killer is an understatement as they made Drew Brees and company look like statues last night.


I'm not a band wagoner just a Steelers first, who suck just as hard as you Bucc's, but damn if those Hawks aren't firing on all cylinders. I might call them bullet proof... If they can keep up the level of play they showed last night and obviously 10 other weeks, they can't be beat.

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