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Give me a year to grow my hair out.


Why? ive got a shaved head, thats what wigs are for


I don't do wigs.


A clip I saw on wigfuckers.com suggests otherwise.

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  • My Little Pony

Give me a year to grow my hair out.


Why? ive got a shaved head, thats what wigs are for


I don't do wigs.


A clip I saw on wigfuckers.com suggests otherwise.


I don't do wigs anymore.

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Really sad to read this. Hope it isn't something I said. ;)


I use Facebook, but only intermittently. I much prefer this site, although we could do with a few more members. Come back, people!


What are you talking about bro? I merely pay attention to who im talking to, out of nowhere a name will shoot into my mind, and I'll realize that I haven't seen the name for a good amount of time, I HAVE O.C.D. so to discover many M.I.A.'s, and not inquire to their whereabouts, would not sit to well, Ive lost sleep over far less, That James Eagle, is the one and only reason that I created this thread, I actually created one probably 4 months ago, when I was looking for Florida Chris, but instead of trying to locate where that one is, much easier to just make a new one.


Now for the other half of your reply, I am on Facebook about as much as anyone is, or could be, I finally got to put a good number of people on HH's names to their face because of Facebook, then I created a thread, also about 4 months ago, Listing all the names I had from Facebook, that I knew were HH members, I listed all of them, and basically just said, post your HH screen name, next to your real name, that really was the only way I was going to be able to learn everyones names, Facebook is a unique and irritating part of my life, I tried completely deleting my account and vanishing once, but I have so many friends, and so much family scattered out all over the world, that it blewback on my mom, she got hounded by people wanting to know why I left Facebook, I told her cause it's fucking intrusive, and the novelty wore off, so we can all go back to wondering where each other are, and maybe meet again 10 years down the road, but at the request of my daughter, who I cannot tell no, I am back on it,


So James Eagle, if you've read this rant in it's entirety, and your still awake, you'll realize Ive way to much time on my hands today, (RANT ALERT)!!! seeing I'm completely snowed into my house today and the $8,300 I fucking wasted out of my tax returns on a lift kit and tires for my jeep to boldly go in the snow, where no other jeeps can go, has reared it's expensive ugly worthless head, and all I can do is sit here and stew in the shear disgust and hate im feeling over my worthless investment, but James Eagle, can you please help me out with something? you frequently imply you have said something offensive to us,you are often apologizing for something you've posted that you feel bad about? I am really having a hard time figuring out where the fuck your going with this? 1st of all, and I cant speak for anyone but myself, but you could never say a thing that would offend or hurt me,

2nd your about the straightest shooter Ive seen on here, I cant find a single post in your entire HH history you've even argued over something on, I did find something disturbing though!!!


I discovered you have never taken a personal shot at anyone! now this is absolutely inexcusable! I cannot comprehend anyone much less myself posting on this board, and never even dropping at least one queer joke on G-Off, or making an arrogantly smug comment pointing out my hilarious punctuation to everyone after one of my 10 page rants, not once sneaking in a throat cutter about my small cock, Nope!

Your pretty much the model forum member,

so can you fill me in on what it is you seem to feel so guilty and worried about? you've expressed a bunch of times that your apologetic for something you've posted, and frankly I'm getting pretty damn curious just what your angle is? OK! I'm not trying to bust your balls, it's more a curiosity thing.


One last thing, you have now outed yourself regarding Facebook, So?? So what the fuck? what do I fucking embarrass you? What I aint good enough to be James Eagles friend on Facebook? is that how it is?

OK bro, thats cool, I'm sure I will be able to find someone to be my friend, heck maybe i can even find a couple of friends, but none of them will be James Eagle, he's got all the friends he needs, Will you even put me on the list for if maybe one of your friends quits?

Just go ahead and type Ezoangelofdeath@aol.com and click the add friend button, OK,

Bye James Eagle, hope you know I'm going insane of boredom, and I'm just typing continuously until Black Ops 2 decides to finally turn on.


Cody, man, chill - we're already friends on Facebook! :D


Check it out - we have 3 mutual friends, including Jez + Dan from this very forum.


I was only kidding about offending people. Well, a bit anyway. I do think I piss people off by not liking bands such as Treat, Poodles, Pink Ceam 69, etc... but I don't do it on purpose.


As for the apologetic bit, yeah, I suppose I do that. Small matter called self-loathing. Not nice, but there it is.





Hmm ... I'll put Shakra in the same category as PC69 - they make a good sound, but I just don't like the songs. Venom are okay; I'm not a big fan, but I like some of their stuff. Can't stand Edguy!!! I do like Dynazty, although I haven't heard the 2012 album yet.


I think it's fair to say that my musical taste is something of a Heavy Harmonies anomaly...

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As for the apologetic bit, yeah, I suppose I do that.


You're not secretly Canadian, are you?


Sadly not. Are you a nation of guilty consciences, then? ;)


At least if I was Canadian, I'd get to live somewhere much nicer!

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Where do you live James Eagle? Canada has a place for you if you'd like to relocate, hell move here to the States, move to Utah, Ive only seen one other member of HH from here in Utah, and I don't see him anymore, if you moved here we could gang up on people.But on that note, im trying to save up enough to bounce to become an Aussie, I have 4 friends who moved there along time ago, and have never been back, they love it, and i'd love a chance to live on a Continent filled with every kind of the most lethal everything known to mankind, Geoff told me I could move in with him, but i'd have to sleep on my back every night and I cant have that stress on my mind, know what im saying? He He He

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As for the apologetic bit, yeah, I suppose I do that.


You're not secretly Canadian, are you?


Sadly not. Are you a nation of guilty consciences, then? ;)


At least if I was Canadian, I'd get to live somewhere much nicer!


You need to be a bit more patriotic mate - nought wrong with where you live.

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As for the apologetic bit, yeah, I suppose I do that.


You're not secretly Canadian, are you?


Sadly not. Are you a nation of guilty consciences, then? ;)


At least if I was Canadian, I'd get to live somewhere much nicer!


You need to be a bit more patriotic mate - nought wrong with where you live.

You mean a place where it doesn't rain all the time? :whistle:

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  • My Little Pony

As for the apologetic bit, yeah, I suppose I do that.


You're not secretly Canadian, are you?


Sadly not. Are you a nation of guilty consciences, then? ;)


At least if I was Canadian, I'd get to live somewhere much nicer!


You need to be a bit more patriotic mate - nought wrong with where you live.

You mean a place where it doesn't rain all the time? :whistle:


Nah, the weather is almost identical. At least out here on the west coast. And, I agree with Glen. England has gorgeous countryside, and cities with history and character. As does the rest of the Kingdom.

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So did anyone say what happened to Bob? Bob was awesome!


I know Eric is on Facebook all the time and talk to him often.


I'm on Facebook a lot too and post in the Melodic Mafia group several times a day as well as Brian's hard rock and heavy metal forum he started that I help admin. It's tough to have time for all of the forums and threads but HH will always be the first place I go/post/read comments.


It is strange how so many older members dissapear but hopefully some of them come back.


Come back Metal Jay/Just Jason!!!!

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As for the apologetic bit, yeah, I suppose I do that.


You're not secretly Canadian, are you?


Sadly not. Are you a nation of guilty consciences, then? ;)


At least if I was Canadian, I'd get to live somewhere much nicer!


You need to be a bit more patriotic mate - nought wrong with where you live.


Sorry Glen, mate, but personally, I absolutely hate being in this country now. The Politicians are absolute scum and only ever act in their own self-interest, but the worst thing is that the place is ridiculously overcrowded. Just far too many people for such a small island and it's getting worse. Give me Canada or Australia any day - real wide open spaces - wow! I'm as patriotic as anyone, as one example I went mental for every gold medal Team GB picked up, but I just don't like living here.

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Nah, the weather is almost identical. At least out here on the west coast. And, I agree with Glen. England has gorgeous countryside, and cities with history and character. As does the rest of the Kingdom.


Can't disagree with this, it's just so hard to enjoy those things with so many f***ing people everywhere. (And the countryside is getting smaller and smaller due to money-grabbing scum in charge allowing housing developments, new roads, quarries, etc, to flatten ancient woodlands, heathland, etc.)


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  • My Little Pony

Nah, the weather is almost identical. At least out here on the west coast. And, I agree with Glen. England has gorgeous countryside, and cities with history and character. As does the rest of the Kingdom.


Can't disagree with this, it's just so hard to enjoy those things with so many f***ing people everywhere. (And the countryside is getting smaller and smaller due to money-grabbing scum in charge allowing housing developments, new roads, quarries, etc, to flatten ancient woodlands, heathland, etc.)



Well, then come on out to the west coast. More open space than you'll know what to do with. What's your vocation?

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Nah, the weather is almost identical. At least out here on the west coast. And, I agree with Glen. England has gorgeous countryside, and cities with history and character. As does the rest of the Kingdom.


Can't disagree with this, it's just so hard to enjoy those things with so many f***ing people everywhere. (And the countryside is getting smaller and smaller due to money-grabbing scum in charge allowing housing developments, new roads, quarries, etc, to flatten ancient woodlands, heathland, etc.)



Well, then come on out to the west coast. More open space than you'll know what to do with. What's your vocation?


Where the fuck do you live in Canada anyways? for some odd reason I always believed you were in England somewhere, and James Eagle, what island do you live on? you think your goverment is great, why not move to the states where you can learn exactly what a great goverment is? and if you dont like it, youve got Canada to the North, and Mexico to the South, and Detroit right in the middle!

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  • My Little Pony

Nah, the weather is almost identical. At least out here on the west coast. And, I agree with Glen. England has gorgeous countryside, and cities with history and character. As does the rest of the Kingdom.


Can't disagree with this, it's just so hard to enjoy those things with so many f***ing people everywhere. (And the countryside is getting smaller and smaller due to money-grabbing scum in charge allowing housing developments, new roads, quarries, etc, to flatten ancient woodlands, heathland, etc.)



Well, then come on out to the west coast. More open space than you'll know what to do with. What's your vocation?


Where the fuck do you live in Canada anyways? for some odd reason I always believed you were in England somewhere, and James Eagle, what island do you live on? you think your goverment is great, why not move to the states where you can learn exactly what a great goverment is? and if you dont like it, youve got Canada to the North, and Mexico to the South, and Detroit right in the middle!


Heh. I am Canadian. But I can trace part of my lineage back to Leicester, and that English part is very evident on that side of the family, so it's something I've always identified with. It's part of my culture, and that's probably where you got the idea I was from the Island. People ask me where in England I'm from, and why I don't have an accent, quite frequently.

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Yeah I thought by your accent you were from over in England somewhere, you fooled me,

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It could be a lot f worse. I am grateful every day I live that I was born in a country like England.


There's no place like home :-)


Glen, this is just my tuppence worth and I don't want to offend anyone. I know you love your country and so do I. I just find that the population has got ridiculous now and is still going up, plus our 'green and pleasant land' is diminishing at an alarming rate. The UK used to be a great place to live, but these days I'd much rather be patriotic from a distance, e.g. New Zealand. :D

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Serious question, James, have you thought of moving, honestly? Life's too short to live somewhere you don't love, mate. I complain about crowds in Sydney, but I do love a lot of other things about it and anywhere outside of Sydney is great... and as a whole I'd not want to live anywhere else but Australia, but you should seriously contemplate a move, mate. Especially if your wife's keen too. From what I know of you, though, I would definitely recommend New Zeland first, then Canada, instead of Australia. Just because we're seeing 40'C+ days quite often at the moment, and a hot dry summer. I love it, but I know it's not your thing. NZ and Canada, I feel, would be more your climate. And beautiful places to live too, fro what I understand. Well, can't speak much for Canada, but I know NZ is a gem.


If you did try Australia, I'd suggest Tasmania. Stunningly beautiful and much more your type of climate, despite the bush fires that have just sadly ravaged the state. :(

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It could be a lot f worse. I am grateful every day I live that I was born in a country like England.


There's no place like home :-)


Glen, this is just my tuppence worth and I don't want to offend anyone. I know you love your country and so do I. I just find that the population has got ridiculous now and is still going up, plus our 'green and pleasant land' is diminishing at an alarming rate. The UK used to be a great place to live, but these days I'd much rather be patriotic from a distance, e.g. New Zealand. :D


Im sure that London is overcrowded, but not more than any other major city in the World.


Where I live I really dont get that 'overcrowded' feeling, plus I live by the coast which is a huge advantage as you do get that feeling of 'space'.


All I know is that wherever Ive been - ive enjoyed - but always glad to get home - not sure what it is, whether its the people, the climate (I know people hate it, but I hate extremes so our climate suits me just fine - cant be doing with all this 40c here. -18C there!)....family, friends............


Also I love our tradition, history, culture etc.

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Serious question, James, have you thought of moving, honestly? Life's too short to live somewhere you don't love, mate. I complain about crowds in Sydney, but I do love a lot of other things about it and anywhere outside of Sydney is great... and as a whole I'd not want to live anywhere else but Australia, but you should seriously contemplate a move, mate. Especially if your wife's keen too. From what I know of you, though, I would definitely recommend New Zeland first, then Canada, instead of Australia. Just because we're seeing 40'C+ days quite often at the moment, and a hot dry summer. I love it, but I know it's not your thing. NZ and Canada, I feel, would be more your climate. And beautiful places to live too, fro what I understand. Well, can't speak much for Canada, but I know NZ is a gem.If you did try Australia, I'd suggest Tasmania. Stunningly beautiful and much more your type of climate, despite the bush fires that have just sadly ravaged the state. :(


I'd love to do it mate. Really. I did seriously look into moving to Canada when I was in my mid-twenties. I was talked out of it by a woman I was completely in love with at the time, which was perhaps a tad naive.


Absolutely no way the wife would go for it. She is settled, has her own little local business and loves where we live. Having said that, if we could move to Sydney tomorrow, get decent jobs, etc, she probably would. She loves the place. (However, with no particularly marketable qualifications, there's simply no way it could happen.) 40-degree heat is like hell for me. I would describe it as actual physical pain. But I'd put up with it for the space, lack of congestion, less stressful way of life, etc.


For me, NZ would be the ultimate location - pretty much self-sufficient, not a huge population and completely stunning. My wife's brother lived there for a bit, but unfortunately for him it was Christchurch, so he's back in the UK now.


I think we're in for some real sh*t in the UK over the next few years. The population is the main reason, plus the fact that we don't really export anything, but have to import loads. Apparently, when the ash cloud was over Europe, we were days away from running out of some foodstuffs. That's what happens when you have far too many people for the size of country!


And then there's the scientists who reckon that the whole of the southeast of England will be underwater in 20 years' time... :rolleyes:

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FFS! What is wrong with our browser? F*ing paragraphs keep being squashed together, however many times I try to edit! :doh:

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Serious question, James, have you thought of moving, honestly? Life's too short to live somewhere you don't love, mate. I complain about crowds in Sydney, but I do love a lot of other things about it and anywhere outside of Sydney is great... and as a whole I'd not want to live anywhere else but Australia, but you should seriously contemplate a move, mate. Especially if your wife's keen too. From what I know of you, though, I would definitely recommend New Zeland first, then Canada, instead of Australia. Just because we're seeing 40'C+ days quite often at the moment, and a hot dry summer. I love it, but I know it's not your thing. NZ and Canada, I feel, would be more your climate. And beautiful places to live too, fro what I understand. Well, can't speak much for Canada, but I know NZ is a gem.If you did try Australia, I'd suggest Tasmania. Stunningly beautiful and much more your type of climate, despite the bush fires that have just sadly ravaged the state. :(
I'd love to do it mate. Really. I did seriously look into moving to Canada when I was in my mid-twenties. I was talked out of it by a woman I was completely in love with at the time, which was perhaps a tad naive.Absolutely no way the wife would go for it. She is settled, has her own little local business and loves where we live. Having said that, if we could move to Sydney tomorrow, get decent jobs, etc, she probably would. She loves the place. (However, with no particularly marketable qualifications, there's simply no way it could happen.) 40-degree heat is like hell for me. I would describe it as actual physical pain. But I'd put up with it for the space, lack of congestion, less stressful way of life, etc.For me, NZ would be the ultimate location - pretty much self-sufficient, not a huge population and completely stunning. My wife's brother lived there for a bit, but unfortunately for him it was Christchurch, so he's back in the UK now.I think we're in for some real sh*t in the UK over the next few years. The population is the main reason, plus the fact that we don't really export anything, but have to import loads. Apparently, when the ash cloud was over Europe, we were days away from running out of some foodstuffs. That's what happens when you have far too many people for the size of country!And then there's the scientists who reckon that the whole of the southeast of England will be underwater in 20 years' time... :rolleyes:


Yeah, the 40'C heat isn't a real part of the Sydney lifestlye, to be honest. It seems it'll happen a few times this year, but this in on the back of the shittest summer I can ever recall last year. Not even sure it reached 30'C most the time. That was terrible. I love these hot summers as it reminds me of when I was a kid. Just love it.


I imagine it's nowhere near the problem it is over there, but I wish Australia would stop allowing foreigners residency too. I'm not sure if that's racist or not, but there's enough people here already. We truly do not need more. I wonder if/when the plan is to ever stop it?


Anyway, use the net to get your wife secretly established in NZ and make the move. Do it! :) Or Australia. 90% of the time I'm sure you'd find the climate a delight. Oh, and P.S, if you do get in, shut the door behind you. ;)

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It could be a lot f worse. I am grateful every day I live that I was born in a country like England.There's no place like home :-)
Glen, this is just my tuppence worth and I don't want to offend anyone. I know you love your country and so do I. I just find that the population has got ridiculous now and is still going up, plus our 'green and pleasant land' is diminishing at an alarming rate. The UK used to be a great place to live, but these days I'd much rather be patriotic from a distance, e.g. New Zealand. :D
Im sure that London is overcrowded, but not more than any other major city in the World.Where I live I really dont get that 'overcrowded' feeling, plus I live by the coast which is a huge advantage as you do get that feeling of 'space'.All I know is that wherever Ive been - ive enjoyed - but always glad to get home - not sure what it is, whether its the people, the climate (I know people hate it, but I hate extremes so our climate suits me just fine - cant be doing with all this 40c here. -18C there!)....family, friends............Also I love our tradition, history, culture etc.


I would take issue with London being the same as most other cities. The population is in the top 20 in the world, but it has an old transport system, poor roads in and out, etc, etc.


I live in a village in Kent, which is really nice and I love it there. So do the wife and kids. However, you go on pretty much any journey of more than about 30 miles in the UK and there will traffic problems. Just so many f*ing cars. I include Southend in that, I find it really congested around there.


I'm with you on the history though. How great are castles? I'd miss them if I was in Australia.


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  • My Little Pony

Also, mate, can you live without your footy? You won't be able to attend any matches, and, with the time changes, it won't be easy to follow them on the tele.

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