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Hurricane Sandy


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I was wondering the same thing. I know that we had a bit of damage where I live and the storm hit north or us and really did damage in Jersey and NY as well as other areas. I'm sure there are quite a few HH members that at least have lost power. I hope that a power loss is the worst.


Prayers to those who were affected by Sandy. Let us know when you can that all is well.

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Was just beginning/continueing to worry about some of our East coast brethren, Keith, Junkie, etc... (sorry typing fast)





Updates please.




Fingers crossed you're all okay.

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Wanted to get this up, especially after seeing some of the footage on the news over the past few days. Looks really bad.


As mentioned, many well wishes and positive vibes heading back East to the east siders.


Again, I can't stress enough my concern for you guys. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you all.

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Hey gang... finally made it into work today for the first time since Monday, here's how we're holding up...


I live in West Milford, NJ, which is in the Northern part of the state (I'm about five minutes from the border w/New York State.) Our power's been out since 7 PM Monday night. Since I have a well for water w/an electric pump, that means no running water, and no baseboard heat either.


Thankfully our house didn't suffer any storm damage, but there are trees down everywhere you look. Compared to Hurricane Irene last year, though, I'd say we dodged a bullet -- we had lots of wind, but not as much rain as they were predicting, so I didn't experience any flooding in my basement this time out. Driving to work this AM, it looks like the T-Rexes from "Jurassic Park" went rampaging through the woods all over town.


Obviously we can't just sit in a dark house with no heat all day long cuz it doesn't take long to get on each other's nerves, so the family and I have been spending our time hopping between the houses of some friends who have generators (or who have been lucky enough to have their power restored) and at our church, where they've been serving hot coffee and food. I haven't had a shower since Sunday night so I probably stank like hell, but that's the least of my worries. I'm starting to develop a pretty good mountain man/serial killer beard too. At night time, we've all been camping out in our bedroom upstairs (me, wife, kids, and pets) to conserve warmth. It's been working out OK but it's really starting to smell like feet in there. When the juice comes back on we're gonna have to launder every damn thing we own.


I've stopped checking with our utility company for any estimates as to whether our lights will be back on soon, cuz all it does is piss me off. Worst case scenario would be sometime next week, obviously I'm hoping for sooner.


The gasoline situation is starting to scare me. There are a couple of gas stations in town with power but as soon as word gets out that they've had a gas delivery the lines go on for blocks & blocks. I saw a near-brawl break out when someone tried to cut into a gas station line just yesterday, it's only a matter of time before things get all "Road Warrior" up in here and somebody gets shot. I still have about 1/2 a tank in my truck so I'm OK for now but sometime over the weekend I'm probably gonna have to look for a place to fill up.


So yeah, things suck where I'm at but compared with things farther South in New Jersey (i.e. the Shore areas, I'm sure you've all seen the photos) we got off light. A friend of mine from college who lives -- or should I say lived -- in the Long Beach Island area had her house washed away during the storm surge, thankfully her family's OK but they've lost everything. So me and my crew are counting our blessings.


The wife and I have already decided that when we get our tax refund next year, we are buying a generator. After last year with Hurricane Irene (five days without power), and the pre-Halloween snowstorm (four more days without power), and now Sandy, we've officially had enough of this shit.


I'll post more later if I have time, take it easy y'all. Hopefully we'll be back to normal soon so I can get back to discussing more important things like Paul Stanley's hair piece.

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  • My Little Pony

Hey gang... finally made it into work today for the first time since Monday, here's how we're holding up...


I live in West Milford, NJ, which is in the Northern part of the state (I'm about five minutes from the border w/New York State.) Our power's been out since 7 PM Monday night. Since I have a well for water w/an electric pump, that means no running water, and no baseboard heat either.


Thankfully our house didn't suffer any storm damage, but there are trees down everywhere you look. Compared to Hurricane Irene last year, though, I'd say we dodged a bullet -- we had lots of wind, but not as much rain as they were predicting, so I didn't experience any flooding in my basement this time out. Driving to work this AM, it looks like the T-Rexes from "Jurassic Park" went rampaging through the woods all over town.


Obviously we can't just sit in a dark house with no heat all day long cuz it doesn't take long to get on each other's nerves, so the family and I have been spending our time hopping between the houses of some friends who have generators (or who have been lucky enough to have their power restored) and at our church, where they've been serving hot coffee and food. I haven't had a shower since Sunday night so I probably stank like hell, but that's the least of my worries. I'm starting to develop a pretty good mountain man/serial killer beard too. At night time, we've all been camping out in our bedroom upstairs (me, wife, kids, and pets) to conserve warmth. It's been working out OK but it's really starting to smell like feet in there. When the juice comes back on we're gonna have to launder every damn thing we own.


I've stopped checking with our utility company for any estimates as to whether our lights will be back on soon, cuz all it does is piss me off. Worst case scenario would be sometime next week, obviously I'm hoping for sooner.


The gasoline situation is starting to scare me. There are a couple of gas stations in town with power but as soon as word gets out that they've had a gas delivery the lines go on for blocks & blocks. As someone mentioned from my FB post, I saw a near-brawl break out when someone tried to cut into a gas station line just yesterday, it's only a matter of time before things get all "Road Warrior" up in here and somebody gets shot. I still have about 1/2 a tank in my truck so I'm OK for now but sometime over the weekend I'm probably gonna have to look for a place to fill up.


So yeah, things suck where I'm at but compared with things farther South in New Jersey (i.e. the Shore areas, I'm sure you've all seen the photos) we got off light. A friend of mine from college who lives -- or should I say lived -- in the Long Beach Island area had her house washed away during the storm surge, thankfully her family's OK but they've lost everything. So me and my crew are counting our blessings.


The wife and I have already decided that when we get our tax refund next year, we are buying a generator. After last year with Hurricane Irene (five days without power), and the pre-Halloween snowstorm (four more days without power), and now Sandy, we've officially had enough of this shit.


I'll post more later if I have time, take it easy y'all. Hopefully we'll be back to normal soon so I can get back to discussing more important things like Paul Stanley's hair piece.


Glad to hear you and your fam are doing well, all things considering, and I'll continue to keep you in my prayers. And don't worry, we've held off on the Paul Stanley hair piece thread until you get back. Be safe and take care.

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And don't worry, we've held off on the Paul Stanley hair piece thread until you get back. Be safe and take care.


Cool. Remember, we'll be talking about the one on his chest, not his head.

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  • My Little Pony

And don't worry, we've held off on the Paul Stanley hair piece thread until you get back. Be safe and take care.


Cool. Remember, we'll be talking about the one on his chest, not his head.


Yeah, I'm sure most of the guys are aware of that. Geoff was a little disappointed we weren't discussing the pubic variety, but, seeing as Matty ain't around anymore, he'd have no one to converse with on that matter anyhow.

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Glad to hear from you my East coast brutha! ANd super happy that your house didn't do a Wizard Of Oz. One down and a few more peeps to check in and all will be right again.


Take care Keith and take good care of the clan too and I will echo your generator sentiments, I got one and after last winters 5 days without juice it certainly paid for itself.

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Hey gang... finally made it into work today for the first time since Monday, here's how we're holding up...


I live in West Milford, NJ, which is in the Northern part of the state (I'm about five minutes from the border w/New York State.) Our power's been out since 7 PM Monday night. Since I have a well for water w/an electric pump, that means no running water, and no baseboard heat either.


Thankfully our house didn't suffer any storm damage, but there are trees down everywhere you look. Compared to Hurricane Irene last year, though, I'd say we dodged a bullet -- we had lots of wind, but not as much rain as they were predicting, so I didn't experience any flooding in my basement this time out. Driving to work this AM, it looks like the T-Rexes from "Jurassic Park" went rampaging through the woods all over town.


Obviously we can't just sit in a dark house with no heat all day long cuz it doesn't take long to get on each other's nerves, so the family and I have been spending our time hopping between the houses of some friends who have generators (or who have been lucky enough to have their power restored) and at our church, where they've been serving hot coffee and food. I haven't had a shower since Sunday night so I probably stank like hell, but that's the least of my worries. I'm starting to develop a pretty good mountain man/serial killer beard too. At night time, we've all been camping out in our bedroom upstairs (me, wife, kids, and pets) to conserve warmth. It's been working out OK but it's really starting to smell like feet in there. When the juice comes back on we're gonna have to launder every damn thing we own.


I've stopped checking with our utility company for any estimates as to whether our lights will be back on soon, cuz all it does is piss me off. Worst case scenario would be sometime next week, obviously I'm hoping for sooner.


The gasoline situation is starting to scare me. There are a couple of gas stations in town with power but as soon as word gets out that they've had a gas delivery the lines go on for blocks & blocks. I saw a near-brawl break out when someone tried to cut into a gas station line just yesterday, it's only a matter of time before things get all "Road Warrior" up in here and somebody gets shot. I still have about 1/2 a tank in my truck so I'm OK for now but sometime over the weekend I'm probably gonna have to look for a place to fill up.


So yeah, things suck where I'm at but compared with things farther South in New Jersey (i.e. the Shore areas, I'm sure you've all seen the photos) we got off light. A friend of mine from college who lives -- or should I say lived -- in the Long Beach Island area had her house washed away during the storm surge, thankfully her family's OK but they've lost everything. So me and my crew are counting our blessings.


The wife and I have already decided that when we get our tax refund next year, we are buying a generator. After last year with Hurricane Irene (five days without power), and the pre-Halloween snowstorm (four more days without power), and now Sandy, we've officially had enough of this shit.


I'll post more later if I have time, take it easy y'all. Hopefully we'll be back to normal soon so I can get back to discussing more important things like Paul Stanley's hair piece.

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Yeah, I was thinking about Keef and Pete when I saw this in the news. Glad to hear you and the family are all okay, Keef. :) Hope Pete and any others in the region all got through it relatively unscathed. Looked pretty crazy.

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Just got power last night. No damage done, but losing power since monday afternoon.

My hometown of Union Beach was leveled. I know quite a few people who lost houses.I have no power in my Dayton N.J. Job, so they're sending me off to Philly.

I don't wish this mess on my worst enemy..

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Just got power last night. No damage done, but losing power since monday afternoon.

My hometown of Union Beach was leveled. I know quite a few people who lost houses.I have no power in my Dayton N.J. Job, so they're sending me off to Philly.

I don't wish this mess on my worst enemy..


Sorry to hear that mate; hope the recovery doesn't take too long. Ignore my PM - you've answered it right here. All the best to you and all the other HH-ers affected.

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Just got power last night. No damage done, but losing power since monday afternoon.

My hometown of Union Beach was leveled. I know quite a few people who lost houses.I have no power in my Dayton N.J. Job, so they're sending me off to Philly.

I don't wish this mess on my worst enemy..


Sorry to hear that mate; hope the recovery doesn't take too long. Ignore my PM - you've answered it right here. All the best to you and all the other HH-ers affected.


Thanx James, but I already answered your PM..

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Hi all... stoppin' in for a quick update. Hurricane Sandy is still f**kin' with my life, but at least things seem to be heading in the right direction.


We still don't have power but a member of our church who got his power back early Sunday morning graciously offered to loan us his generator for the duration, so we hooked that up yesterday afternoon. To conserve the gasoline we ran it for a couple of hours in the afternoon to get the house warmed up, then shut it down for a while, then ran it again for a while in the evening to get the place warmed up again before bed. We were even able to watch some TV for a while when it was running, wonder of wonders, and once we got the hot water and well pump up and running I was able to take a shower... and after nearly a week without one, I swear to you folks, that shower was better than cheeseburgers, pizza, beer and sex!


Our church continues to provide a warm place to hang out and hot food at meal times. It's humbling, but it's also comforting to see there are still many other people around town who are in the same boat as us. I was starting to feel like a mooch after so many days but our pastor assured me that "Don't you dare feel guilty, this is what we're here for," which damn near made me cry.


After spending two and a half hours in line at a gas station yesterday I was able to fill up my truck so I'm good till later in the week. New Jersey has established "odd" and "even" days at gas stations (if your license plate ends in an "even" # you can get gas on even numbered days, and odd #'d plates can go on odd #'d days).


I have also decree'd that I will not shave until the power comes back on. I've already got a pretty good Mountain Man thing happening so if current estimates for return of service (mid-week) hold true, I should have a full-on Charles Manson combo goin' by the time the juice comes back on.


Thanks again for all the well wishes, and I can't wait till things get back to normal so I can get back to nit-pickin' about geeky obsessive Metal stuff.

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I have also decree'd that I will not shave until the power comes back on. I've already got a pretty good Mountain Man thing happening so if current estimates for return of service (mid-week) hold true, I should have a full-on Charles Manson combo goin' by the time the juice comes back on.



Timing is impeccable as it is currently Movember. I don't know if it is followed outside of Washington, but apparently November is the time to grow a great big ole Rolly Finger on your upper lip...



Excellent to see some more East siders checking in, Master Junkie, Zzzz. Glad to hear aside fom the power outage you all are fairing well-ish.


Anyone hear from Pete? And not to sound stupid, but any one else out that way need to check in?


The news out West is covered with this "Superstorm Sandy" news and the images are depressing as all hell.

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I live in West Milford, NJ


i see the potential for some serious fun with your town's welcome sign... can't let Chardon, OH have all the fun...


And this is brilliant on the lighter side of things. Out this way as kids/teenagers we always had fun with this towns welcome to sign: Bothell...

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  • My Little Pony


I have also decree'd that I will not shave until the power comes back on. I've already got a pretty good Mountain Man thing happening so if current estimates for return of service (mid-week) hold true, I should have a full-on Charles Manson combo goin' by the time the juice comes back on.



Timing is impeccable as it is currently Movember. I don't know if it is followed outside of Washington, but apparently November is the time to grow a great big ole Rolly Finger on your upper lip...


I thought the exact same thing. You can do Movember and keep the 'stache, or you can do No-Shave November and keep it all. If you are really bordering on the Manson look, I'd say keep it all. ;)


Anyway, thanks for checking in again. Good to hear things are improving.

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I have also decree'd that I will not shave until the power comes back on. I've already got a pretty good Mountain Man thing happening so if current estimates for return of service (mid-week) hold true, I should have a full-on Charles Manson combo goin' by the time the juice comes back on.



Timing is impeccable as it is currently Movember. I don't know if it is followed outside of Washington, but apparently November is the time to grow a great big ole Rolly Finger on your upper lip...


Yeah, someone at our church yesterday told me that November is "Beard Month" or somethin' like that, so I guess that makes me all hip 'n' stuff.

Since we're spending so much time hangin' out there anyway, I could conceivably bring my electric razor to church w/me, charge it up and scrape my face, but now it's turned into a principle sort of thing... y'know, how some ball players don't shave during the playoffs, shit like that. Besides, I've gotten curious how fuzzy I'll be by the time this is all over with.


Anyone hear from Pete?


If memory serves from his posts on Facebook, his power came back on a couple of days ago, so he's in good shape.

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Good day, eh, and welcome to day Number 10 without power in the Great White North (aka New Jersey).


Situation still hasn't changed for us, still no power, still hangin' at the church for meals and keeping the house somewhat warm via generator when we're home. Yesterday's "nor'easter" storm just added insult to injury, it dumped about 3 inches of snow on us and the temperature dropped into the 20s. I spent Tuesday night prior to the storm in my back yard trying to set up some kind of "shelter" for the generator so that it wouldn't get damaged by the weather. My friend and I parked it next to the RV trailer in my backyard and set up a little "tent" over it with a tarp so that it could keep running and still be safe from the elements. Around 7 PM last night (when the snow/wind was at its height) the weight of the snow on the tarp caused a couple of the ropes holding it up to snap, so I had to go out there and redneck-fix it back up again (there was much cursing), fortunately my repair job held for the rest of the night. It was clear again this morning so I was able to uncover it and return to business as usual.


Last we checked with our utility company, the juice is due to come back on in my neighborhood by 11 PM tonight.... but that was before yesterday's storm, I dearly hope that didn't set the timetable back any further.


On the other hand, I am now able to keep my beer cold via natural refrigeration just by leaving it outside. :D


We've had enough and simply want this nonsense to be over!!

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On the other hand, I am now able to keep my beer cold via natural refrigeration just by leaving it outside. :D


We've had enough and simply want this nonsense to be over!!



Ahhhh... So while others were waiting in line for things such as fresh water and gasoline... You went for the beer. Brilliant move.. :pickle:

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