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Rock Candy - Sucker for a Pretty Face`


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So this is certainly interesting that even the band members are uncertain, to be officially released disc format ever!

It is also interesting that suddenly came up many times as well, and all of them from the UK!

I think 50-100 pieces is re-printed, that is not officially or legally just do not know.

Anyway, what I saw in the pictures, it indicates that a very high quality of work, as has been obtained, if at all possible that actually was produced in 1990.

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Unfortunately,the Russian counterfeits kill the original prices of the CD!!!

Everyone beware from Russian bootlegs cd's!

Flood the world, alas!

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Like Wes said, can't say for sure but he is correct that the Winter's Reign - 'The Beginning' was just released through Azintex on "Loop Records." I don't know if you've seen these mofo's, Nick, but it'd be hard to tell the difference between legit and boot. Only difference I could really tell is how new the condition on the disc is, I guess. And where you got it from. ;)


Anyway, like a few others said - if Rock Candy is coming up soon on Azintex I will place my order that same day. Amazing disc, and boot or not, I would sell genitals to have this silver pressed.

take it easy, guys

i'm from Russia and i can guarantee that Rock Candy cd isn't russian bootleg. i know how to define russian boots and I regularly keep up with all new boots.

and this cd wouldn't appear in Azintex store because i saw a Rock Candy sold for big money. I don't think that russian bootleggers will ready to pay 200 or 300 pounds for it


I'm not sure what you mean, the inner ring looks quite similar to the late 80's and early 90's NOISE releases.

And for those of you out there that really feel this is a bootleg, but are still interested in buying the CD, I would recommend waiting to make a purchase for a few months. And if you think that this is a legit pressing you might want to track one down REALLY FAST!!!! The reason is: The one on ebay that sold for $396.10 is on its way to the Russian Federation. Just sayin'




Sure, you won't see cheaper version of rock candy from these copies at azintex store coz i bought it for my friend and i'm not bootlegged cds.

sometimes i do it for him.

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Rock Candy was never officially released on CD.......there, in fact, were conversations among elite collectors 15 years ago regarding this one, and the band story holds true. And, believe me....PLENTY of collectors were looking for it (MetalEver). It just didn't exist. And, before Suncity approached them, other people did as well...and the guys in the band couldn't agree on if the sky was blue or black, let alone agree to release their disc. Now....to say that it doesn't exist now in 'some' form is asking for trouble....lol, but I highly doubt it is legit.


Delbert would be a good person to chime in on this, as well....as he made a fine transfer of it back in the day!

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And, Metal4Ever, I'm really curious, as are others, as to what CD you found that didn't exist? Always love hearing stories like that!

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Whoever the fucker is who posted this "Link Records CD is silver pressed original but here is crappy cd-r is now on ebay from seller named showtime9966. from so called TIME WARP RECORDS, which never existed. It was created with imagination of RETROSPECT RECORDS Sam and helps him to sell loads of cd-rs to all of you devoted followers ))) " on the product page here at HH can kiss my ass!!


Yep , I sell Time Warp stuff but I do not make it - I haven't got time for that. And showtime9966 is NOT me on eBay. You're an asshole dude!

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Rock Candy is a boot. Period. I have to admit the picture from the ebay auction looks good. The fact that I have the art for that cover, I know its a boot. Also, the band could never agree on the rights and especially money. The guitarist and other band members wre ready, but the singer thought it should sell millions and want the world to release it. The guitarist is a very cool guy, its a shame. The demos for the 2nd cd are even better.



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Somehow I missed Dave's post a bit ago in this thread. Pretty much spot on. The singer wanted the world for his music, and had dillusions about its worth and expectations.


Sad because I really dig this band and they always put on a great entertaining show back in the day. Quality band and very energetic.



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The demos for the 2nd cd are even better.

Are you sure? I think I've heard a handful of them and I'd have to respectfully disagree. I think there was only one song out of the 5 or 6, imo, that came anywhere near what was on that brilliant debut.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me know when he starts selling them for about $10 each. Then I might be interested. :spvader:


This. Unless anyone can do me a CDR for about $10? :)

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