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H.E.A.T - Address The Nation


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Ladies and gentlemen. We are proud to release our first single "Living on the Run" from the upcoming album "Address the Nation". The single is OUT NOW and the album will be released 28/3-2012. Enjoy!


Listen on Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/​4vpUFdzaJKAktFgd77ihmj


Buy on ITunes: http://itunes.apple.com/se/​album/living-on-the-run-single/​id499547916




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I just listened to the entire song the first time. The music is classic HEAT, no doubt, and most people here will enjoy it. At first listen I would give it a 7.5/10.


The only negative for me is still the vocals. I just can't get into his voice, which is seriously lacking the uniqueness and power of Kenny Leckremo. He's a good singer but that's it IMO.

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Thanks to Kim for sending the track my way.


I also miss Kenny's voice, a unique and awesome singer, but this new one is great...just not the H.E.A.T I've come to love. The new singer is great, he's just not Kenny. Now if only Kenny can release something new with a new band, now I'd be really happy.


This track seems to have more muscle than anything on Freedom Rock, it's more like something you'd find on the debut. As much as I loved Freedom Rock, it lacked a bit of crunch and Living On The Run...sure has some crunch! I'd be more tempted to give it a 9/10.


I can't wait to hear the rest.

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I've listened to it three times now...the chorus is super-commercial and just made for radio airplay, a natural first-single choice I guess. It reminds me a lot of "I Can't Look The Other Way" off the last album, ironically my least fave song on that album. I think this is a tad better actually.


What's up with the cover though :blink:

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I've listened to it three times now...the chorus is super-commercial and just made for radio airplay, a natural first-single choice I guess. It reminds me a lot of "I Can't Look The Other Way" off the last album, ironically my least fave song on that album. I think this is a tad better actually.


What's up with the cover though :blink:


I thought that was only a promo shot and not the cover. If it is the cover it's very weak. It's an OK photo for the inside or the back insert, not the front. I don't like band photos as front covers, makes it look cheap.

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Can't hear the mofo anywhere. :(


Here's a try to show you the way:


1) go here


2) scroll down to "11.00 - 11.30 fredag 03 feb 2012 " and click


4) now skip forward to about 14:45


5) ...and enjoy the melodic bliss! :christmas:


Seriously, as much as I love the first two records and Kenny, if this song is any indication of what the album is going to be like, we're in for a classic – could be their Slippery When Wet (of course not in terms of sales or worldwide popularity)! Love Erik's voice and the slightly punchier production! The intro is even more 80s sounding than their first two albums imo.

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Can't hear the mofo anywhere. :(


Here's a try to show you the way:


1) go here


2) scroll down to "11.00 - 11.30 fredag 03 feb 2012 " and click


4) now skip forward to about 14:45


5) ...and enjoy the melodic bliss! :christmas:


Seriously, as much as I love the first two records and Kenny, if this song is any indication of what the album is going to be like, we're in for a classic – could be their Slippery When Wet (of course not in terms of sales or worldwide popularity)! Love Erik's voice and the slightly punchier production! The intro is even more 80s sounding than their first two albums imo.

Ah, you're a good man. Thanks mate! (sorry Glen, don't have Itunes on this PC).


As for the song... holy wowser! TOTALLY agree about the quality of the new production and sound. Much beefier than before - really suits this well. I'm as disappointed as every one else that Kenny couldn't stick around with the band (one of the better vocalists to come from the genre in a long, long time), but you gotta admit Erik sounds pretty awesome... who wouldn't with a song this good?! :lol:


The main thing, though, is that despite the updates to their sound, I still hear the real HEAT in that song, which is all I really wanted. If the full album is like this it's going to be almost impossible for another CD to compete with it this year, imo.

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Guys - PM me your e-mails and I'll hook you up with the complete song :)


PM sent ...

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I kid you not, I spun that track about 8 to 10 times non stop last night and at least 4 times today. It's fantastic.

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Yes, great track !! Really looking forward to the new release. Thanks, Kim ! :drink:

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