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Is the HH discussion board almost extinct?


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Things sure have changed around here, since I've been gone. I remember a time when Matt's love was reserved for Geoff and small furry animals only.

He's become quite the tramp then, hasn't he... :tsk:


I believe the proper term is "slut". :tits:


I s'pose bestiality will do that to a man.

Geoff is never here any more... i take what i can get.

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I haven't seen that dude from Houston post in a while. And I can't remember his name for the life of me , you know , the dude that was a big collector that used to be a big part of the major babe-age thread. Brian knows who I'm talking about.


If you're talking about JLP I haven't seen him around in quite some time. :unsure:

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I still post here, and check the boards several times a day, but I have to say that the reason I am not involved more has a lot to do with some of the things mentioned above.

I have been knocking round on here for years, and it is indeed very cliquey. The people I probably spoke to most in the early days are no longer around or not on a regular basis at least.

Like some have mentioned, it does sometimes feel that you are being ignored when you make a post and every other post seems to get replied to but yours, or a whole discussion unrelated to the topic at hand ends up burying your comment.

I dont believe by any means its done intentionally, but it does make people wonder what the point of posting is, if every seems to ignore what you have said.


Also, and this is my biggest gripe on here, I hate the way certain bands or artists are constantly targeted no matter what the conversation is.

The two prime examples of this are Bon Jovi and Poison.

Those are two of my favourite bands, yet I dont feel I can even discuss them here as its just going to turn into a case of "Jon sucks" "Bret should die".

What annoys me even more though, is a few of those people slinging shit at those bands will get very defensive if you criticise a band they like.


I know its just the way of the world, and much of it is meant in jest, but once again it doesnt encourage people to talk about a band they like if they feel they are just gonna get post after post of pointless insults against the band in question.

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  • My Little Pony

I still post here, and check the boards several times a day, but I have to say that the reason I am not involved more has a lot to do with some of the things mentioned above.

I have been knocking round on here for years, and it is indeed very cliquey. The people I probably spoke to most in the early days are no longer around or not on a regular basis at least.

Like some have mentioned, it does sometimes feel that you are being ignored when you make a post and every other post seems to get replied to but yours, or a whole discussion unrelated to the topic at hand ends up burying your comment.

I dont believe by any means its done intentionally, but it does make people wonder what the point of posting is, if every seems to ignore what you have said.


Also, and this is my biggest gripe on here, I hate the way certain bands or artists are constantly targeted no matter what the conversation is.

The two prime examples of this are Bon Jovi and Poison.

Those are two of my favourite bands, yet I dont feel I can even discuss them here as its just going to turn into a case of "Jon sucks" "Bret should die".

What annoys me even more though, is a few of those people slinging shit at those bands will get very defensive if you criticise a band they like.


I know its just the way of the world, and much of it is meant in jest, but once again it doesnt encourage people to talk about a band they like if they feel they are just gonna get post after post of pointless insults against the band in question.


Yep. Add this to whatever I said, and that's the problem, as far as I'm concerned.

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I've been coming on here for over 6 years now and I would say that I find this board the least cliquey that I have ever been on. All the regulars on here (and that is quite a few people if you add em all up) all get on with each other bar the odd disagreement and compared to alot of other boards, things are generally mostly calm around here with people actually respecting each others opinions, which is why I hang around here. I can understand to a certain extent if a non regular feels a little bit left out, but generally, I would say that we all make most people feel welcome around here, if they take an active part on the boards, don't act like a cock and undertstand that it takes a little time for people to get to know each other.


Certain bands/ artists are always going to 'be the topic of discussion' shall we say, and over the years it isn't just Poison and Bon Jovi that have had all barrels fired at them, but they always seem to come up (on lots of other boards it seems aswell) - in Poisons case, maybe for good reason. It's all done in fun on here, so if you are in the unfortunate position of liking Poison, I wouldn't take it too hard. ;)

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I've been coming on here for over 6 years now and I would say that I find this board the least cliquey that I have ever been on. All the regulars on here (and that is quite a few people if you add em all up) all get on with each other bar the odd disagreement and compared to alot of other boards, things are generally mostly calm around here with people actually respecting each others opinions, which is why I hang around here. I can understand to a certain extent if a non regular feels a little bit left out, but generally, I would say that we all make most people feel welcome around here, if they take an active part on the boards, don't act like a cock and undertstand that it takes a little time for people to get to know each other.


Certain bands/ artists are always going to 'be the topic of discussion' shall we say, and over the years it isn't just Poison and Bon Jovi that have had all barrels fired at them, but they always seem to come up (on lots of other boards it seems aswell) - in Poisons case, maybe for good reason. It's all done in fun on here, so if you are in the unfortunate position of liking Poison, I wouldn't take it too hard. ;)


Yeah but Jez you're the only person I know who actually likes Cliff Richard more than Poison. :whistle:

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I just think we all need to make an effort to come back and do some quality posts and have a laugh at the same time. I think the most important thing we need is more solid discussions on music - reviews, discovering new releases, telling people about classics they may not know...

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I still post here, and check the boards several times a day, but I have to say that the reason I am not involved more has a lot to do with some of the things mentioned above.

I have been knocking round on here for years, and it is indeed very cliquey. The people I probably spoke to most in the early days are no longer around or not on a regular basis at least.


Cliquey? Really? I've never gotten that vibe at all compared to some other boards I'm on, but then again I'm not as prolific a poster as many are here. I've just not seen it. Sure, Geoff has his buddies, but I've always seen him as being buddies with just about anyone, given half a chance. I've never gotten an insider/outsider feeling with all the interaction there.


Like some have mentioned, it does sometimes feel that you are being ignored when you make a post and every other post seems to get replied to but yours, or a whole discussion unrelated to the topic at hand ends up burying your comment.


If you feel that someone(s) is derailing a topic that you started and feel strongly about, by all means contact one of the mods and we can try and get it back on track.


I dont believe by any means its done intentionally, but it does make people wonder what the point of posting is, if every seems to ignore what you have said.


Who are you again?





Also, and this is my biggest gripe on here, I hate the way certain bands or artists are constantly targeted no matter what the conversation is.

The two prime examples of this are Bon Jovi and Poison.

Those are two of my favourite bands, yet I dont feel I can even discuss them here as its just going to turn into a case of "Jon sucks" "Bret should die".

What annoys me even more though, is a few of those people slinging shit at those bands will get very defensive if you criticise a band they like.


Mainstream bands that have been perceived as overplayed, overhyped, or played out (Bon Jovi, Poison, Motley Crue, KISS, Van Halen, AC/DC) routinely have bullseyes painted on them. I don't think it's unique here. They're easy marks, as they've gotten the fame and the money when many equally-talented bands toiled in obscurity.


And there I think is the major problem you're encountering here on the board: People here KNOW about the obscure bands that were as good as, or better than, the mainstream acts, so you're more likely to see people here taking umbrage at the mainstream bands success, than in other forums. It's because the focus here is moreso on the unknowns, the almost was's, and the never were's.


I could be offbase in my assessment, but that's perhaps one reason for it.



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I agree, not cliquey at least to me, I've never intentionally excluded anyone from my conversations... in fact I love talking to people.


FYI I also enjoy both Poison and Bon Jovi, so mental imbalance is almost a given... ;)


You want outright hostility, head on over to Blabbermouth, you want a decidedly European slant on things, Melodicrock.com awaits you, enjoy the off topic debating and occasional slander, Sleazeroxx may be your thing...


I've never even bothered with Blabbermouth, STILL trying to fit in over at MR.com, and I think I'm somewhat accepted on SR.com... and a lot of where I go depends on my mood that day, because other than Blabbermouth, I love all those sites, but this was my first home and I felt comfortable here from day 1, plain and simple.


Oh, and if you dig mainstream, another site I love that caters BIG TIME to mainstream, rock on over to Mamasfallenangels.com, good people and a lot of fun but not exactly riding the train to obscurity...


Anywho, I'm still here, since August, 2001... sometimes I'm not here much at all, but I always come back. You should too, don't take an unreplied topic as cliquey, it just might not be interesting to that many people, or you hit at a bad time when no one's around, and by the time they are, that thread is buried under a bunch of other stuff... Nobody excludes anyone here, and that's the charm of HH IMHO...


Enough soapboxing for me, The Mentalist is on, and I'm sleepy... :banger:

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Wow!!! I actually started a topic that created a buzz of sorts. I actually find that since I mentioned the lack of activity on the board that more and more has been happening.


Cheers to all!!! :drink:


May the good times, great topics and sweet sounds of Rock keep on coming.

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  • My Little Pony

Anywho, I'm still here, since August, 2001...

Your profile says 2002. I know no one gives a shit. It's late. I'm tired. I'm going to be.

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Like some have mentioned, it does sometimes feel that you are being ignored when you make a post and every other post seems to get replied to but yours, or a whole discussion unrelated to the topic at hand ends up burying your comment.

I dont believe by any means its done intentionally, but it does make people wonder what the point of posting is, if every seems to ignore what you have said.



Agree with this point, but I just put it down to being quite new and having opinions that no one can identify with (e.g. not liking Treat or FM).

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Anywho, I'm still here, since August, 2001...

Your profile says 2002. I know no one gives a shit. It's late. I'm tired. I'm going to be.

:lol: Shit, you're right... I think the board inception date was 8/19/2002... not sure why I was thinking '01, my bad!



Like some have mentioned, it does sometimes feel that you are being ignored when you make a post and every other post seems to get replied to but yours, or a whole discussion unrelated to the topic at hand ends up burying your comment.

I dont believe by any means its done intentionally, but it does make people wonder what the point of posting is, if every seems to ignore what you have said.



Agree with this point, but I just put it down to being quite new and having opinions that no one can identify with (e.g. not liking Treat or FM).

I'm actually not too far off with ya there, Treat is just okay in my book, and FM leaves me a bit cold...


And cheers David, great topic, and well warranted apparently! :drink:

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I still post here, and check the boards several times a day, but I have to say that the reason I am not involved more has a lot to do with some of the things mentioned above.

I have been knocking round on here for years, and it is indeed very cliquey. The people I probably spoke to most in the early days are no longer around or not on a regular basis at least.

Like some have mentioned, it does sometimes feel that you are being ignored when you make a post and every other post seems to get replied to but yours, or a whole discussion unrelated to the topic at hand ends up burying your comment.

I dont believe by any means its done intentionally, but it does make people wonder what the point of posting is, if every seems to ignore what you have said.


Also, and this is my biggest gripe on here, I hate the way certain bands or artists are constantly targeted no matter what the conversation is.

The two prime examples of this are Bon Jovi and Poison.

Those are two of my favourite bands, yet I dont feel I can even discuss them here as its just going to turn into a case of "Jon sucks" "Bret should die".

What annoys me even more though, is a few of those people slinging shit at those bands will get very defensive if you criticise a band they like.


I know its just the way of the world, and much of it is meant in jest, but once again it doesnt encourage people to talk about a band they like if they feel they are just gonna get post after post of pointless insults against the band in question.



Hopefully you will continue to comment here as I find your comments to be interesting even if I don't always agree with you....as for not getting responses I think that happens to us all....as for Poison I used to love them but not so much now, and as for BJ, well I love their first few releases but not the rest...and yes I should comment more often but I find myself reading more than replying...cheers.

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I think Bon Jovi AND Poison both have their place. Are we not at HH partly because of those bands?


I don't like Bon Jovi and I hate Poison, but I'm not going to slate people who do like them. Different strokes, etc. Just as others on here wouldn't slate me for my love of Bolt Thrower. Oh, er ... wait, hang on a minute... :unsure:



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My response to this thread is pretty simple--> There ain't a whole lotta sites that cater to the music that I am most passionate about, and of those, this one is about the best :beerbang: . I'll never begin to have sufficient spare time to post here often enough to become a regular, but I respect and appreciate the opinions of others who do post more frequently (and less frequently too) and have taken away alot of very useful info. that has helped me build my music collection. I also find that this community does a gr8 job of keeping me ahead of the curve re: new releases, which is where I spend most of my CD-hunting time these days. I try to stop by at least every couple of days, if only to check out new topics and see who is selling what....My goal w/posting is not to be most popular, and certainly not to offend, but rather to just occasionally offer a comment or two within threads that catch my attention. Sometimes others respnd, sometimes not, but either way it's all good from my standpoint and is what I would expect on any message board of this size. I ardently hope this community continues to thrive and plan to continue using this site to discover more cool hard rock and AOR. Too much is never enough....Ok, speech now concluded, keep rockin' everyone :banger:

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  • 1 month later...

I see AORPOMPY (aka AOR Freaky) is alive again and posting on RockReport... will he return here to post on the main site? That would certainly wake people up... ;)


I don't believe I was around these parts when AOR Freaky posted here in the forum. I bet if he came back over here things would sure pick up again.

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I see AORPOMPY (aka AOR Freaky) is alive again and posting on RockReport... will he return here to post on the main site? That would certainly wake people up... ;)


I don't believe I was around these parts when AOR Freaky posted here in the forum. I bet if he came back over here things would sure pick up again.

He never actually posted here in the forum, only on the main site. When asked to bring his debates over here to the forum he would plead ignorance as to how to log in, say that he was banned, the dog ate his password, etc. Fun times... :headbanger:

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I see AORPOMPY (aka AOR Freaky) is alive again and posting on RockReport... will he return here to post on the main site? That would certainly wake people up... ;)



Oh for fuck sake!! :doh:

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