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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Yes RIP. Getting older blows. I'll never forget the first time I heard "Jack Is Back" and then I had to hear it all...
  2. So I listened to the 1 minute clip 400 times and Googled for a bit to no avail I'm afraid. Here is what I gathered from the chorus minus 1 word in the second verse which is indicated by a _________. She was thinking Her ___________ was speaking Maybe this is the time. I could help you Finally breakthrough The chains that are locked inside What's inside... Maybe the songs title is "What's Inside"? No help I know.
  3. Certainly veered away from the core audience on these band and song selections, imho. Listen with caution, you will barf, guaranteed. I could not find them all, or I gave up cuz I had to clean my computer keyboard as my lunch came up. The Weezer song is beyond a shadow of a doubt the "best" of the bunch and I can't say I have ever heard a Weezer song with a guitar solo and/or finger tapping. Watch to the end as that is pretty funny. OMG Here's the entire track listing for the BIll & Ted Face the Music soundtrack, in all its musical *gulp* glory. Big Black Delta – "Lost in Time" Alec Wigdahl – "Big Red Balloon" Weezer – "Beginning of the End (Wyld Stallyns Edit)" Cold War Kids – "Story of Our Lives" Mastodon – "Rufus Lives" Big Black Delta – "Circuits of Time" POORSTACY – "Darkest Night" Lamb of God – "The Death of Us" FIDLAR – "Breaker" Culture Wars – "Leave Me Alone" Blame My Youth – "Right Where You Belong" Wyld Stallyns (feat. Animals as Leaders, Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah) – "Face the Music" Wyld Stallyns – "That Which Binds Us Through Time: The Chemical, Physical and Biological Nature of Love; an Exploration of The Meaning of Meaning, Part 1"
  4. Summertime Girls-Y&T Wish I Had A Girl That Walked Like That-Henry Lee Summer Blondes In Black Cars-Autograph Wicked Bitch-Black n Blue Red Hot Little Summer Girl-Enough Z Nuff Girlschool-Britny Fox To name a few.
  5. She literally said "cockacidy" instead of audacity...
  6. I don't know what you all are going on about. This sounds right in line with anything they did back in 88' and if it was 1988 you'd all be jizzing all over each other for it. The first and last song are my fave's of the lot thus far and the video is nice. Good to see they all, minus Gaines of course who's mia, are looking the part still. And Geoff. C'mon broseph, "recycled"? Isn't that the point? Adhering to the recipe? We all rant about bands going off script, here the Stryper guys are doing TO Hell w/The Devil 2.0 and your squawking about it? All that said will I be online to buy it straight away, no. That's not me anymore, but I liked it enough.
  7. Guess I never really paid attention to this band, but I wish they would make more songs like that We'll Never Leave The Castle. That reminded me so much of the Killer Dwarfs ala Keep That Spirit Alive, which is cool on a number of levels, mostly that the Hell In the Club guys other bands are quite removed from that fluffy hard rock. The other 2 tunes are pretty generic to me I'm afraid and didn't grab me like the first one.
  8. Wow, have we been talking about this band for 5 + years? Doesn't seem that long...
  9. That is real nice. Pure AOR fodder no doubt. Boy these kids sure have "matured"? Shows their talent I suppose as they still rock but keep progressing. The first EP is still my favorite, but this new release may be a close 2nd if this new tune is any indication of what is to come. I think even the G'off will chub out for this one.
  10. Even though I have been underground for about 8 months a package arrived this week from Norway... Not sure if your all talking about this one yet but after an initial spin if you dug the first 2 albums the 3rd stays on target.
  11. I get some of those. For multiple reasons. Some weaker songs. Some not the best representation of the band and some just incredibly overplayed to the point of nausea. I'd add anything by Aerosmith and U2. And anything that made its way to MTV or top 40 radio during the 80's an dearly 90's. One that is a little more pointed would be Summertime Girls, by the epic Y&T. Still don't hate the song, but this one is not a great representation of the band. Glad the radio didn't totally ruin it as well. I do enjoy that BJ tune Born to be... and agree with Karpet that Steelheart are/were great.
  12. Thanks pal, sorry I worried you. And yep I am sure I can provide some fodder for your listening displeasure.
  13. Good to see you again Cody and I recall. You to dipped for a bit a few years ago and then tried to get Jacob to come to your sex dungeon. Glad your active again. As for feelings and off pissing, good luck, skin is pretty think after 52 years of abuse but hey the glass is half full. As for bashing musical tastes, well that won't come from me as you have seen if any bashing is had its to me and my lame tastes.
  14. Hey guys. Sorry for going AWOL and for any heart ache/burn my inactivity may have caused. Didn't mean to cause any strife and with the pandemic, I understand the concern. Went through hell and back and still have a foot or more in the fire, but I am alive and kickin' and even though I have packed on a few pandemic pounds, healthy (?). Any who, I am sure I will get caught back up, looks like some topics need my attention, so I will get after it and I am sure there are more tales to tell. I hope everyone else is doing alright. Terry
  15. This weekend could be anyone. It would be nice to see the Titans pull off a white shirt run as that's bad ass and hasn't been done in a hot minute and they should play SF. The logic would be that SF should steam roll GB like they did once this year and KC after shooting their wad and scoring 51 last week should be spent. Plus the Texans are a better team. Let us hope that Goodell and Riveron allow us a players game and not another "officiating opinion" outing.
  16. And by the Texans too... Aaron Rodgers played the entire game with 2 full nuts of Roger Goodell sperm in his belly, which telling by the outcome is what it takes to win games in the NFL. I think this will be my last season watching. The game has gone so far downhill that wrestling is a more believable sport than the NFL and certainly far less rigged. As for next week if the game was played fairly without any outside influence I'd say SF and the Titans go on the the SB. But since Rodgers is enjoying chapsticking up and choking on more slong than Elton John it will probably be GB and KC.
  17. one of the first that came to mind: But there are many and to everyone's chagrin that "I Saw Red" song is dog shite. Here's a few more that tickle me:
  18. Only regret at the moment is accessibility and neglect as my collection is all packed away and has been for 8 years. MAYBE 1 day I will be afforded 10 sf of any residence I fund and get to resurrect my stuff.
  19. I don't mind the repetition and as Geoff mentions if SP could still spin a yarn like in the past then they'd still be appreciated by the likes of us. We talked about it but it seems like some of the stuff is phoned in and just doesn't have the same edge or doesn't resonate like previous tunes.
  20. I understand completely Cap and I am envious of your friendship and in a different time I'd lean on you raid the bands merch closet. Even when we aren't at least acquaintances with artists we still get attached to some degree and a passing resonates in our psyche's. Again I hope you can come to terms and same for the other guys in the band that you still befriend. Maybe you all can lean on each other a bit and help each other out to some degree.
  21. Wow that is sad and I remember this band and especially this my town tune and another Hell In My Eyes I think (anyways), played it a lot a while back and then it and the band got lost in the shuffle of life and other bands. Thanks for posting Cap, I'm feeling a little shook as it certainly seems like this may have hit you and I hope you can get unshook. Chin up mate and RIP to Mikey.
  22. The best from this record that Heavy Metal Rulez is, sure not worthy of being on the first few records but better than what I have heard in recent years.
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