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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Cody, your not alone, that scene is epic and obviously while one watches it, just the shear strength/will of the principal and Bula not to lose their shit is amazing. I'd bet, like many 80's movies the improvising and just sheer amount of talent displayed in scenes like this can't be matched again. And in a low rent titty comedy, makes it that much more awesome. For Kim C fans Mannequin and Big Trouble in Little China are great vehicles for her prowess. And agreed she is and was very hot. Lastly, great stories Cody. Meeting those celeb's and those being cool is refreshing. I met John Ashton once and he was the coolest person ever and I've met a good many cool people.
  2. I did/do. Burdens of being old I suppose.
  3. For sporting events in Merka, you hear Queens We Are The Champions and Gary Glitter's Rock N Roll Part 2 (before he got into jail trouble that is).
  4. Never tracked this band like others, but these 2 songs are quite fun. Well structured and plenty of hooks and nods to the old school should be pant tighteners to fans of the genre.
  5. After listening to all the videos posted here I am smitten. Musicianship and production alone are worth the price of admission and the songs are brilliant. Is it just me or would it have been epic if, during "Next To You" if they would have folded in a nod to DRN's version? Could have been done so simply and for geeks like me that would have been aural nirvana. Thanks for posting this up.
  6. No matter what coast these guys crush it, whatever it is. LOL. As mention toss in a little guitar and they are a modern Dan Reed Network. Still very very good though.
  7. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    10 and 0 and the Ravonettes took an L. I too like the Hawks Russ, I do hope Russ gets some recognition sometime. He and Ben both 1st ballet hall of fame canditates and neither have received 1 MVP vote in their illustrious careers. SMFH.
  8. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    "What's your favorite NFL team?" "The Pittsburgh Steelers and any other team that is playing the Ravens".
  9. The cookie monster stuff isn't my bag either and I am glad he doesn't do it nearly as often as you might think with his corpse paint persona. That Rush cover is ridiculous an who knew that that Coheed & Cambria guy could pull off Geddy so well. This is a fave as well and well the singer is a babe and as mentioned in another thread, option 2 of her t-shirt certainly sounds appealing.
  10. I do/did enjoy this disc a lot. Neighbor was a nice follow up to the epic Everything About You.
  11. I've said it before, but "grunge" doesn't have anything to do with music. It was a term made up by ad executives to sell $50 flannels and Doc Martins. As for love or hate it, like any genre there are good examples (Soundgarden, AIC, STP, Pearl Jam (10 only), Gish by the Smashing Pumpkins and maybe a few others. But then it like glam got oversaturated/cloned and ran its course. Lastly, if Warrant sang this song in 1987 you all would have shit your paints.
  12. And one more, sorry, so many good ones...
  13. I've binged on these for the past couple weeks as they are brilliant, both musically and just darned funny to boot. Do yourself a favor and get into Gwarsenio Hall and Two Minutes To Late Night.
  14. Regardless of the outcome and this has been true for, well ever since Kennedy was assassinated, either party is corrupt and have no interest in "we the people', unless it translated to "me the people". We will have 4 years of bbbbbbbbbbzzzzzzzzzz and then rinse, wash, repeat. Portland, Oregon is already ablaze again so fuck it all. Protesters tried to burn the the justice center down last night as well as going to commissioner Dan Ryans house and vandalizing and throwing flares at his residence. SMFH I don't ultimately care what meat puppet sits in the white house but someone better get a handle on these "peaceful protestors" before they hurt someone. Lastly did I see that someone wants me to delete them? I need a good vent so point me to you and consider it done.
  15. You and me both brother. That was the point of the Bill Hicks quote, he's buying products he doesn't want or need or care about just cuz the adverts have naked ladies. And me too, so many albums, movies that are in my collection 1000% courtesy of a randy cover.
  16. Nope pointing out the obvious. She can sing, check, but she acts and looks like a stripper and that equals attention. Or extra attention and I am all for it. If I had bigger titties don't think I wouldn't have a condo. Point is its not shocking and if she was fuggly noone would have given her a 2nd look, no matter how angelic her voice is.
  17. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    Pitt still climbing. Nice road win and against Valdimort no less... Win 7 on the stairway to 7.
  18. Bill Hicks was on point when he joked, with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek, that sex and porn sell EVERYTHING, talent or not. You may recall the bit where he eludes to the future where in an advert all we will see is a pretty ladies, face, hhhmm. Camera pans back a naked breast, alright. Camera continues to pan out and we see this goddess in a chair legs spread and in the corner a simple tag appears "Drink Coke". As BH continues, I don't want one but I am buying all the gd Coke I can... Yea she can sing but if she wasn't hot as fawk and sharing her wares, we wouldn't be talking about her for long and she and her handlers know it.
  19. LOL. Man everyone starts somewhere. Fucking own it BA. Press a million copies, spotify that shit, release the "original" version along side the sped up variant, get the world talking about it, hand feed interviews and little nuggets about the origin story and cash in. People will go ape shit and you BA can laugh all the way to the bank. Give me a ring BA let's make some scratch together.
  20. Politics and religion are taboo bedfellows for certain, BUT... If I was a betting man, which I am not and I am nary as ravenous about politics as many, but from what I have witnessed I see no unearthly way that Trump doesn't get "4 more years", to quote the Kory Clark. Put West we have seen rioting, violence and vandalism for 120 some odd days. This won't lessen no matter what next Tuesday brings. I know I am managing projects right now that are just south of 2 million dollars in repairs... I have said it before, but I see no light at the end of this tunnel other than a MAJOR catastrophe and then and only then we MIGHT see things tone down. Everyone thought 2020 was the worst, but fuck all is 2021 isn't going to at least start with a "bang" or 10... I ain't kidding when I say to my fellow HH's abroad, can I come live with you???
  21. Ahh, brilliant. Such unbridled fury but he never loses his shit. I absolutely love the countdown that's what makes it perfect.
  22. martinsane

    NFL 2020

    Stairway to seven baby... Man I wish Devin wasn't out for the year he deserves to be a part of it.
  23. He is funny and his funny, like that old Arsenio Hall schtick makes you go hhhhmmmm. Very clever obliterates the line and obviously everyone wokeone will be offended. His outlaw bit in Philly is quintessential. If you don't know what it is Google it and be amazed.
  24. Oh if we are going for FAP fodder and the news here are 2 channels and 2 equally pant-icularly disruptive broads, yep broads. First and my fave Michelle Millman: Second by a smidge, but what a coin flip this would be, Jenny MmBop Hanson: There are a few traffic and weather gals as well that fold into the mix but those 2 ferget about it.
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