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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. Dizzy Fox ~ First Bite (Band Signed) Damage SFP ~ S/T (Band Signed) Both ridiculously good releases btw...
  2. Just rebinged Episodes and man what a smart show and Matt LeBlanc is meant to play himself.
  3. Overlord ~ Wow what a cool film. I can only imagine the budget and the cinematography was stunning. Highly recommended. La Llorona = STEAMING PILE OF SHIT. WHY oh WHY do I keep watching these Conjuring universe movies. For fuck sake are they stupid. However Lina Carellini is a stone cold fox. But that doesn't help this film at all. AVOID.
  4. First spin and I dug it. Wish there was some more noodling from Rich as he shreds but it is a safe modern rock cut. At first I was wondering how they were going to pull off the cover of this classic:
  5. and yet none of the band members are wearing a toque...
  6. Meh, I'd pick Triumph's Magic Power all day long over this one.
  7. I mentioned this elsewhere but the song is palatable. The unfortunate rub is that if this was from any unknown band anywhere in the known free world NO ONE would be caring or talking about it and certainly wouldn't be buying it. Terrible bait and switch to sell some records cuz we know there are rabid fans that will buy everything to complete the set.
  8. Couple over the last few days: Wonder Park- Holy fuck. What is it with these "kids" movies lately that are so very depressing and dramatic. Overall the film was good but sheesh no need to traumatize the little ones. Splatter-A very bad but good short horror story. The Lords of Chaos- Really liked this. Well acted and the story is fascinating if not movie-ized for this film. Going to now go watch Until the Light Takes Us and Once Upon a Time In Norway for some more info's on this wacky movement.
  9. I still love this band and they are so versatile. That ballad and then Rock n Roll is so frickin heavy yet insanely melodic. Need to go and buy some stuff.
  10. No that this band hasn't been quite good in the past this new song is so incredibly mature and polished, they obviously are hitting a new high and certainly have shown they are an excellent band.
  11. Hhm, that is quite nice. Good clean vocals and the band is solid, even with the extra guitar gymnastics.
  12. Excellent news and an excellent band. Absolutely loved the previous efforts and this is shaping up to be a comparable release. Sophie is a shred machine too btw...
  13. The Vault Give this one a go to me it was a fine film. Well acted and a good story.
  14. Syd Wilder answering my own inquiry...
  15. Yes thats nice. Couple questions. 1. who is that main chick, she is all about sexy. and 2. at the 3:46 mark there is a verrrrrry quick edit that puts another dude behind the drums and wondering who he is. You'll have to do some pausing and backing up to catch it. and 3. What's with Lexi at the end, he not into bangin' the whores or is it official he is into his'self and/or dudes?
  16. I'm going to have to agree with Wardy here. The 29th of Feb minus that very bad break b4 the guitar solo sounds like a King of The Dogs crossed with This Is My World. It would be better if Ray could get up into those glass shattering wails he did in 91 but this is the best thus far and if the remainder of the disc stays like this in lieu of the 1st few pop punk tunes I'd be happy.
  17. He he, bumba dida dida dida bumba dida dida... I like it. And not for the same reasons as you all.
  18. Greta = VERY GOOD. Really enjoyed this one.
  19. Nice, but I was assuming a bundle freebie scenario. The individual images shirts a fun throwback, well done.
  20. The Oath This one is pretty black with its humor, which the film is touted as a comedy. Danced all over that with gobs of violence and uncomfortable bits. Worth a watch if you are looking for a film with some current political topics and worries and it was shot quite well. But don't go in looking for gobs of funny as its buried pretty deep.
  21. And i saw a new story last week where the walkman esque cassette player is being remade and cassettes are the come back... https://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2019/7/7/20683049/retro-bluetooth-cassette-tape-player-kickstarter
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