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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. That is a very good cover and that Dino kid sings well outside his years, but that to is already known.
  2. That Officer Tatum has some good points, as do many, but unfortunately logic is not going to help anything at the moment. I fear out west noone or nothing will change good or bad until something very wrong transpires. The pressure cooker is about to implode and I dread what it unleashes.
  3. I was going to say this for Merkins' (Maybe its more for me being on the west coast):
  4. That's a good song and I do have studio releases, but live sounds great. Speaking of Dio, Hammerfall was to open the Seattle show for him, while he was supporting the Killing the Dragon record, but they were a no show. Don't recall what the reasoning was, but oh well did see Kings X for the 30'th time and Dio was well fucking awesome.
  5. That Kick ASs 2 fight was fun, I forgot about it and The Warriors is loaded with epic battles, man I love that film. Boppin their way back to Coney Island... This one came to mind almost immediately ( man I love this movie):
  6. This is very nice. Shame I missed the debut. Thanks @Stefan for sharing. Kudos to @JThorley for coming around and posting up stuff to support his band plus. After a couple more spins of both songs in this thread, they are very infectious, well structured and I am certainly smitten by the guitar tone and the tasty solo's.
  7. Nice songs. Obviously not in the same league as the 80's stuff, but well crafted and she still sings very well. It goes without say that fap worthy is a definitive. AND if "Fucky Lucker" isn't the best band name not yet used I am unsure what is. I mean seriously could you se that in the Maiden or Leppard font?
  8. Done. I'm no Dan but I got skillz too.
  9. @AlphaMale Now that tis tasty Russ! https://www.facebook.com/StoneHorsesMusic/ This one from almost 4 years ago is great as well.
  10. OK for @AlphaMale (Russ), @Geoff, @Leykis101 and many others should cream their respective trousers for this it is epic! A nifty 4 song EP from these sprites from the Netherlands. Reminds me a bunch of Fastway. From the bands website: "COBRA SPELL is a European/USA Heavy Rock band influenced by the Golden Era sound of the 80’s. Created in the Summer of 2019 by Sonia Anubis (CRYPTA - with ex-members of NERVOSA), Ex-BURNING WITCHES) and Sebastian “Spyder” Silva (IDLE HANDS, SILVER TALON, Ex-SPELLCASTER). Anxiously wanting to start a band together, their dreams were only driven further when the guitar duo met ALICE COOPER and he advised them to follow their dreams of making music together. The band’s lineup include Alexx Panza (HITTEN, JACK’S STARR’S BURNING STARR) on vocals, Angelina Vehera on bass and Mike “Lucas” Verhof on drums. Sonia and Sebastian set out to write hook driven songs with flamboyant guitar extravaganza, unique stage looks and crazy on stage antics. COBRA SPELL will take you back in time where rock bands ruled the arenas, the hairspray and spandex overflowed the audience, and the airwaves blazed with the sound of big guitars." https://www.cobraspell.com/ https://www.facebook.com/cobraspell/?ref=page_internal
  11. ITs fine by me, obviously by the song and their website, etc they might be fans of NASCAR??? https://rtpowerhouse.com/ https://www.facebook.com/RTpowerhouse/ It appears the rt is for Rush and Troy.
  12. I am not familiar with this band but man is that song above good. Certainly going to get slagged on by many but its great. More please. Funny you also commented on them here: https://heavyharmonies.com/cgi-bin/glamcd.cgi?BandNum=1676&CDName=Lost+In+Hollywood
  13. That is nice. Wonder where you can get their releases?
  14. I dig it. Quite alot and the 3rd song is my fave of the lot, but that is not a rip on the other 2. That link you have isn't this Thrill Ride btw, I had to scour to find this particular incarnation and it looks like Denny and company are about to release these tunes on High Voltage Records. Here is the FB for these guys: https://www.facebook.com/ThrillRideMD/?ref=page_internal If your in cahoots with Denny, Russ send some swag my way. What else has he put out btw? Are you savy?
  15. True and I was also thinking Turn the Page as well. That got a lot of radio play.
  16. Some good ones and so far they ring true with at least staple songs for the artists. Metallica is another with their Diamond Head cover of Am I Evil. Also makes me think of Jimi Hendrix' cover of the Bob Dylan song All Along The Watchtower.
  17. Haven't thought of this band in a long time. Agreed they were good and this is no exception. Another riddle unexplained is to why this band never got more respect. I may have to buy a new release, holy fluck.
  18. They aren't crummy, but certainly not to everyones liking all polished up and ready for Frontiers or AOR Heaven.
  19. Yea but I said it better and you still didn't acknowledge how crummy this band is yet you like them. LOL.
  20. Another Kiss cover. This is great and obviously this guy can play as well.
  21. This is a fun introduction to the lounge act they are. Not bad and she sounds alot like Tina Turner at times which makes sense. Phil does a fine JBJ as well. Definitely run this through as they sound pretty nice stripped down to acoustic and now that I watched it Phil has great hair and to quote Gazzari "He's a sexy guy".
  22. Who is that broad and why am I not emptying my package on, in or near her? wait, never mind... I don't mind that guys voice, but that song isn't great to begin with.
  23. Oh dear. As sung in the song on all 3 versions, I too want to know "why"? I was never fond of the sack-less Van Hagar anyway so why cover this? I guess taste is a huge variable among the masses. Ironically the 2nd version, Amarionette, is the best of the lot, from a band I have never heard of.
  24. So if your reborn and then reborn again, what does that make you? Trying to track here. Are you now superman? Or is that a Christian mulligan thing were your a douche canoe, ask for forgiveness, get "reborn" get all high and mighty, get caught with your knickers down and then ask for forgiveness again?
  25. That's a pretty good tune. Very Poison-like to my ears and certainly something I would post and Russ would lay into me at how crummy it is. LOL. https://www.facebook.com/whitetrashstars/ Looks like they have an EP from 2017 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Outside-White-Trash-Stars/dp/B074ZMFCXN There are samples there as well.
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