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Everything posted by martinsane

  1. I don't follow the Pretty Boys all that tightly but this seems a nice compilation of tunes and if that firs half is truly the follow up that never was I'm interested in hearing that as LBWET was a great record and most everything after was hit and mostly miss.
  2. Love me some Dio, but I have a not so good feeling about this.
  3. I still long for those good old days of hitting 50 pawn shops and second hand stores and buying cd's for $.25 a piece and always finding some great rarities. Those days are LOOOONNNGGG gone I'm afraid, but I still get out to a Half Priced Books which if your persistent you can still find a bargain or 2. All that said, yes the bootlegs are wrong and killing a fun "sport" and I am always up for talking about scrounging and the elusive rarity... I still need to relocate a disc I sent to George thinking I'd find another as the band was local and I at 1 time had a handful... Eye In Time was the band and I don't think I'll nab another which makes me sad.
  4. Anna and the Apocalypse Race out and see this its a hoot! Equal parts High School Musical and Shawn of the Dead. Fun stuff.
  5. Thanks for bringing up the second installment of the animal farm trilogy, of course, like the first 2 films and their relative greatness, the final installment being Pollo Polo is the cherry atop a magnificent,yet very difficult to track down series.
  6. Fortunately I have seen them all in their heyday: Motley opening for Ozzy supporting Shout At The Devil (or as Vince would have you believe, "Wow at the devil", then again on the Theatre of Pain, Girls, Girls, Girls and even Feelgood. Def Leppard, twice on the Hysteria tour when they did those "concerts in the round", Tesla opened the first go and then LA Guns. and Poison opened for Ratt supporting Look What the Cat Dragged In and then again on their Open Up and Say Ahh with Tesla opening this one. I'd see them all again but it would have to be on the cheap. For what they'd be asking for this tour I'd wager I saw them all multiple times for less back in the day and from what your all saying it sounds like they are phoning it in with lackluster set lists and run times. If they did it right Lep would take Pete Willis out and Motley would bring along Corabi and that would be a fitting send of to all of their lustrous careers.
  7. And Miss Sigourney Weaver is on fire in this one. Just binged season 4 of Billions, man what a kick ass show.
  8. That "God's of Ponies" is the best so far from this one. I was really hoping they would have ripped Gods of Thunder at some point in it, but I guess even Steel P fears the KISS.
  9. That Here Comes The King is light years better than Dirty Blues, but the production is the saving grace for both as there is gobs of punch and everything is mixed to near perfection. What was the point of the 2 necked guitar if even during the bridge GL plays the power bit and never touches the 12 string? Lastly name should have had a bit more fun with and changed up the spelling old skool. For example: Durty Surely!? or some variant thereof.
  10. Humor is subjective of course but what is disconcerting is why anyone would "lose respect" for someone just because of his or her chosen private or professional path in life... Back on topic: I did however almost forget my all time FAVORITE entry in Geoffrey's skinography entitled "The Goat". This one was made and distributed right onsite during one of the most amazing gatherings of who's who and was given to the stars/guests upon their departure from Geoff's palace de pleasure. Geoff's parties would put the great Gatsby's to shame for flamboyancy and debauchery. The "guests/performers" were many, however select and the title of the epic piece came into culmination after the final culmination with none other then the true Patriot himself. Mr. NE TB12 himself... I think Tom and Geoff are still recouping from the shenanigans of that sultry evening in 2012 and I'd say that G and TB shared a lot more than what we saw and later re-enjoyed on our respective dvd players.
  11. Those Beiber films were very well done (the budgets were on par with anything Lucas has made) and they certainly "expanded" Geoff's, well Geoff. The best series and if I recall correctly this one consisted of 63 films in total (I am not including the "best of's" or the fan films of course) were the "Boys Being Girls Doing Boys". Volume 18 was incredibly special as it strayed for a moment into "Boys Being Girls Doing Boys Doing Girl", which is the only film in the archive that includes an actual woman. Fingers crossed Geoff cums out of retirement and graces us with a new "entry".
  12. Well i'll be. I sit and wonder every so often where folks drop off too and shit Cody did you drop off and straight through, damn. I still think someone should police the regulars as I can think of a couple dozen that are MIA. Anywho. Glad your back pal, let the games recommence. As for recommendations there is this super fresh, BRAND new artist getting MASSIVE buzz but he is still super underground, Justin Beiber. Give him a LONG HARD look, Geoff has...
  13. This one does look passable and its on my short list.
  14. That sucks but its the same out west as Karpetface mentioned. The renters/squatters have all the rights and you as the property owner will always get shafted. Can't pick and choose, an't evict, can't arrest. Tons of can'ts and no cans. That's why I gave up on the slumlord dream as its too risky, unless of course you have hundreds of properties and a team of lawyers. And precisely the reason as your neighbor, there is no point in fixing something up and then trying to at least make the mortgage. In Oregon they are passing a rent cap law so let's say your property costs $1200 a month to make it, the cap says you can only charge $800! So I have to cover the delta? Why and as mentioned who gives the state the right to say what I charge for MY property...
  15. IF I was going to choose a wish list big 4 of bands that I would want to see live together (or at all for that matter) it would be: Spread Eagle Warrior Soul Junkyard Pantera I'd toss in Teeze/Roughouse, Kix, Saxon and Heavy Pettin' for an all day sucker.
  16. Pretty nice song. Thanks for sharing it. Making a few assumption I'd assume the guitarist produced this as for most of the song the lead guitar overpowered everything. I only heard the vocals in the chorus and not much drum or bass. Speaking of bass and I know someone played some somewhere even though it was buried in the mix but it is irksome to have a video without someone playing the 4 string. Give the singer a bass instead of the acoustic that wasn't even heard and fake it at least that looks more realistic. A better mix, much more bottom end and goose the vocals in the verse and this song would be even better.
  17. Binged Daybreak on Netflix and it was frickin awesome. A mix of Evil Dead and Zombieland and it even has Mat Broderick. Smartly written and well acted. Certainly worthy of multiple watches. I also see that The End of The Fucking World season 2 just dropped on NF, if you haven't watched this one give it a go as it too is really well done.
  18. Sorry pal, was listening to some Hagar whilst I posted this and fruedian slipped with what I should have typed and the pre-solo chorus when Poison gang vocals"rock n roll rodeo" from Let Me Go To The Show. I just spun LWTCDI and it is still my favorite Poison album. Sure I dig Fallen Angel and Nothin' BUt et al but the 1st disc is a time warp and a damn good one too.
  19. Rock N Roll Romeo but they have crafted many a tasty tune and the first album is my go to for them. I think Jez is their "biggest fan" however...
  20. I've touted the Bombers in the past and if I recall the reception was less then stellar... As with the previous releases Chris Doll is a rockstar and his band is kewl AF.
  21. Give him a break? He is FIFTY FUCKIN' SIX! He is old enough to be everyone involved in his videos dad plus. Lose the fishin lure jeans and stop trying to appeal to 16 your old girls. Frickin pervo.
  22. Grandma's Boy - A typical R rated affair from the Sandler camp. I hadn't heard about this early 2k release but it was well acted and filmed and full of cameos and off color humor. Worth a watch for the grandma's. Ma - Watchable albeit simple little revenge thriller. Surprised by a couple of moves to keep it R rated in a day and age were PG13 is the norm and this one could have been easily snipped here and there to accommodate.
  23. Its a fine fluffy lil' number and Rick does look good in a John Stamos kind of ageless way. Seems this song could be better suited for like 5 Seconds of Summer or sumthin like that.
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