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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Purchased both recommendations, I have nothing but respect for your Christian rock knowledge. So Pete, did we get these yet and do we have a verdict?
  2. Dude, you have no idea. As a federal correctional officer, let me tell you that you would not believe the lengths the Bureau of Prisons goes to accomodate these scumbags. No-meat meals for the vegans, kosher food for the Jews, buffalo meat for the Native Americans, no-pork meat substitutues for the Muslims...it's absurd. God forbid we violate the religious diet rights of some piece of garbage who raped a 3 year-old...
  3. Can't listen at work, but looking forward to checking 'em out when I get home. I always enjoy a good ass-kicking, musically-speaking. It'll have a hard time topping the last 18 Visions CD though...that puppy is phenomenal.
  4. I'll just copy/paste what I wrote on the main site: "Coming across like a low-rent Love/Hate, this band offers nothing that makes this CD worth owning. If all you need is hard guitars to enjoy an album, then maybe this will work for you, but if you're looking for anything remotely resembling a good song, look elsewhere. I'd rather have cigars put out on my nads than listen to this crap again (OK, minor exaggeration there, but you get the idea). Some bands sound like a punch to the face...these guys are more like a slap in the face..." Yeah, I think you can pretty much say I thought it sucked.
  5. I've never heard that band but have seen quite a few people around talk about them. What do they sound like? Awesome 80's style commercial hard rock...Amazingly consistent for an indie band. Definitely one of the better. Big-time backed...but only for "Cool Deal," as I find the self-titled album to be poorly produced and nowhere near the stellar quality of "Cool Deal," which is a must-own masterpiece for any melodic hard rock fan...well, at least any melodic hard rock fan who likes loud guitars, big hooks, catchy choruses, lots of backing vocals, that sort of thing.
  6. Same here. It's nice enough if it's on the stereo, but I wouldn't be the one to put it on there. I'll take Impellitteri any day over those two.... Backed 1000%. Chris Impellitteri never loses sight of the song in his quest to wank on his guitar, unlike those other two (though to be fair, Pell is less guilty of this than Malmsteen). Chris knows how to shred like a monster but still craft soaring melodic metal choruses...as evidenced by this new song, which is classic Impellitteri, IMO.
  7. Haven't watched the video, but I just heard this song for the first time the other day on the radio and it does indeed kick ass.
  8. I think their debut ("Stick it to ya") is their most consistent, but my all-time favorite Slaughter song is "Real Love" off their sophomore album ("The Wild Life"). Still, due to its sheer consistency, I voted for "Stick it to ya." But really, as others have said, this is hardly a great band. Props to them for never selling out, but I grew weary of them a couple years back and jettisoned all their CDs from my collection. Can honestly say I haven't missed 'em. Bottom line, I don't hate 'em, I don't love 'em.
  9. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I Thought "The Beast" was on A&E, not TNT. I hesitate to correct the Emperor of the Known Universe, but unless it's airing on two channels, I'm pretty sure A&E is the proud owner of this show. Regardless, looking forward to watching the pilot episode (I recorded it...or did I? )
  10. You don't like "Trash" and think Megan Fox is unattractive? What's it like being a gay man with piss-poor taste in music?
  11. For me, it's pretty much a coin toss between "Sound of White Noise" and "We Have Come for you All." In the end, I went with "Sound of White Noise" simply because I got sick of wavering back and forth between the two. But really, can't go wrong with either one. Never did have much use for early Anthrax though...
  12. How ya likin' that one boss? The remastering job is excellent. It's growing on me...kind of like that fungus on the bottom of my left testic...uh, never mind. I was familiar with "Weapons of our Warfare," but had never actually heard the debut (aside from "Victory" and "Jehovah Jireh"), so it was all "new" to me, and after my first spin I was kind of unsure how much I liked it (if that makes any sense). I still think "Weapons..." is much better, but the self-titled definitely has some cool speed/thrash tunes...and a couple of not-so-cool ones. Whether or not it stays in my collection remains to be seen, but regardless, major props to Retroactive Records for their bang-up job reissuing these Christian metal classics; the remastering on both discs is nothing short of phenomenal.
  13. Latest acquisition... Deliverance: s/t (2008 reissue)
  14. When snow melts on the shovel, it looks like tears.
  15. Figures they want a handout. Lord knows I've always got my hand out when I'm looking at porn...
  16. Greetings & salutations. Please note that when any of our Aussie members use the word "mate," they are not using it as a term of friendship, but are actually stating what they want to do with you. The lone exception is Matt, who does not actually wish to mate with anyone here, but is prone to copping cheap feels during group hugs. Otherwise, please keep your arms, legs, and any other unusually long appendages inside the vehicle at all times...we are not responsible for severed limbs.
  17. "Kind" Diamond huh? Yer typin skilz suck ballz too. Well, my typing skills are better than dear old Mullethead's, but my sentiments toward King Diamond are the same as his.
  18. OK, now I'm definitely gonna have to listen to these guys when I get home (I'll slot it in somewhere between changing the baby's diaper and making dinner). Love bands with a Skid Row vibe. Please note that if I do not hear a Skid Row vibe, I will hunt you down and the things I will do to you can only be described as "dastardly." Did I say Skid Row? I meant The Archies. No worries, bud. I listened and lucky for you, I heard some Skid Row vibes. All the dastardly things I had planned on doing to you I instead unleashed upon our unfortunate cat. Please advise PETA that when they're done with their "Sea Kittens" campaign they'll probably want to have a word with me.
  19. You listen to country but despise Nickelback?? I just don't understand...
  20. No offense, mate, but the surest way to make sure I don't listen to something is to compare it to Led Zeppelin.
  21. I haven't actually traded with Stefan (though he's bought stuff from me), but can I get in on the hugging too? I'm feeling kind of needy today... Mark, you don't even need to ask. Sweet! It's good to be loved. Yes Mark, join the fun. I would, but everytime I come in for a group hug, Matt tries to cop a feel and grab my ass. He has no respect for personal boundaries.
  22. I haven't actually traded with Stefan (though he's bought stuff from me), but can I get in on the hugging too? I'm feeling kind of needy today... Mark, you don't even need to ask. Sweet! It's good to be loved.
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