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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Made some adjustments the last couple of days... Bangalore Choir: "On Target" Keel: "Back in Action" House of Lords: "Come to my Kingdom" Legend Seven: "Blind Faith" Europe: "Secret Society"
  2. Being a correctional officer would be a great gig if it weren't for the fucking inmates.
  3. Vixen Envies Nuts Under Schlong WFOVT
  4. Funny, I had the same thing. And your girlfriend said she liked what I gave her better than what you gave her.
  5. RAMBO (2008) Just watched this for the 3rd time and I really think it ranks up there with the great action films of all time, especially if you like your action graphic & bloody; Rambo (and co-warriors) annihilate the bad guys in this one. No soft, pussified PG-13 crap here...this is hardcore carnage for hardcore action movie junkies.
  6. Agreed, but if it is as good as the last Underworld I won't complain.... ...as good as the last...? The second sucked hairy testicles! If reviews are good, I might see it in theatres. If not, I might rent it, but probably won't bother. I own the first, and that's the only one I'll watch again. The last one ("Evolution") was fantastic with a capital "F." Bigger budget, more action, more gore, a Beckinsale sex scene...I've never heard of anyone who preferred the first one over the second (though the first one is quite good). I would have preferred another straight sequel to a prequel (which is what "Rise of the Lycans" is, by the way), but I'll still probably plunk down my $7 and catch it in theaters...especially since I got free movie tickets for Christmas. Two hours with a big tub of buttery popcorn and a giant Coke watching vampires & werewolves throw down against each other is my idea of a good time.
  7. True, as I remember from his photos he does have an elvish vibe going on. Maybe a little more gnomey, but it's all the same category, isn't it? C'mon, man, everyone knows that gnomes are way cooler than elves. Let's recap: Gnomes > Elves > Dwarves
  8. Legend Seven: "Blind Faith" (at home) Keel: "Back in Action" (in the truck)
  9. HOUSE OF LORDS: "Come to my Kingdom" "Demons Down" remains one of my all-time favorite melodic hard rock CDs, but unfortunately, the band has never recaptured that magic. That said, the last album was an excellent slice of melodic rock and this release picks up where that one left off, though right now I give "World Upside Down" the slight edge (slightly better songs, IMO). This tends to be lighter than I typically listen to, but the hooks are simply too catchy to deny. Kudos to the band for continuing to give fans what they want to hear. I would prefer they beef things up a bit, but that's just the hard rocker in me talking. When I'm in the mood for some polished, high-quality melodic rock sung by one of the best voices in the game, I'll reach into my collection and pull this one out plenty of times. It may not be a legendary album in the melodic rock kingdom, but it's still pretty damn good.
  10. No, you don't, 'cause you got the only album of theirs worth owning. The others are crap, IMO. Don't say you weren't warned... Thanks for the info....you've saved me some cash... You're welcome. Now please send me half of the cash I saved you. 'Get Ready' is great! Mark, is the first one no good also? np: Nailpoint - Falling to Pieces Aside from "Get Ready," the other ones suck. Both will make you wonder how the band managed to craft such a good release like "Get Ready." Is Nailpoint: "Falling to Pieces" only available as a download? I can't find the actual CD for sale anywhere...
  11. Ra: "Duality" (at home) House of Lords: "Come to my Kingdom" (in the truck)
  12. No, you don't, 'cause you got the only album of theirs worth owning. The others are crap, IMO. Don't say you weren't warned... Thanks for the info....you've saved me some cash... You're welcome. Now please send me half of the cash I saved you.
  13. Great song. Seriously, give the album a few more spins, and if you still don't like it, I'll take it off your hands. All I have is a CDR. What?! A CDR!?? Your collection isn't quality quantity all silver pressed?!?! You, sir, are not a collector, you are a lowlife poser.
  14. No, you don't, 'cause you got the only album of theirs worth owning. The others are crap, IMO. Don't say you weren't warned...
  15. I hope it's better, 'cause I wasn't particularly impressed with "Revelation." I think "Symbol of Salvation" is far superior. Well hell yeah Symbol is superior, it's only one of the top Metal albums of all time IMO. I was just using Revelation as an example because it was the last studio release, but for the record I was hugely impressed with it. OK, I'm not willing to go "top metal album," but I do really enjoy "Symbol of Salvation." "Revelation," however, while bearing excellent production, failed me in the songwriting department like a half-dead coke whore fails to give good hummers. The only track I liked off that CD was "Deep Rooted Anger." Give me the sharp production of "Revelation" with the songwriting prowess of "Symbol" and I shall be a happy headbanger. You mean you didn't like the track After Me, The Flood! That is one of the best songs I think Armored Saint ever did. Let me clarify: there was nothing on "Revelation" that I thought was outright terrible, but aside from "Deep Rooted Anger" I thought the whole thing sounded like rather generic, dime-a-dozen, why-listen-to-this-when-there's-so-much-better-out-there heavy metal, something "Symbol" could never be accused of. But hey, seeing as how I sold you my copy of "Revelation," I'm glad you're digging it! I spent that $2 on a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee, which gave me more pleasure than listening to "Revelation" did...
  16. Geoff will be more or less alone in this category, I guess... Nah, some of us actually know how to enjoy both the "classics" (Warrant, Bonfire, Black-N-Blue, etc.) as well as the current stuff (Hinder, Nickelback, Disciple, etc.). I'm as comfortable listening to Europe's "Prisoners in Paradise" as I am listening to Pillar's "For the Love of the Game." Loving one does not exclude the other. When it comes to melodic hard rock/metal, I am not monogamous. Backed! Of course you backed me. I'm pretty sure you're contractually obligated to do so. The last time I disagreed I was in court for weeks. And you still haven't paid me my settlement. I believe you were supposed to supply me with 5 free copies of Rockarma: "Bring it." Don't make me tell the judge you are refusing to comply. As long as you don't want the Japanese release I can probably make that happen... btw, hope you had a good Christmas, Mark! Japan? Who cares about Japan? The only good things over there are the hot girls and the sushi. And yes, my Christmas was great; I spent it with 117 inmates, making $67/hr. I want to take this opportunity to thank all you taxpayers who pony up for my salary.
  17. EUROPE: "Secret Society" Received this one as a Christmas present from my brother Chris (hardrockhaven) and gave it a listen on the way into work today. First spin impression is a bit underwhelming, though there are definitely some good songs present, but it's really no secret that my tastes tend to be a little harder-edged than this. I'm on the fence with this one and will need a couple more spins to determine if it stays in my collection or is relegated to the sell/trade pile.
  18. Geoff will be more or less alone in this category, I guess... Nah, some of us actually know how to enjoy both the "classics" (Warrant, Bonfire, Black-N-Blue, etc.) as well as the current stuff (Hinder, Nickelback, Disciple, etc.). I'm as comfortable listening to Europe's "Prisoners in Paradise" as I am listening to Pillar's "For the Love of the Game." Loving one does not exclude the other. When it comes to melodic hard rock/metal, I am not monogamous. Backed! Of course you backed me. I'm pretty sure you're contractually obligated to do so. The last time I disagreed I was in court for weeks. And you still haven't paid me my settlement. I believe you were supposed to supply me with 5 free copies of Rockarma: "Bring it." Don't make me tell the judge you are refusing to comply.
  19. Here's what's been getting the most spin-time in my stereo lately... Europe: "Secret Society" House of Lords: "Come to my Kingdom" Soil: "Scars" Keel: "Larger Than Live" Nickelback: "Dark Horse"
  20. My wife's car has Sirius in it. Pretty much the only channels I listen to are Hair Nation (hair-metal), Octane (modern hard rock), and Hard Attack (heavy/thrash metal). Octane gets the most play, because Hair Nation gives you the same songs over and over again (I swear if you only listened to Hair Nation you would think the only 3 songs Kiss ever recorded are "Shout it out Loud," "Heaven's on Fire," & "Lick it up"), and Hard Attack often features bands a little more extreme than I care for. But honestly, if satellite radio as it currently exists fell off the face of the planet, I couldn't care less.
  21. I hope it's better, 'cause I wasn't particularly impressed with "Revelation." I think "Symbol of Salvation" is far superior. Well hell yeah Symbol is superior, it's only one of the top Metal albums of all time IMO. I was just using Revelation as an example because it was the last studio release, but for the record I was hugely impressed with it. OK, I'm not willing to go "top metal album," but I do really enjoy "Symbol of Salvation." "Revelation," however, while bearing excellent production, failed me in the songwriting department like a half-dead coke whore fails to give good hummers. The only track I liked off that CD was "Deep Rooted Anger." Give me the sharp production of "Revelation" with the songwriting prowess of "Symbol" and I shall be a happy headbanger.
  22. Well, at least I'm not the only one who likes 'em, so I no longer feel out of place like a naked man with a hard-on in a convent. As I just picked up "Scars," I haven't gotten around to checking out their other CDs, so I'll take your advice and start with "Throttle Junkies" next. The only thing that has me nervous about that album is that some of the reviews out there say the production is of the demo variety, and I'm a stickler for good production.
  23. Latest acquisitions...(got 'em for Christmas) Europe: "Secret Society" House of Lords: "Come to my Kingdom" House of Lords: "Come to my Kingdom" (no, that's not a double post...I got 2 copies, one from my brother, one from my mom)
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