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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I just emptied the pencil sharpener in my office.
  2. The same could be said of my lunch. You'll have to excuse me why I run to the fucking bathroom.
  3. Testicle Eaters Always Slurp Emissions VGCUG
  4. Is it just me or does this girl look like Natalie Portman?
  5. Watched the pilot (which I recorded) last night and enjoyed it quite a bit. Definitely the potential for a cool series there. The best way I can describe it is Training Day meets The Shield.
  6. After a week of arctic weather that saw the thermometer never get above zero, we're experiencing a heat wave up here in the Adirdonack mountains, where it is currently a balmy 11 degrees. I may have to break out the tanning lotion and do a little sunbathing after work. Nude, of course...nobody likes those pesky tan lines.
  7. Gee, and they say religious people are intolerant.
  8. Jimbo's back! Proof there is a God! As you can see, Jim, many of us "old timers" are still haunting these Boards, but there's been an influx of new blood to keep things fresh (except for that one guy who's karpet is full o' funk). And then there's Geoff, but the less said about him the better...
  9. Guardian: "Fire & Love" (in the truck) Buckcherry: "15" (at home)
  10. Dude, you have no idea. As a federal correctional officer, let me tell you that you would not believe the lengths the Bureau of Prisons goes to accomodate these scumbags. No-meat meals for the vegans, kosher food for the Jews, buffalo meat for the Native Americans, no-pork meat substitutues for the Muslims...it's absurd. God forbid we violate the religious diet rights of some piece of garbage who raped a 3 year-old... I'm thinking you guys also pass out alot of fried chicken dinners too huh? Why, my good man, whatever are you referring too? (Actually, we stopped frying the chicken...now we bake it. The convicts bitched, but boo-fucking-hoo.)
  11. OK, just checked this out and am liking what I'm hearing. Down 'n' dirty, gritty hard rock in the vein of Buckcherry/GNR but with some really cool choruses (as Lennie mentioned, track three is a corker). I will definitely grab a copy when it gets released on 3/10/09. Thanks for the heads up, my good man!
  12. Nickelback: "Dark Horse" (in the truck) Buckcherry: "Black Butterfly" (at home)
  13. DELIVERANCE: "Deliverance" (reissue) Long considered a Christian thrash/speed-metal classic, and deservedly so. While I prefer the songwriting on their follow-up, "Weapons of our Warfare," it really comes down to a personal taste sort of thing, because both albums are fairly similar, chock full of furious riffs, soaring vocals, and the kind of super-blatant Christian lyrics that make Geoff vomit. Have to mention the remastering job on this reissue, which is among the best I've ever heard.
  14. Spun this a few more times since my initial comments and yep, I stand by 'em. "Cinco Diablo" may not slam as hard & heavy as, say, "Survival of the Sickest" (still Saliva's finest moment, IMO) and there are definitely a few rap-rock hints here & there, but this far from being a weak or watered-down rock album. As soon as Pacific Avenue starts delivering songs as in-your-face as "Hunt you Down" or "Judgement Day," I'll become a Pacific Avenue fan.
  15. Purchased both recommendations, I have nothing but respect for your Christian rock knowledge. So Pete, did we get these yet and do we have a verdict?
  16. Dude, you have no idea. As a federal correctional officer, let me tell you that you would not believe the lengths the Bureau of Prisons goes to accomodate these scumbags. No-meat meals for the vegans, kosher food for the Jews, buffalo meat for the Native Americans, no-pork meat substitutues for the Muslims...it's absurd. God forbid we violate the religious diet rights of some piece of garbage who raped a 3 year-old...
  17. Can't listen at work, but looking forward to checking 'em out when I get home. I always enjoy a good ass-kicking, musically-speaking. It'll have a hard time topping the last 18 Visions CD though...that puppy is phenomenal.
  18. I'll just copy/paste what I wrote on the main site: "Coming across like a low-rent Love/Hate, this band offers nothing that makes this CD worth owning. If all you need is hard guitars to enjoy an album, then maybe this will work for you, but if you're looking for anything remotely resembling a good song, look elsewhere. I'd rather have cigars put out on my nads than listen to this crap again (OK, minor exaggeration there, but you get the idea). Some bands sound like a punch to the face...these guys are more like a slap in the face..." Yeah, I think you can pretty much say I thought it sucked.
  19. I've never heard that band but have seen quite a few people around talk about them. What do they sound like? Awesome 80's style commercial hard rock...Amazingly consistent for an indie band. Definitely one of the better. Big-time backed...but only for "Cool Deal," as I find the self-titled album to be poorly produced and nowhere near the stellar quality of "Cool Deal," which is a must-own masterpiece for any melodic hard rock fan...well, at least any melodic hard rock fan who likes loud guitars, big hooks, catchy choruses, lots of backing vocals, that sort of thing.
  20. Same here. It's nice enough if it's on the stereo, but I wouldn't be the one to put it on there. I'll take Impellitteri any day over those two.... Backed 1000%. Chris Impellitteri never loses sight of the song in his quest to wank on his guitar, unlike those other two (though to be fair, Pell is less guilty of this than Malmsteen). Chris knows how to shred like a monster but still craft soaring melodic metal choruses...as evidenced by this new song, which is classic Impellitteri, IMO.
  21. Haven't watched the video, but I just heard this song for the first time the other day on the radio and it does indeed kick ass.
  22. I think their debut ("Stick it to ya") is their most consistent, but my all-time favorite Slaughter song is "Real Love" off their sophomore album ("The Wild Life"). Still, due to its sheer consistency, I voted for "Stick it to ya." But really, as others have said, this is hardly a great band. Props to them for never selling out, but I grew weary of them a couple years back and jettisoned all their CDs from my collection. Can honestly say I haven't missed 'em. Bottom line, I don't hate 'em, I don't love 'em.
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