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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Even if I didn't already know it, I would be able to tell from this poll that I am a late 80s+ kind of guy, 'cause out of all the bands listed, only one ("Pyromania") resides in my collection. The rest...eh, you can keep 'em. The early 80s is not where I find my metal fodder. That said, I voted for Metallica: "Kill 'Em All" and Def Leppard: "Pyromania."
  2. Went with Trixter both times. I don't care for either band's debut that much, but Trixter gets my vote due to "Surrender," which is a great ballad. I do really like "Bite Down Hard," but "Hear" is the better album, IMO, thanks to great commercial rockers like "Power of Love," "Rockin' Horse," & "Nobody's a Hero." And who's alleging the sound/production on "Hear" is unbearable? Sounds fine to me, and I'm a stickler for good production.
  3. Back in '06 when this poll was birthed in the sick, demented mind of Keef (Fat Freddy), I did not listen to Megadeth. Since then, my musical tastes have evolved to encompass speed/thrash metal (though usually of the modern variety) and Megadeth has filtered into my collection. Had "United Abominations" been part of this poll, it would've easily snagged my vote, because I think it's the best thing the band has ever released, but picking from the offered choices, I went with "Countdown to Extinction."
  4. Definitely not the most popular vote 'round these parts, but I went with Amy Lee (Evanescence).
  5. Based purely on technical skill, I would probably have to say Malmsteen, even though I can't stand his egotistical showboating style. But judging solely on who I like best (from this list), I voted for Lynch.
  6. Wowzer, surprised to see "Hungry" playing second fiddle to the debut, because I think "Hungry" absolutely smokes the first album. Haven't cared for the debut since I first heard it; matter of fact, I bought it at a used CD shop in college, listened to it once, and promptly returned it for something better (if I recall correctly, I traded it for Heaven's Edge and was quite happy with my decision). Much prefer the tougher, ballsier sound on "Hungry" (I'm sure there's a joke in there about how I like tough balls, but leave it alone). "Hungry" all the way for me. The debut doesn't even merit a place in my collection.
  7. Latest acquisition... Hoobastank: "For(n)ever"
  8. Dude, you will never know true freedom until you let the underwear go. Nude CD-shopping is where it's at.
  9. Glad I could be of service (and uh, for the record, I don't mean "service" in the same way Geoff does). Frankly, I had little doubt you would enjoy this CD, just as I have little doubt you'll also enjoy "Fire & Love," though which one will be your fave is not something I dare predict. As you said, this is simply great stuff all around, an album I have pretty much memorized every note of, yet still play very frequently. And yes, leave it to a heathen bastard like you to notice the lack of in-your-face Christian lyrics. I have reported your wickedness to God, who has promised to deal with you after He gets around to ramming lightning bolts up Geoff's ass for his seemingly-ceaseless Christ-bashing.
  10. Can't listen to the tune here at work, but will check it out when I get home. Not a huge Lamb of God fan--as is well-documented here, I enjoy the more commercial-oriented modern heavy/thrash bands--but I've never hated them either.
  11. Can't believe you didn't consider Dan's answer "sensibile."
  12. Not to rub salt in your wounds, but I have actually heard the whole CD, and it frickin' rocks. Pete sent a select few of us here on the Boards an advance promo copy to get some feedback for Kivel Records. Sorry you weren't on the short list...or maybe Pete just accidentally overlooked you. Drop him a line, see if he has any copies left. (Pssssst...I'm kidding, of course.) Wow, you're mean...I like that about you. There are many reasons to love me. I'm multifaceted.
  13. Not to rub salt in your wounds, but I have actually heard the whole CD, and it frickin' rocks. Pete sent a select few of us here on the Boards an advance promo copy to get some feedback for Kivel Records. Sorry you weren't on the short list...or maybe Pete just accidentally overlooked you. Drop him a line, see if he has any copies left. (Pssssst...I'm kidding, of course.)
  14. I wouldn't mind them bringing more melody into the mix and including a power ballad or two, but they could pull that off without sacrificing their aggression (God knows I don't want them to sound all pink & fluffy). Personally, I thought the only thing missing from their debut was bigger, more commercial choruses; add those to their in-yer-face style and you'd have a killer melodic hard rock/metal album worth talking about.
  15. Let's keep this simple, shall we? I'm practicing my brevity. 1. Lion: "Dangerous Attraction" 2. Cinderella: "Night Songs" 3. Dokken: "Under Lock & Key" 4. Treat: "Dreamhunter" 5. TNT: "Intuition" 6. Crashdiet: "Rest in Sleaze"
  16. None of these were particularly tough for me... 1. Danger Danger: s/t 2. Trixter: "Hear" 3. Hardline: "Double Eclipse" 4. GNR: "Appetite for Destruction" 5. Lynch Mob: "Wicked Sensation" 6. Iron Maiden: "Number of the Beast" I see I voted with the majority. I feel like such a sheep...
  17. Latest acquisition... 28 WEEKS LATER (Blu-Ray)--my 2nd Blu-Ray purchase after receiving a PS3 for Chistmas. Haven't watched it yet to see how good the picture is (though if it's like the other Blu-Rays I've watched, it'll be outstanding) but I've seen the movie a few times so I know it kicks all kind of ass. Any hardcore horror fan who hasn't seen this film by now is missing out on a bloody good flick.
  18. But YOU'RE still here, Mark. You LIKE me! You REALLY like me!! No, no, no, you misunderstand...what you think is me liking you is actually my fascination with grotesquery. It's like going to a freak show; I'm repulsed, but I can't look away.
  19. ...aaaaaaaand he never came back. Gee, was it something I said? You do seem to have that effect on folks. You enter the room and people scramble for the exit like cockroaches fleeing from the light.
  20. Gee, and they say religious people are intolerant. Intolerant, or just clueless? I KID! I KID! Jesus loves you. I am not Jesus.
  21. Yay for nude. Yay for no tan lines Wanna trade pictures?
  22. Is it just me or does this girl look like Natalie Portman? Perhaps, but I doubt Natalie Portman's got moves like that. What, you don't remember the "Like a Virgin" dance she did for Leon in The Professional?
  23. The same could be said of my lunch. You'll have to excuse me why I run to the fucking bathroom. Hope everything fucking came out all right!! If only I had realized there was no fucking toilet paper BEFORE I did my business...
  24. I just emptied the pencil sharpener in my office.
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