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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. No he isn't. Like I care about the opinion of a talentless guitar hack.
  2. I actuallly do like "Sister Christian," even if it's just a teensy weensy little bit overplayed, and that's the song I voted for in this poll. But Geoff is very much correct in his assertion that "Forever all Over Again" is Night Ranger's all-time best ballad.
  3. James LaBrie, easily. I can't stand Dream Theater (their music is the cure for insomnia), but his voice is excellent. He sounded great on that Winter Rose album...too bad he didn't stick to melodic hard rock.
  4. Latest acquisitions... THE REPLACEMENT KILLERS: "Extended Cut" (Blu-Ray) SHOOTER (Blu-Ray) My brother hooked me up with these for my birthday.
  5. I WOULD LOVE THAT....short of sexual favors (LOL)...anything for you. I was getting ready to send you the MP3, but then I read that part about no sexual favors, so never mind.
  6. Well, shame on me then. Somehow I'll try to live with myself. God knows I can certainly live without this album.
  7. I've just got to chime in here once again.......Mark is a wonderful, extremely knowlegeable, pain in the **s, but we Love him anyway!!! Del, you're making me all misty-eyed here. That might be the greatest compliment I've ever received. Well, except the first time I slept with my wife and she said, "I've never seen one that big." (She was referring to the giant mole on my hip, by the way...why, what were you guys thinking?)
  8. Delbert! YOU are an exemplary human being! You are an extremely intelligent, gifted, considerate, remarkable person! Your knowledge of music is astounding....which is only a portion of the vast knowledge that you both possess, as well as share with folks. Whethr it is here, or via your amazing auctions or person to person! I've said it numerous times, & I'll say it again...you are an extremely unique, multitalented (especially with all of the rare, special music/CDs that you are able to find/track down) & an exceptional seller! I will modify that last part...YOU are the quintessential seller! Any/all folks that have participated in and/or won some of your amazing auctions, as well as done business & talked with you can/will/do attest to this significant & 100% true fact! You are one of the most respected, trustworthy & admired sellers, whether on eBay or anywhere! THANK YOU for being the truly unique, exceptional & amazing person that YOU are & for your extremely appreciated comments! Best wishes/regards & continuing success, my friend!! Awwwwww, love is in the air.
  9. I just listened to all 6 songs on MySpace. I don't hear any WigWam, nor do I hear any Poodles, but to each their own. I thought the first couple of songs were pretty good, but then they settled into a fairly formulaic approach that holds little interest for me these days. Therefore, as threatened, I have unleashed my pack of killer ferrets. They should arrive sometime in the night and began stripping the flesh from your bones with their needle-like teeth, beginning with the scrotal region.
  10. Well, it would be hard for Lamb of God to release anything worse... (Sorry, Tim...I like some of the same modern heavy metal bands you do, but LOG just doesn't do it for me.) Am surprised you don't like "Sacrament", which is very polished/mainstream Metal. Actually, it's not their music I dislike, it's the lead singer's vocal style. Too gutteral. And as you know, I like the more commercial, cleanly-sung choruses, which, unless I'm recalling incorrectly, "Sacrament" didn't have.
  11. Latest batch of frequent spinners... Hoobastank: "For(never)" Leviticus: "Knights of Heaven" Stryper: "Reborn" Slaughter: "Stick it to ya" Soil: "Scars"
  12. LEVITICUS: "Knights of Heaven" Been years since I listened to this Swedish Christian white-metal band, so I dug it out the other day and gave it a spin, wondering how it would sound to my ears now that my musical tastes have evolved in a harder, heavier direction. In a word, dated...but not bad (actually, I guess that's 4 words, eh?). And by dated, I mean dated like most late 80s hard rock albums. However, the hooks on here are heavenly, there are some strong choruses (and a couple not so strong ones), and plenty of backing vocals for those who enjoy that sort of thing. Not bad, not bad at'all.
  13. Well, it would be hard for Lamb of God to release anything worse... (Sorry, Tim...I like some of the same modern heavy metal bands you do, but LOG just doesn't do it for me.)
  14. Matt, I'ma shoot you! Lettuce know when you do. Matt, you just can't leaf it alone, can you...
  15. "Massacre the Mainstream" is definitely hard-edged, probably even crossing the line into full-on metal. I actually predict that you won't hate it, but I doubt you'll be too impressed with it either. It's been years since I've heard it, but I recall metallic guitars, blistering attitude, but a lack of big hooks and almost no backing vox. I usually like heavier, more aggressive stuff, but even I found it too bland to bother keeping. Can't compare it to "Bad Reputation," as I've never heard that one (PM'd ya to rectify that), but based on what others have said, I'm pretty sure "Bad Reputation" blows away "Massacre..."
  16. I'm actually a little leery of Poley's return to the D2 fold. He hasn't done much that has impressed me since he left the band and I'm afraid he'll bring that decent-but-formulaic-and-uninspiring style to D2, who were knocking it out of the park when Laine was fronting them. That said, I am hopeful the reunion will bring out the best and we are given another melodic hard rock classic. The potential is there, but I'll keep my hopes reasonable until I hear reason to do otherwise.
  17. Can't listen to this at work, but my interest is piqued. Thomas Vikstrom you say? Wig Wam-style you say? Better than The Poodles you say? Well, you say a lot, my friend, but my ears will be the judge just as soon as I get home tonight. I expect to hear nothing less than melodic rock greatness or me and my pack of killer ferrets will be paying you a visit.
  18. You just have to vote for Geoff here. His nork obsession radically clouds his cognitive skills, he engages in sexual congress with tutu-clad armadillos, he has illicit love affairs with multiple pugs regardless of their gender, he is prone to drinking flamingo-colored beverages that no sane person would be caught dead holding let alone sipping, he mistakenly believes himself to be handsome despite actually being one of the ugliest humans to ever disgrace the planet, he suffers from delusions that he is a skilled photographer, and he thinks three inches is considered well-hung. If anybody needs psychiatric help, it's Geoff. As for musicians...gotta go with Ozzy.
  19. This CD has been on my Want List since Moses was knee-high to a grasshopper. I picked up their 2nd effort, "Massacre the Mainstream," many moons ago, and thought it was just OK, but I've heard "Bad Reputation" is far superior. I love that attitude-driven hard rock sound, so this might very well be up my musical alley. Then again, I'm pretty picky these days... It's not that difficult to find, but I've never been willing to pay the somewhat-seep asking prices. My days of forking over major dough for unknown/obscure bands are over; major dough is now reserved for diapers & daycare. Oh yeah, I'm a badass rock 'n' roller.
  20. I picked this up the other day and while it doesn't bring anything fresh to the modern rock table, it's pretty solid in a formulaic kind of way. It's better than their debut (which I never particularly cared for) but nowhere near as good as "The Reason," which remains their crowning moment. I think if you liked their last album ("Last Man Standing") you'll like this one too.
  21. Judging from the lack of replies here, it would seem not too many people are excited about a new Helix CD. Add me to that list of disinterested people.
  22. ...the original is tough to find these days. I am really surprised you didn't like it. Do you like Dokken? To be honest, I don't particularly remember the debut...as I said, I spun it once and promptly got rid of it, and that was back in my college days when I kept almost anything that was "hair metal." But to answer your question, no, I'm not a huge Dokken fan; I don't hate them, but I only own two CDs ("Back for the Attack" and "Erase the Slate") and I rarely reach for either album more than once a year.
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