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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. I decided to hold off on camping out by the mailbox today because it's snowing like a sum-b*tch out there right now. So you're on your own. Sissy. You are not troo metal.
  2. Glad you like it! I actually agree with Ali Rock in that it's not as good (though much more commercial & better produced) than "The Fall of Ideals" which is a stunning Metalcore disc, one of the best ever IMHO. Another disc I reckon you'd like, if you haven't already heard it, is SONIC SYNDICATE'S "Love & Other Disasters". Ignore the disappointing first single "Jack of Diamonds" & pick up the album, some of the years best chorus-lines on this one... IMO, this blows away "The Fall of Ideals," which I spun only once and immediately jettisoned like a pair of shoes that just don't fit; something about it failed to click with me. Not really surprising though, because as you know by now, I like the more commercial side of the heavy/thrash/core metal genre. Will check out Sonic Syndicate ASAP. Fuelhead is another unknown Swedish band which is worth checking out if you like more melodic modern metal. Checked out Sonic Syndicate and liked everything except the vocalist; something about the way he screams just grated on me. You were spot-on about those stellar choruses though... Will try to listen to Fuelhead tonight. Thanks for the recommendations, guys!
  3. None of these are particular favorites of mine, and none of them reside in my collection, but I would rate Sanctuary: "Refuge Denied" as the best of the bunch.
  4. "Madelaine" ~ Winger Always loved me some Winger and never understood the hate they garnered. Well, except for the hate directed at that last piece of crap album they put out; hatred for that putrid pile of musical pus is understandable, deserved, and highly justified.
  5. That's what my wife said about our last sexual encounter...
  6. That's what the "Resident Evil" movies are for! Zombies > Werewolves & Vampires. Well, OK, point taken, but for the record... Kate Beckinsale > Milla Jovovich (or however you spell her name)
  7. Yeah, I can see why someone like you would find no entertainment in watching a ridiculously hot woman wearing skin-tight black leather while gunning down everything in sight.
  8. Ra: "Duality" (at home) Europe: "Secret Society" (in the truck)
  9. To clarify my position (since I originally made the "elitist" remark), I do not personally collect CDRs/MP3s/boots/etc. 99.5% of my collection is original, silver-pressed CDs. I think it goes without saying that for most of us here, originals are preferred. But those out there who don't care about originals and have oodles of CDRs still have a collection: a collection of music. No, it's not a collection of original CDs, but it's still a collection of music. Frankly, saying it's not a collection is sort of, well, retarded (no offense intended). Obviously it's not worth as much as a collection of originals nor as time-consuming to obtain, but lack of value and minimal accumulation time does not make it a non-collection. As Jez stated above (highlighted in bold), it's a collection of music. I still maintain that saying it is not a collection exhibits an elitist mentality. It's just different types of collections, that's all.
  10. Good but not great. Which is what Pete said. But I said it better.
  11. Latest batch of frequent spinners... Europe: "Secret Society" Soil: "Scars" Ra: "Duality" Legend Seven: "Blind Faith" Buckcherry: "Black Butterfly"
  12. I also decided to give Divine Metal Distro a shot last night and ordered the "Weapons of our Warfare" reissue. Guess that makes two of us that'll be pitching a tent by the mailbox waiting for our "Weapons" to come. Uh, wait a minute, that sounds kind of lewd...
  13. Glad you like it! I actually agree with Ali Rock in that it's not as good (though much more commercial & better produced) than "The Fall of Ideals" which is a stunning Metalcore disc, one of the best ever IMHO. Another disc I reckon you'd like, if you haven't already heard it, is SONIC SYNDICATE'S "Love & Other Disasters". Ignore the disappointing first single "Jack of Diamonds" & pick up the album, some of the years best chorus-lines on this one... IMO, this blows away "The Fall of Ideals," which I spun only once and immediately jettisoned like a pair of shoes that just don't fit; something about it failed to click with me. Not really surprising though, because as you know by now, I like the more commercial side of the heavy/thrash/core metal genre. Will check out Sonic Syndicate ASAP.
  14. Not bad, not bad. Not in the same league as Crashdiet or Crazy Lixx, but sounds like a pretty good helping of sleaze-fueled hard rock. I can see plenty of folks around here going pretty wild over this.
  15. Lesbian Killers Just Hanged Ghandi MLKIH
  16. Bitchin' Umbrella Rebutts Neubian Entropy CVSOF
  17. More fuckin' Bon Jovi?? Wotty is fuckin' Bon Jovi?
  18. You did well, mate, very well. Yeah, I ain't complainin'. It should be noted that I am in no way a gamer, so the Play Station 3 is only for its Blu-Ray capabilities.
  19. I struggle a bit with that Legend Seven. Sometimes I love it all, sometimes I only wanna hear the two ballads... I'm actually thinking about selling/trading it. The only song that really grabs me is "Burning Desire." The debut is waaaaaay better.
  20. QUANTUM OF SOLACE Daniel Craig still rules the screen as the baddest, most vicious Bond we've ever seen, but what should've been a kickass spy adventure is nearly ruined by a director who doesn't leave an image on the screen for longer than half a second during the action scenes, making it often impossible to tell what the hell is happening. I like the harder-edged direction the new Bond movies are going, but this time around, while somewhat enjoying the movie, I was also simultaneously thinking how much better it would have been in the hands of a capable director.
  21. OK, the inlaws have come an' gone, all the presents are opened, and here's what I scored: Socks Europe: "Secret Society" House of Lords: "Come to my Kingdom" Toothbrush Wicked Jester t-shirts Jeans Hooded sweatshirt "Freddy Vs. Jason Vs. Ash" graphic novel Play Station 3 Books Tool rack Movie tickets Visa gift card $300 cash
  22. Welcome to the land where abnormality is the norm, where the only way to appear sane is to be batshit crazy, where psychotic is a way of life, not just a cool word. You say music is 50% of your life. Assuming the other half is made up of sex, nachos, and beer, you should fit in well. Please note that despite what some may tell you, the beer is optional; the sex & nachos, however, are not, and it is usually best to combine the two. Now, about Volvos...while you're working on making them quieter, could you also see about making them cooler? I mean, let's face it, they're not exactly a chick magnet. If you could make them a little more like a Ferrari, that'd be swell. Seriously, welcome aboard. Try to stay afloat.
  23. Bangalore Choir: "On Target" (in the truck) Ra: "Duality" (at home)
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