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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Oh, sure, Keef, now you tell me. Little late there, is all I'm sayin'...
  2. Check out P.K. Mitchell's "All Hail the Power--The Rock Hymns Project" if you're craving classic gospel songs reworked in a hard rockin' metal style. There's also Rock Power Praise: "Volume 1--The Hymns", produced by the legendary John & Dino Elefante, which is a little more in the 80s melodic hard rock vein in its approach to reimagining the tunes. Or you can just ignore my recommendations and continue to fantasize about you & Geoff in the nude accompanied by a jar of Jiffy Extra-Chunky peanut butter.
  3. Not exactly an uplifting tune, but I submit NITRO's "Johnny Died on Christmas" for your consideration...
  4. My understanding is that this will actually be released under the name Classic Petra, as original vocalist Greg X. Volz has returned to the fold, and that it will be closer to the AOR sound of their classic earlier albums such as "More Power to Ya," "Not of This World," & "Beat the System" rather than the hard rock style they adopted when John Schlitt took over singing duties. As for the "childish God talk rubbish lyrics," all I can say is, Petra were one of the first bands to put rock music to bold evangelistic lyrics and they never backed down from that boldness during their 30+ years career. Love the lyrics or hate them, hearing Petra sing about anything other than God/Jesus/Christ/etc. would sound unnatural, kind of like Slayer singing about sunshine, roses, and kisses from cute li'l kittens.
  5. Probably not too many melodic metalcore fans lurking 'round these parts, but for the 1 or 2 who may be interested, my review of All That Remains: "For We Are Many" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: All That Remains review Upcoming reviews from yours truly: Bullet: "Highway Pirates" Tuck From Hell: "Thrashing"
  6. No apology needed, as everyone is entitled to their opinion. As for them being arrogant dicks...I review music, not personalities. These guys won't be to everyone's tastes, that's for certain, but I liked what I heard, hence the positive review.
  7. Oh, you foolish but oh so moderately sexy boy, you have no idea what you've been missing for all these years. Imagine the powerful voice of Sinner, but fronting a big, guitar-driven melodic hard rock band as opposed to the full-throttle metal for which he is known, and you have an idea of the musical joy you are in for when your ears wrap themselves around this album like the sleek thighs of a Swedish supermodel (male or female, your choice) wrapping themselves around your smooth, as-yet-unmarked-by-life face. Yeah, I got it. Yeah, I like it. Yeah, I think you will too.
  8. My review of the new Texas Hippie Coalition CD, "Rollin'," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Texas Hippie Coalition review Anyone seeking heavy-hitting southern-metal with giant guitar riffs should check these guys out.
  9. My review of Chained, a Swedish Christian heavy metal group, is now available at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Chained review Fans of oldschool white-metal such as Saint, Sacred Warrior, Barren Cross, etc. should at least check these guys out.
  10. Thanks, man. As for the ripping...I just call 'em as I see 'em.
  11. My review of the debut of Swedish melodic hard rock "supergroup" Hardcore Circus is now available at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Hardcore Circus review Fans of the heavier end of the melodic hard rock spectrum may want to check this out...or, uh, maybe not...you'll have to read the review for details.
  12. I'm with you, bro! I'll be all over the new Pop Evil album like Geoff on a pair of norks or Matt on a rock-hard dick.
  13. I think you'll like it; nothing "-core" about it, other than maybe a couple of screams here & there; they basically just slowed the tempo down on some of the songs rather than release a full-scale thrash attack, and added the beefy production and commercial choruses that dominate the modern heavy metal scene nowadays; in other words, it's not as "pure oldschool" as, say, the last Overkill album, but neither does it sound like the new Lamb of God CD.
  14. Thanks, man. You should check out the album...unless you have no tolerance for the new breed of American heavy metal. I think the band did a really good job of mixing the past with the present.
  15. My review of Death Angel's new album, "Relentless Retribution," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link to check it out: Death Angel review Upcoming reviews include: Hardcore Circus: "Wake up Call" Chained: s/t All That Remains: "For we are Many" Unsun: "Clinic for Dolls" As you can see, they're keeping me busy over there!
  16. Thanks. If you're into that bluesy, late 70s retro-rock sound, you should definitely check out the CD. Not my personal cup of musical tea, but solid stuff within that classic rock subgenre.
  17. My review of Kickhunter's new album "All In" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Kickhunter review Upcoming reviews (due in the next couple of weeks): Death Angel: "Relentless Retribution" Hardcore Circus: "Wake up Call" Chained: s/t
  18. For those that are interested, my review of Rites of Ash's new release, "Like Venom," is now up at Hardrock Haven. (I'll give you a hint--I didn't like it). Here's the link: Rites of Ash review
  19. For those that are interested, my review of Grave Digger's new release, "The Clans Will Rise Again," is now up at Hardrock Haven. Here's the link: Grave Digger review
  20. Yeah, I snagged it as soon as it came out. While not quite up to the standards of "Temptation Come my way" or "Back Breaker," I still think it's a pretty darn good metal album, and personally wouldn't rate it as weak. But The Showdown is just one of those bands I really like...something about them clicks with me. I thought the first 3 songs--"The Man Named Hell," "Heavy Lies the Crown," & "Bring it Down"--ranked up there with some of the band's best. Certainly got my head banging, anyway. Interesting (or maybe not) sidenote: I had to submit a sample review for consideration before getting the Hardrock Haven gig, and I actually wrote a rough draft review of the new Showdown album. In the end I wasn't happy enough with it though (the review, not the CD) and ended up submitting a review for Shotgun Revolution: "Join the Revolution" instead, which resulted in me getting the job.
  21. Hey, gang, in case anybody cares, I joined the staff of Hardrock Haven as a CD reviewer. You can check out my biography/photo here: Hardrock Haven Staff Bio And read my first review (Salute--"Heart of the Machine") here: Album review I agreed to bang out 3 or 4 reviews per month, so I'll try to post here and let everyone know when my reviews have been uploaded to Hardrock Haven. Now, as you were...which I'm pretty sure for Geoff means naked and surrounded by several large Japanese men with curiously shaved bodies.
  22. Like the album art. Love the song.
  23. Thanks for the assistance, guys. Here's what I decided to do: Over the opening credits will play the chorus for "The Warden" by James Christian (just seems fitting, this being for a prison an' all). I will then fade into Aerosmith's "Full Circle" (thanks, Nick!), followed by SR-71's "The Best is Yet to Come" (LV Kix, I didn't use your song, but your suggestion led me to the one I did go with, so mucho gracias, amigo), and then I wrap things up with "As the Candle Burns" by Trixter. In between there might be some Bon Jovi snippets ("Story of my Life"/"You Want to Make a Memory") and some instrumental Demon Hunter (just to get the blood pumping and perhaps give a few of the older staff a heart attack). So, again, thanks to all you chimed in...appreciate it...beers on me...uh, figuratively speaking, of course...
  24. OK, here's the deal: the prison I work at is celebrating its 30th Anniversary (yeah, I know, prisons & celebrations are an odd couple) and I have been asked to put together a retrospective slide show, complete with music. Here's the breakdown of the restrictions on my musical selections: 1) Lyrics must talk about memories, but preferably without an overly romantic slant 2) Needs to be fairly "modern," preferably recent, but definitely post-1990 3) Cannot be too "hard" or "heavy" (ballads/acoustic rock would be preferred) 4) Needs to have professional production (no obscure low-budget indie bands) The slideshow will run approx. 15 minutes, so I need 4 songs. So, anybody want to chime in with some suggestions? 'Cuz I'm all ears.
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