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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. My review of the highly-anticipated new FarCry album, featuring our very own Pete Fry, is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link to check it out: FarCry review Fans of straight-up melodic hard rock should be plenty satisfied. Oh yeah, and Pete smokes those axes!!
  2. My review of Black Stone Cherry's new album, "Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Black Stone Cherry review A total ass-kicker, one of my favorites of the year. Upcoming reviews include: Farcry: "Optimism" Adelitas Way: "Home School Valedictorian" Egypt Central: "White Rabbit" Diamond Lane: "World Without Heroes" Sanchez: "Run the Streets" Defuse: "Bangkok Addiction"
  3. CJ Snare is one of my favorite vocalists, so I rushed to check this out like Geoff rushing to check out a pair of naked norks. "Movin' On" and "Shine" totally underwhelmed me, but "Next Worst Enemy" and "R U Angry" rocked my face off; I'll be downloading those 2 tracks for sure. Nice, ballsy stuff from Mr. Snare. I'd be very interested in hearing a full-length album.
  4. First one that popped into my head: "No Way I'm Going Down" by Whitecross
  5. Frozen--(chilling thriller written/directed by Adam Green, the guy behind the Hatchet movies)
  6. "I think one of the guys from Exodus changed my oil at Jiffy Lube the other day." Dude, that line made me laugh out loud. Well done.
  7. My review of the indie metal band Silence Betrayed is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Silence Betrayed review I'm posting the review because some of you have asked me to post here whenever I write a new review, but to be frank, there's probably nobody lurking on these Boards that will be interested in this type of album (part post-hardcore, part rap-metal).
  8. That, everyone, is what is known in the industry as comic gold.
  9. Glad you're enjoying the reading, my friend. I try not to write stale reviews and do my best to make them entertaining to read. I really enjoy it when I get assigned an album like Destrophy that just knocks me silly with glee and I get to rant & rave about it in the review. Haven't crossed paths with too many people who weren't quite impressed with this CD (well, except my brother, who thought it was "just OK," but what's he know, he's a wanker ).
  10. My review of Destrophy: "Cry Havoc" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Destrophy review A serious contender for album of the year. As Geoff would say, it blew my balls off!
  11. My review of modern hard rockers Madam Adam: s/t is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Madam Adam review In short, pretty good stuff. Upcoming reviews include: Destrophy: "Cry Havoc" Silence Betrayed: s/t Sanchez: "Run the Streets" Diamond Lane: "World Without Heroes"
  12. My review of Warrant: "Rockaholic" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Warrant review Won't make you forget the Jani Lane years, but it's a pretty good hard rock album. Upcoming reviews include: Destrophy: "Cry Havoc" Madam Adam: s/t Silence Betrayed: s/t Sanchez: "Run the Streets"
  13. I'm sure if I posted this in the "Other Music Styles" Section this would get more traffic, but Shaken is a Christian band so that's the Section I'm putting 'em in. Fans of groups like Disciple, Pillar, Thousand Foot Krutch, etc. will want to check out out this 5-song indie EP which was produced by Travis Wyrick. They're not reinventig the modern rock wheel, but I liked what I heard well enough to justify spending $4.95 for the download on iTunes (not sure about physical copies). Click the link below to decide for yourself: Shaken MySpace page
  14. Yes, totally different band. This TNA reminds me of Sweet F.A. with a little Tora Tora and Tesla sprinkled into the mix.
  15. A new website will be unveiled around the time of Sandra Dee & TNA's release...but I'm guessing you're currently scowling at the monitor and thinking, "What the f*ck good does that do me right now?" The answer is, of course, absolutely nothing...just seemed like a good timed to mention a new Eonian website is coming.
  16. For those that are interested, my review of Stargazery: "Eye on the Sky" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Stargazery review Solid enough stuff for fans of that classic melodic heavy metal sound. Upcoming reviews include: Warrant: "Rockaholic" Destrophy: "Cry Havoc" Silence Betrayed: s/t
  17. Just received this from the label a couple days ago in order to write a review for Hardrock Haven and while that full, formal review is probably at least 2 weeks out, I'm here to tell you this is a damn good album, several notches better than their previous one, and a prime example of how to combine balls with melodies.
  18. My review of TriggerSoul: "Restoration" is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: TriggerSoul review Nice, crunchy, Christian-tinged metallic hard rock.
  19. So would I, but my workplace blocks the message board, so I only have access to the Main Page.
  20. So the infamous MetalllianStallion, having put Geoff in his place last year for littering the Comments section with the dreaded f-word, has apparently decided that I use too many dick jokes in my reviews/comments and therefore must come out of the closest and profess my love of all things man-sausage. And to think, all I wanted to do was let everyone know how bad Ratt: "Collage" is... CD: Ratt - Collage From: metalmaniac777 Date: March 31, 2011 at 8:53 I remember buying this the day it was released, super-excited to finally be getting a brand new Ratt album. When I finished listening to it, I felt so disrespected that it was as if the band had lined up, whipped out their dicks, and proceeded to whack me in the mouth with them one after another. That's right, this CD is the musical equivalent of geting slapped in the face by a cock. Yeah, it's a collage, all right...a collage of crappy songs. CD: Ratt - Collage From: MetalllianStallion Date: April 5, 2011 at 7:10 metalmaniac777 - Fantasy seems to constantly consume your sausage inferno reviews. Your flame innuendos flood HH and it's obvious, so just have a 'Coming Out' party and stop beating around the bush(wrong pun). Have you thought of a career with the TSA where you can legally get paid to have dudes drop trow before you? Mark, I notice you review quite of few CCR bands so I well ask you straight out, are you a Christian? If you're a man of faith then IMO you have more soul searching to do than Ted Haggard at a MAMBLA rally. Your MDD review " Those with a phobia towards modern hard rock". Is it a 'phobia' to have taste or in this case standards, by pointing out your one trick bologna-pony reviews are beyond stale and would even make Freddy Mercury blush? I know by our previous chat that you claim to have a fan club (3 dudes) but why don't you take a poll on the boards and ask if the regulars can't get enough of your homo erotica. Or expand your gender review horizons with Trannys gone wild. CD: Ratt - Collage From: metalmaniac777 Date: April 6, 2011 at 11:41 Uh, MetalllianStallion, you obviously don't like my style of reviewing, yet you continue to read my reviews, so who's the fool here? And to answer your question, yes, I am a Christian (common knowledge around these parts) and as for doing some soul-searching, well, thanks for the tip, but last time I read the Bible, I don't answer to you. And for the record, this CD still sucks. Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to go see about that homo erotica poll...
  21. "Clash..." is the Poodles album I am least familiar with, but based on what limited exposure I've had to it, I would say "Performacracy" is definitely as good as "Clash" and just slightly edges it out. I can definitely assure you that "Performacracy" is better than "Sweet Trade"...
  22. Best thing they've done since the debut, and way more consistent. As my review mentioned, there are some fillers sprinkled here & there, but for the most part this is just great melodic hard rock. I can't stop playing the song "Father to a Son." Good stuff, good album.
  23. My review of The Poodles new album, "Performacracy," is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: The Poodles review For pure melodic hard rock, this one's a definite contender for album of the year.
  24. My review of Skillet's latest offering, the "Awake and Remixed" EP, is now available over at Hardrock Haven. Click the link below to check it out: Skillet EP review I'll give 'em this much, thank God they're not dance/techno remixes...
  25. Yep, good thrash/heavy metal band. Stumbled across them when they submitted their album to Hardrock Haven for review and was very impressed (though the actual review ended up going to another staff writer). They've definitely got a good sound for a modern heavy metal band.
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