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Everything posted by metalmaniac777

  1. Dude, bite your tongue. Yes, the latest Wrong Turn (#3) was a total turd, but I really like the first two. Saying they're worse than the Children of the Corn franchise is like saying Megan Fox is uglier than Ellen Degeneres.
  2. One of my favorite Christian modern metal bands...always look forward to a new CD from these guys like Geoff looks forward to a new Amy Reid video. I see on the web that fans are dissing the album title, but I kind of like it.
  3. In that case, avoid at all costs.
  4. Should that be Tora Tora instead or maybe Spread Eagle released a disc I've never heard of? Oops. Yeah, uh, go ahead and look the other way, pretend you didn't see anything while I, uh, fix that little error.
  5. Yep, Demon Doll is definitely delivering some delicious sleaze-metal acts. They actually sent me an email about this release, but I hadn't had a chance to check 'em out, an oversight I just rectified. Those samples sound good to these ears, though not quite on par with Slam Alley or Debbie Ray. Definitely good enough to justify a purchase, though...except now I can wait for my brother to get his copy, give it a proper spin, and let me know whether it's worth blowing $10 or not.
  6. Good Lord, I hope you don't mean that in the biblical sense...
  7. Snatched this off that free download awhile back...pretty good tune.
  8. Wowzer, been a couple of coon's ages since I prowled around the Polls. Anyway, as for Brass Kitten, both CDs are just OK; neither one is anything overly special. Both albums have good songs, both albums have dud songs, which makes them kind of run of the mill. Everything about them just screams generic. I actually prefer their 2nd release ("Across America") but ultimately feel no need to have either one in my collection. That said, if they put out another album, they were always a solid enough band that I would probably check it out.
  9. I'm always trying to decide which album is better, this one or "Cherry Pie," and I usually give the edge to "Cherry Pie" due to its pop-metal perfection, but the heavier style on this CD makes it a close runner-up, with my fave being "Machine Gun." Just really dig the riffage and 'tude on that tune.
  10. Some of my recent acquisitions have included: Crashdiet: "Generation Wild" Crazy Lixx: "New Religion" Ratt: "Infestation" Bullet for my Valentine: "Fever" Giant: "Time to Burn" Charlotte: "Medusa Groove" Legacy: s/t Gemini Five: "Black Anthem" Extreme: s/t Damageplan: "New Found Power" Tora Tora: "Wild America" Story of the Year: "The Constant"
  11. Clearly you have masochistic tendencies. Wouldn't it be easier and quicker to just grab a couple of toothpicks and skewer them through your eyeballs?
  12. Excellent. I think all employees of Eonian Records should get free tickets to the gig, including airfare. Please put a bug in Steve's ear.
  13. King James was the band that guitarist Rex Carroll formed after leaving Whitecross.
  14. I really like that movie. Favorite line is from the soldier who's about to be eaten by the werewolf and says, "I hope I give you the shits." Classic.
  15. Been awhile since I posted in this thread. Some of my recent acquisitions... Eden Lake The Devil's Rejects (Unrated) Face/Off Zombieland Taken (Extended Cut)
  16. That would make two of us. Three if you count the squirrel in my pants. Thank God he doesn't eat nuts.
  17. This may have been Denton's band before Legend, but don't expect anything close to the same caliber...or even the same style. Weak, fluffy AOR that has about as much balls as a castrated kiddie toucher. Easily the worst thing Denton's ever been involved with, and worth avoiding at all costs.
  18. Slaughter everyone who thinks differently than you? Hmmmmm...would your name happen to be Hitler? No, not at all. The entire world thinks differently to me...no need to slaughter everyone. When did I even hint at that? I'm only talking about a select few (I hope) freaks that are that f*cked in the head they can't enjoy their time here anyway, so why not get rid of them in a violent, painful manner so they can go and be with their warped and messed up idea of Jesus where they truly will be happy? Honestly mate, can you tell me, even as a Christian, that you think this manner of thinking is sensible or healthy in any way? It says to me that basically you can't sneeze unless you are sneezing for Jesus, let alone listen to or play some music that may not be totally devoted to God every second of every day. I've never been one to beat around the bush on these matters and I have no issue saying that I think these guys are total, complete and utter morons. Certifiably brain dead, in fact. And I've always been pro-euthanasia if the situation calls for it. OK, maybe you didn't say "everyone," but you are advocating the massacre of an entire religious group (conservative Christianity) which isn't too far removed from what Hitler did to the Jews. Now, I'll tell you why you shouldn't "get rid of them"--because quite often they don't stay that "fucked in the head," eventually evolving into something a little less extreme. Mate, there was a time in my life when I wholeheartedly believed rock music was evil, that Christian rock was a tool of Satan, that men with long hair were sinning against God, that missing church when the doors were open was a terrible sin, that saying "crap" was profane, that a woman wearing pants was an offense to Jehovah, and that so much as holding a girl's hand before marriage was an abomination. So, you see, I once was the very thing you say should be exterminated. And then, one day, I snapped out of it, and look at where I am now--still a Christian, but about as liberal as it gets, without all the legalistic garbage bogging me down. So, while it's certainly you're right to hate them and everything they believe (and trust me, I have little patience or tolerance for it anymore either, because I feel they paint my faith in a very poor light), maybe you could stop short of wishing a Holocaust redux on them.
  19. Slaughter everyone who thinks differently than you? Hmmmmm...would your name happen to be Hitler?
  20. Hey, that's not too shabby for a white guy...
  21. has the head cold from Hell.

  22. back to your t-mag shithole.....1861 Go fuck yourself prick, wasn't you that you were begging for First Strike? Double-faced idiot? The subject is ryche bands, if you want to participate go fuckin' post similar bands, if you don't like ryche keep your opinion for yourself we don't need your spam posts or go fuck open another thread telling that you don't like QR. beg for f.strike? i sold their fucking boring cd...if i recall exactly. and i didn't bid on ebay, because you were already bidding on it just to find another fool to sell it. now go back to your t-mag shithole and your illegal d/loading activities, keyboard warrior. keep your foul language for that shithole. perhaps then you'll find the adramelch demo(which of course is "mediocre" towards "masterpieces" like f.strike,hehehe...) Yep beg for F. Strike double-faced idiot. You didn't bid because you are a usual liar (do you really bid for "fucking boring" cds, really why???) & I won it because I gave you a "fucking boring" copy piece of shit. Adramelch is a great band, mediocre is just your mind, stop breaking our balls & listen to your "master-crap" aouga-uga German teutonic metal. back to your tmag shithole...see you in corosseum...keep your lies for your buddies, like dan lauzon etc etc etc...now go and give donations to your russian buddies in tmag shithole and leave real manly metal alone. hopefully i'll see you next year in UTH or KIT if your have a fekking life outside tmag shithole, google, disk heaven etc etc etc... thanx also for the "aouga-uga" sound....something that comes naturally from you, being the usual ape... Am I the only one not quite sure what the heck is going on in this thread but is nevertheless highly entertained?
  23. Guess you've been told, eh, Suicide?
  24. Jeez mate, you're hard to please. Suncity's artwork has been excellent so far... All of my Suncity discs have great artwork. Between them and Eonian I don't know who puts together better booklets. Well, for what it's worth, I think Eonian has the better writer...
  25. Yes. The designer really sucks. Ass needs to be fired. Probably shoud fire the sucky bio writer too while they're at it...
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