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Let's Discuss Eric Brittingham


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Please help Geoff to realize that when he meets me we will just be friends

Please make him stop sending me those pictures of him and naked pelican

Please lower the prices at KFC

I know, I know. It's getting old. But aren't you still just gobsmacked by the fact that my member is bigger than a pelican's beak? Once I receive appreciation I'll stop with the pictures.


And then I'll start on the albatross and me photos.


And we will never... NEVER be just friends.

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Please help Geoff to realize that when he meets me we will just be friends

Please make him stop sending me those pictures of him and naked pelican

Please lower the prices at KFC

I know, I know. It's getting old. But aren't you still just gobsmacked by the fact that my member is bigger than a pelican's beak? Once I receive appreciation I'll stop with the pictures.


And then I'll start on the albatross and me photos.


And we will never... NEVER be just friends.



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Not to change the subject!

But what are the odds of INGA leaving ERIC for a fat, balding 44 year old (MYSELF)?

Come to me INGA!

I can give nothing you ever wanted before :screwy:


Asking a question like that is bound to earn you a midnight visit from The Mighty Brittingham! :yikes:

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Not to change the subject!

But what are the odds of INGA leaving ERIC for a fat, balding 44 year old (MYSELF)?

Come to me INGA!

I can give nothing you ever wanted before :screwy:


Asking a question like that is bound to earn you a midnight visit from The Mighty Brittingham! :yikes:

After he kick's my ass! Ya think he would give me his autograph? :lol:

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Not to change the subject!

But what are the odds of INGA leaving ERIC for a fat, balding 44 year old (MYSELF)?

Come to me INGA!

I can give nothing you ever wanted before :screwy:


Asking a question like that is bound to earn you a midnight visit from The Mighty Brittingham! :yikes:

After he kick's my ass! Ya think he would give me his autograph? :lol:



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Not to change the subject!

But what are the odds of INGA leaving ERIC for a fat, balding 44 year old (MYSELF)?

Come to me INGA!

I can give nothing you ever wanted before :screwy:


Asking a question like that is bound to earn you a midnight visit from The Mighty Brittingham! :yikes:

After he kick's my ass! Ya think he would give me his autograph? :lol:

Sorry mate. There will be no "after".

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Not to change the subject!

But what are the odds of INGA leaving ERIC for a fat, balding 44 year old (MYSELF)?

Come to me INGA!

I can give nothing you ever wanted before :screwy:


Asking a question like that is bound to earn you a midnight visit from The Mighty Brittingham! :yikes:

After he kick's my ass! Ya think he would give me his autograph? :lol:

Sorry mate. There will be no "after".

Get it before and leave it in your will.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Eric Brittingham. It's me again. Time for another wishlist.


Please help everyone see that hijacked threads are often the best threads.


Please create a smilie that depicts a rutabaga humping that dancing banana.


Please make all weekends 3 day weekends.


Please send everyone here at the boards a nice bowl of lemon pudding.


Please say a prayer for a Geoff's lost brother and sister turltes.


Please stop me from repeating myself.


Please reset everyone's IM count to zero.


Please make the word awesomeness™ a common word with 0.2536524 of a penny going to me each time it's used.


Please don't let all the traffic go to her head.


Please create some sort award plaque for the post whores and a muzzle for the other whores.


Please convince Tom and the boys to release a CD of new tunes.


Please stop me from repeating myself.


Please tell me if Ian's picture was ever a cow or just cow-ish.


I appreciate your attention to these matter.



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My lemon pudding arrived via parcel post this morning! Thanks Eric! :bowdown:

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My lemon pudding arrived via parcel post this morning! Thanks Eric! :bowdown:

Jez brought you lemon pudding via Eric Brittingham? :blink:

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Dear Eric Brittingham,


Thank you for the lemon pudding. It's uh, excuse me *vomits on bare feet* kind of interesting. I like it.


Thanks also for making this coming weekend three days. I look forward to the next one being three days too.


Paris, Bobby, Damien, Scrotim, Craig Bartholemew III, Bonnie, Patricia, Diklikker and Tuskface all send you their thanks for your prayers from their place in Turtle Heaven.



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Friday's wishlist..........


Please give Wes a safe journey.


Please also give Wes a couple extra boxes for those stolen office supplies.


Please give Ian an exciting Friday afternoon.


Please allow Pete the patience to wait for the lemon pudding


Please make Geoff famous to others like he is to us.


Please make this weekend last longer than most.


Please give Lisa a few Fridays off.




Now for some things you taught me today...........


Jez can count to at least 54


SR86 takes the bait every time


Pete is pretty sure Keef can kick his ass


Geoff can't sing


Trapped nerves suck ass


Kids still don't like homework


Wes is a thief


Sea turtles have a low mortality rate


Whores are often bitter


I still hate going to work




This concludes today's entry.

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Dear Eric Brittingham

Please, we ask humbly ,that you grant us a wish.

We ask that you guide SLAYER to Call George Jones the country singer

so they may Record and entire record of New Music together...that might inspire

us to overthrow the overlords....


The Humble Cows Of Thetford....

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Sea turtles have a low mortality rate

It's sad because we should rule the earth. Instead, we are merely a snack for far lesser beings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The new wishlist..........


Eric please take a half day on Friday

Eric please help me get through overtime on Saturday

Eric please let Geoff find pictures of the masseuse on the internet

Eric please make work and Thetford fun

Eric please let Eric know that I am not referring to him when I say Eric

Eric please let the world know that a turkey neck does not a good meal make.

Eric please ban the words Bon Jovi, and Richie Sambora from these boards for one week

Eric please open up the balcony. I really love the atmosphere


Todays observation from Eric........


Some cats do like water.

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Todays observation from Eric........


Some cats do like water.

Today's observation from Sammy Davis Jr.......


Those cats were cool.

Do you think Sammy Davis ever ate Junior Mints??

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Do you think Sammy Davis ever ate Junior Mints??


Ring-a-ding-ding, Daddy-O.

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