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The F*%K Thread


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Fuck... computer at home is still fuckin' busted. Saturday seems like it will never fucking come...


On the upside, I am on fucking vacation starting tomorrow, through the end of next fucking week. Can you say fucking WOOOOOOOT? I thought it would never fucking get here. Wish I had some exciting fucking thing planned but it'll probably be spent working on stuff around my fucking house. Fuck me.

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Fuckin' A right, bro!

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Yeah, have a fuckin' tops vacation, Freddy. Hit the fuckin' beach, gaze at women's breasts, watch the fuckin' soccer, pat animals on the head, eat fish and iceblocks... you know, just fuckin' kickin' like we used to, way back when. Peace the fuck out.

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Fuckin' A, my fuckin' computer at home is up and running again! Got me a fuckin brand new fuckin' hard drive, I fuckin' shit canned that fuckin lame ass Windows 98 in favor of Windows Fucking XP, and I'm finally able to see what's cookin' on the fuckin' boards. Y'all have been fuckin' busy while I've been away!!

Oh, and I'm on vacay all next fuckin' week! BOO fuckin' YA!

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Fuckin' A, my fuckin' computer at home is up and running again! Got me a fuckin brand new fuckin' hard drive, I fuckin' shit canned that fuckin lame ass Windows 98 in favor of Windows Fucking XP, and I'm finally able to see what's cookin' on the fuckin' boards. Y'all have been fuckin' busy while I've been away!!

Oh, and I'm on vacay all next fuckin' week! BOO fuckin' YA!


Win98 fuckin' sucks homes, glad you could dog that fuckin' shit in favor of XP.

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I didn't have to work today and I tell ya, that was fuckin awesome! :headbanger:

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Win98 fuckin' sucks homes, glad you could dog that fuckin' shit in favor of XP.


I am so glad to get that fuckin' Windows 98 the fuck off my fuckin' computer. It...was...so...fucking...SLOW... all...the...fucking...time...


Sunday afternoon, it's fucking raining, and my kid's fucking sick. This is not how my fucking week of vacation was supposed to fucking start.


Well, our short fucking trip to Guam is over and it's back to fucking work tomorrow. Damn, I need another fucking vacation.


I need to get fucking glasses... at first fucking glance I thought this said "short fucking trip to GWAR," and I was gonna say "Did you say hi to Oderus Urungus for me?"

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I fucking helped move my mom's furniture yesterday and then went to a lame fucking wedding reception.

So this morning I woke up with a fucking backache due to the furniture moving, and a headache, due to the hangover that was fucking induced by all the fucking keg beer I fucking drank. I don't know what it is about keg beer but it always gives me a fucking hangover.

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I don't know what it is about keg beer but it always gives me a fucking hangover.

Were they pushing the fuckin beer thru with O2 or CO2?


I can't believe tomorrow's fuckin Monday already -_- But at least I'll have a half-fuckin-day on Friday, then it's a four-day fuckin weekend B)

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Everyone's having holidays and break and all this fuckin' carry-on... except me. What the fuck's up with that? Fuckin' Monday again. I decided on the weekend I'm going to start getting up at 6:30am instead of 7:00am so I can get in half and hour of exercise before the day starts. I woke up at 6:30am but it was too fucking cold, my girl snuggled up to me, she was warm so I stayed the fuck in bed. Pretty pathetic, but I made the first step by actually waking up at that time. I will try to get the fuck out of bed tomorrow and get the fucking blood pumping.

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I don't know what it is about keg beer but it always gives me a fucking hangover.

Were they pushing the fuckin beer thru with O2 or CO2?


I can't believe tomorrow's fuckin Monday already -_- But at least I'll have a half-fuckin-day on Friday, then it's a four-day fuckin weekend B)



I'm not sure if they were using O2 or CO2. I just said to the fucking guy pouring the beer, "One Coors Light please."

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Everyone's having holidays and break and all this fuckin' carry-on... except me. What the fuck's up with that? Fuckin' Monday again. I decided on the weekend I'm going to start getting up at 6:30am instead of 7:00am so I can get in half and hour of exercise before the day starts. I woke up at 6:30am but it was too fucking cold, my girl snuggled up to me, she was warm so I stayed the fuck in bed. Pretty pathetic, but I made the first step by actually waking up at that time. I will try to get the fuck out of bed tomorrow and get the fucking blood pumping.

Yanno... you can get that fuckin half-hour of exercise without even gettin outta bed :rolleyes:


But that's a good start, Geoff... maybe you'll have better fuckin luck tomorrow.

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Everyone's having holidays and break and all this fuckin' carry-on... except me. What the fuck's up with that? Fuckin' Monday again. I decided on the weekend I'm going to start getting up at 6:30am instead of 7:00am so I can get in half and hour of exercise before the day starts. I woke up at 6:30am but it was too fucking cold, my girl snuggled up to me, she was warm so I stayed the fuck in bed. Pretty pathetic, but I made the first step by actually waking up at that time. I will try to get the fuck out of bed tomorrow and get the fucking blood pumping.

Yanno... you can get that fuckin half-hour of exercise without even gettin outta bed :rolleyes:


But that's a good start, Geoff... maybe you'll have better fuckin luck tomorrow.


Yeah... I fuckin' like that sort of exercise as a start to the fucking day. :) Unfortunately, doesn't happen too much on fuckin' weekdays though... especially because my girl starts work 2 hours fuckin' later than I. :(


And I do hope to make it out of bed tomorrow, but Australia play Italy at 1:00am this fucking morning, and you can bet your fuckin' ass I won't feel much like rising early tomorrow. I'll see how I go though.

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Fucking hell... the Aussies are out of the world cup in the most devestating way possible. What a fucking heart breaker that was this morning. :( I went to sleep at about 11:45pm last night, awoke to my alarm at 1:00am, watched the soccer and tried to hold my bleeding heart inside my fucking chest as I went back to sleep, about 3:30am. Then I awoke at 6:30am, lay there like a slain beast, got out of bed at 6:50am and did 15mins of exercise as per my new plan, and right now... yeah, I feel like fuckin' shit. :( Sad, fuckin' shit.

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How the fuck is everybody this morning? I just came back from the fucking barber shop, my son and I both got fucking hair cuts. The rain looks like it's finally fucking stopping (after three fucking days) too. Maybe this kid can finally go outside and get some fucking fresh air today after all.

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