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The F*%K Thread


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The really fuckin' fun part is when you go home and tell the wife, eh?


Yeah, no fuckin' worries there. True to fuckin' form... I got fucking run into, the other driver gets a fucking ticket and yet somehow, some way it's still fuckin' "kind of my fault"... <_<


Apparently I should have taken the fucking back way out of my office's parking lot. Who knew? :blink:



Well, for fucks sake........of COURSE you should have known. Were you fucking born yesterday? You NEVER go out the front entrance from a parking lot in fuckin' Joisey........geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh.............fuckin' men. :rolleyes:



Glad to hear you're ok, sweetie......and that it wasn't YOUR fault............this time. ;):P

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Damn Pete, sorry to hear about your fucking accident.


I had one myself about six months ago...or rather my car did. Some 16 girl was backing into a parking space right next to my car and nailed it. I was getting my hair cut and when I finished walked outside to see the cops standing around my car. Fucking pissed me off because I only had the car for two weeks.


That fucking sucks Scott. I'm starting to think this fucker is cursed, it's my 3rd fucking accident with it in the 16 months I've had it (admittedly 2 of those were my fuckin' fault :anon: ), but damn, I've had maybe three accidents in my fuckin' life before this. I'm kind of amazed there isn't more fucking damage to the car.


Here's a fuckin' snapshot of me driving back to work after the fuckin' accident.



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My 1st beer will be in your honor Freddy.


Fuckin' sweet brother. Enjoy the show and the fuckin' beers.


Everybody else enjoy your fuckin' long weekend... let's hear it for fuckin' brews and barbecues! WOOOOT!

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My 1st beer will be in your honor Freddy.

I Hate to be the Fuckin' Lisa :lol: police but you did not follow the rules H. Ten lashes with Lisa's best leather whip.... :banana:

that's fuckin right Chad! Get 'em!! Let me get my whip just a li'l fuckin wet for ya first :lol:


Sorry about your fuckin car, Pete... but glad nobody got hurt! About ten fuckin years ago, ten days after I bought my fuckin brand-spankin' new Camaro I got clipped on the fuckin freeway and spun out. To this fuckin day, every time I go by that spot, I get a li'l fuckin dizzy :wacko:




oh yeah.... It's fuckin FRIDAY on a three-day weekend! woo-fuckin-hoo!!

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My 1st beer will be in your honor Freddy.

I Hate to be the Fuckin' Lisa :lol: police but you did not follow the rules H. Ten lashes with Lisa's best leather whip.... :banana:



My bad, I'll make up for it.- ffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

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Fuck, it's a fuckin' ghost town here today. Good, that way I can hang around the fuckin' board without worrying about getting fuckin' busted :)

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My 1st beer will be in your honor Freddy.

I Hate to be the Fuckin' Lisa :lol: police but you did not follow the rules H. Ten lashes with Lisa's best leather whip.... :banana:



My bad, I'll make up for it.- ffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!

You are fuckin' excused!!! :banger::banger:

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Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!




Fuckin' Firehouse announced today that at long fucking last they're going to go into the fucking studio and record their long overdue new fucking CD. The reason for the sudden fucking rush into recording is due to the fact "That Geoff said so," stated Firehouse's C.J. Fucking Snare. "When we heard that Geoff told us it was fuckin' time, we felt we had no choice but to honor his fucking request."


Early reports suggest that the title of the new CD will also be "Because Geoff Said So," but this remains un-fucking-clear at fucking press time.

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Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!




Fuckin' Firehouse announced today that at long fucking last they're going to go into the fucking studio and record their long overdue new fucking CD. The reason for the sudden fucking rush into recording is due to the fact "That Geoff said so," stated Firehouse's C.J. Fucking Snare. "When we heard that Geoff told us it was fuckin' time, we felt we had no choice but to honor his fucking request."


Early reports suggest that the title of the new CD will also be "Because Geoff Said So," but this remains un-fucking-clear at fucking press time.



I was sure if they were gonna name a CD in honor of Geoff it would involve the word "NORK or "NORKS". :P




Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!



Geoff, I do have backstage passes so I'll do what I can. I've actually met them before when I worked retail and they came into my store the day after I'd seen them with Quiet Riot and Slaughter. CJ was really cool, I wonder if he'll remember me.


I forgot to say the word fuck in my above post.


What the fuck am I thinking?



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I was sure if they were gonna name a CD in honor of Geoff it would involve the word "NORK or "NORKS". :P


Geoff, I do have backstage passes so I'll do what I can. I've actually met them before when I worked retail and they came into my store the day after I'd seen them with Quiet Riot and Slaughter. CJ was really cool, I wonder if he'll remember me.


Wes, Wes, Wes.... you wanna me get out my fuckin whip huh? :whip:








ohhhh... nice fuckin edit there, Wes! :tumbsup:


...and I hate how this board fuckin merges two back-to-back fuckin posts into one, btw

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I was sure if they were gonna name a CD in honor of Geoff it would involve the word "NORK or "NORKS". :P


Geoff, I do have backstage passes so I'll do what I can. I've actually met them before when I worked retail and they came into my store the day after I'd seen them with Quiet Riot and Slaughter. CJ was really cool, I wonder if he'll remember me.


Wes, Wes, Wes.... you wanna me get out my fuckin whip huh? :whip:








ohhhh... nice fuckin edit there, Wes! :tumbsup:


...and I hate how this board fuckin merges two back-to-back fuckin posts into one, btw


I don't fucking like that either. I just added the fucking post and fucking realized that I didn't say the word fuck one fucking time. So I tried to correct it and it put both fucking posts together.

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I am a fucking moron. Why am I a fucking moron? This is why I'm a fucking moron: all week long I've been looking forward to this fucking evening when fucking VH1 was going to be re-playing this past week's fucking "Heavy: The Story of Metal" Mini-fucking-series in its entirety so I could tape the whole fucking thing and watch it all in one fucking shot. I've been so busy with other shit this past fuckin' week that I haven't seen any of the fucking shows. So anyway, this morning before the family unit and I went out for the fucking day I set the fucking VCR in the upstairs bedroom, "Come on at 5 minutes before 7, go the fuck off at 5 after 11," boom, I'm out the door. We spent the day shopping and it was a fuckin bust for me cuz I couldn't find the new fucking Beyond Fear CD in any of the fucking lame ass fucking CD stores in any of the fucking malls we visited, nor could I find a copy of the new issue of Metal Fucking Maniacs magazine that I've wanted to get my hands on for a fucking week, so I already was pretty fucking pissed when we got the fuck home. Then of course my son didn't want to go to bed, he raised all kinds of fucking riot, the whole nine yards. Anyway, we finally got the kid off to bed, and I passed by my fucking upstairs bedroom and suddenly realize... I don't hear the fucking VCR recording anything. It should've been well into recording the show by this point. I go in there and realize....that the brand fucking new blank video tape I'd purchased just for the fucking purpose of taping this fucking program (helpfully labeled "HEAVY: THE HISTORY OF METAL" in advance by me and everything) is still sitting on top of the TV. It was not recording the program because I FORGOT TO PUT THE FUCKING BLANK TAPE IN THE FUCKING VCR!!! AAAAAAAARGH, HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN A PERSON GET??? I am going to be kicking myself in the fucking ass over this for a fucking WEEK, I swear!! Methinks it's time to drink a fuckin' beer and try to forget that this day ever fucking happened...

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I have one word for you...one that is a saviour in my home..................TiVo..............

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The fuckin' rain hasn't stopped for fuckin' 3 days now over here in Munich and I am starting to get a fuckin' cold. FUCK OFF lousy weather !!! :2up:

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I am a fucking moron. Why am I a fucking moron? This is why I'm a fucking moron: all week long I've been looking forward to this fucking evening when fucking VH1 was going to be re-playing this past week's fucking "Heavy: The Story of Metal" Mini-fucking-series in its entirety so I could tape the whole fucking thing and watch it all in one fucking shot. I've been so busy with other shit this past fuckin' week that I haven't seen any of the fucking shows. So anyway, this morning before the family unit and I went out for the fucking day I set the fucking VCR in the upstairs bedroom, "Come on at 5 minutes before 7, go the fuck off at 5 after 11," boom, I'm out the door. We spent the day shopping and it was a fuckin bust for me cuz I couldn't find the new fucking Beyond Fear CD in any of the fucking lame ass fucking CD stores in any of the fucking malls we visited, nor could I find a copy of the new issue of Metal Fucking Maniacs magazine that I've wanted to get my hands on for a fucking week, so I already was pretty fucking pissed when we got the fuck home. Then of course my son didn't want to go to bed, he raised all kinds of fucking riot, the whole nine yards. Anyway, we finally got the kid off to bed, and I passed by my fucking upstairs bedroom and suddenly realize... I don't hear the fucking VCR recording anything. It should've been well into recording the show by this point. I go in there and realize....that the brand fucking new blank video tape I'd purchased just for the fucking purpose of taping this fucking program (helpfully labeled "HEAVY: THE HISTORY OF METAL" in advance by me and everything) is still sitting on top of the TV. It was not recording the program because I FORGOT TO PUT THE FUCKING BLANK TAPE IN THE FUCKING VCR!!! AAAAAAAARGH, HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN A PERSON GET??? I am going to be kicking myself in the fucking ass over this for a fucking WEEK, I swear!! Methinks it's time to drink a fuckin' beer and try to forget that this day ever fucking happened...



That fucking sucks. Don't worry though because I'm sure they'll replay it today.

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I am a fucking moron. Why am I a fucking moron? This is why I'm a fucking moron: all week long I've been looking forward to this fucking evening when fucking VH1 was going to be re-playing this past week's fucking "Heavy: The Story of Metal" Mini-fucking-series in its entirety so I could tape the whole fucking thing and watch it all in one fucking shot. I've been so busy with other shit this past fuckin' week that I haven't seen any of the fucking shows. So anyway, this morning before the family unit and I went out for the fucking day I set the fucking VCR in the upstairs bedroom, "Come on at 5 minutes before 7, go the fuck off at 5 after 11," boom, I'm out the door. We spent the day shopping and it was a fuckin bust for me cuz I couldn't find the new fucking Beyond Fear CD in any of the fucking lame ass fucking CD stores in any of the fucking malls we visited, nor could I find a copy of the new issue of Metal Fucking Maniacs magazine that I've wanted to get my hands on for a fucking week, so I already was pretty fucking pissed when we got the fuck home. Then of course my son didn't want to go to bed, he raised all kinds of fucking riot, the whole nine yards. Anyway, we finally got the kid off to bed, and I passed by my fucking upstairs bedroom and suddenly realize... I don't hear the fucking VCR recording anything. It should've been well into recording the show by this point. I go in there and realize....that the brand fucking new blank video tape I'd purchased just for the fucking purpose of taping this fucking program (helpfully labeled "HEAVY: THE HISTORY OF METAL" in advance by me and everything) is still sitting on top of the TV. It was not recording the program because I FORGOT TO PUT THE FUCKING BLANK TAPE IN THE FUCKING VCR!!! AAAAAAAARGH, HOW FUCKING STUPID CAN A PERSON GET??? I am going to be kicking myself in the fucking ass over this for a fucking WEEK, I swear!! Methinks it's time to drink a fuckin' beer and try to forget that this day ever fucking happened...



Fuck man, that fuckin' sucks! To add to the fuckin' Monday Morning Quaterback syndrome, I just got Dish Network installed yesterday, complete with the fuckin' DVR package, etc. No more fuckin' VHS problems for me.

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Hey Wes, while you're there, fuckin' drunk and without a care in the fuckin world, could you tell the fuckers in Firehouse to hurry up and make a new fuckin' album. Tell them it's been long enough and it's time to fuckin' put something new out. if they give you any lip... 'Geoff said so,' is all you need to say. Fuckin' thanks mate!



They told me that they'll fucking start on a new fucking cd after the fucking summer is over.

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I have one word for you...one that is a saviour in my home..................TiVo..............

I give up on you fuckers :P


Awww...FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! I HATE fuckin' up!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Fuck man, that fuckin' sucks! To add to the fuckin' Monday Morning Quaterback syndrome, I just got Dish Network installed yesterday, complete with the fuckin' DVR package, etc. No more fuckin' VHS problems for me.


I fucking love my DVR man. You are going to fucking wonder how you ever fucking did without before.

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