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Tom Jones is so fucking cool.


"What the fuck is new, Pussycat? Whoa-fuckin'-whoa, whoa, whoa!"

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Tom Jones is so fucking cool.


I think it's really fucking cool that he's getting behind Jason's campaign to quit the fucking cigarette. It shows what a good fucking guy he is.

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He is so fuckin' cool, he pisses fuckin' ice cubes. <_<

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"You can fuckin' do it, Jason! Just fucking believe! You never need to pick up a cigarette again! Fuck yeah!"



Mmmmmmmm.........posted again.........just 'cuz I fuckin' wanted to..... :P

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What's he fuckin' chewing on ? His fuckin' balls ??

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What's he fuckin' chewing on ? His fuckin' balls ??


Tom Jones chews on norks. Big, fuckin' bouncy, juicy motherfuckin' norks. :lol:

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What's he fuckin' chewing on ? His fuckin' balls ??


Tom Jones chews on norks. Big, fuckin' bouncy, juicy motherfuckin' norks. :lol:

It's probably fucking chewing tobaccy. Tom Jones is so fucking cool...

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I'd like to chew on fuckin' norks now, like Tom Jones. Not Tom Jones' norks (he's a big fuckin' man, who knows what he's got beneath that shirt???) but norks owned by women. They're the one's Tom and I like to snack on at the local fuckin' snack bar... where he tells me of his mutual fascination with Jason.

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Ha fuckin ha! That Jonesy fucker is a fuckin' sex fuckin god. Years ago fuckin Kerrang ran an april fools fuckin joke saying he had joined Black fuckin Sabbath. That would've been fuckin great!!!


Geoff no back in fuckin' 75 there was no such fuckin things as cars, fuckin women or fuckin metal. Just big hard fuckin' rocks like what we made fuckin stonehenge from back in 1974 when we built that fucker.


On the fuckin car fuckin front (while I'm fuckin' bitching) the fuckin' Audi A4 is now fuckin history and I've gone and bought a Rover fuckin 75 (pre stonehenge). Fuckin lovely inside but the fucker only had a Casette/radio fuckin' player. But fuckin' hopefully that will be sorted out when I fuckin pick it up...if not it fuckin will be at some fuckin point.

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Yes my fucking neck is fucking hurting again.

I wonder if I can find a neck donor and have a neck transplant done.

The only thing I can figure is that all the headbanging is catching up to me in my old age.

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Fuckin' sorry to hear that Wes. I forget, have you seen a fuckin' Chiropractor yet? Also sometimes it may be the result of fuckin' trigger points, muscle tightness elsewhere, etc. Massage therapy may be able to help with that. My wife is a massage therapist and she's helped a lot of people with issues like that where doctors want to fuckin' cut or medicate you as the only possible answer.


Fuckin' might be worth a try... :)

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Yes my fucking neck is fucking hurting again.

I wonder if I can find a neck donor and have a neck transplant done.

The only thing I can figure is that all the headbanging is catching up to me in my old age.


All the headbanging is keeping you fuckin' young!

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Didn't I tell you my sure fire fuckin' cure for neck pain the last time you had this problem, Wes? Go outside and slam your nuts in a car door... that'll make you forget all the fuck about your fuckin' neck.


Nah, but seriously, bro, that fuckin' sucks, I agree with Pete, get to a fuckin' chiropractor sometime soon cuz it sounds like this is a recurring fuckin' problem that needs fuckin' attention!!

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Fuckin' sorry to hear that Wes. I forget, have you seen a fuckin' Chiropractor yet? Also sometimes it may be the result of fuckin' trigger points, muscle tightness elsewhere, etc. Massage therapy may be able to help with that. My wife is a massage therapist and she's helped a lot of people with issues like that where doctors want to fuckin' cut or medicate you as the only possible answer.


Fuckin' might be worth a try... :)



Yeah I've been to a Chiropractor. I went to a regular Doctor today and he thinks the muscles tighten up from sitting at a computer all day at work. I think it could be caused from stress but the Doc prescribed me some IBprofrin(i'm sure I spelled that wrong) and some Flexreels.

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Fuckin' sorry to hear about your fucking neck woes too, Wes. Sounds pretty fucked up. Keith's suggestion about slamming your nuts in the car door does, however, sound like a pretty fucking workable temporary solution.


How uncomfortable would it be for you to wear a fucking neck brace or something while you're on the computer? Yeah, it'd be a fucker but do you think it'd help the fuck out at all and relinquish some of the fucking pain?

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Fuckin' sorry to hear about your fucking neck woes too, Wes. Sounds pretty fucked up. Keith's suggestion about slamming your nuts in the car door does, however, sound like a pretty fucking workable temporary solution.


How uncomfortable would it be for you to wear a fucking neck brace or something while you're on the computer? Yeah, it'd be a fucker but do you think it'd help the fuck out at all and relinquish some of the fucking pain?



Since the last time I fucking slammed my nuts in the car door it's not really something I'm interested in doing again.

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Hee hee... "fook." I always liked the sound of that. I remember seeing an interview with Biff Byford of Saxon years ago when they asked him to describe the sound of their new record, and his response was "fookin'eavy!"

That's pretty fookin' cool eh?

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Hee hee... "fook." I always liked the sound of that. I remember seeing an interview with Biff Byford of Saxon years ago when they asked him to describe the sound of their new record, and his response was "fookin'eavy!"

That's pretty fookin' cool eh?



My fooking neck still fooking hurts.

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Well I think its totally Fucked Up that I have to look at this fucking shit all the time :lol: You guys all know that the women that pose for these pics are all fucking photo shopped! We all know that that there arent really women like that. At least none that fucking want us!! :crying:



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Well I think its totally Fucked Up that I have to look at this fucking shit all the time :lol: You guys all know that the women that pose for these pics are all fucking photo shopped! We all know that that there arent really women like that. At least none that fucking want us!! :crying:






Fuck!!!!!Where do I sign up for some of that???

I keep clicking on the 'find love' box but nothing happens. :P

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