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The F*%K Thread


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It's fuckin' Tuesday already. I smashed my fuckin' discman up in the car yesterday afternoon and then I repaired it when I got home. At least it worked this morning... fuckin' useless piece of shit.

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Damn, my fucking wife is in the Philippines for a week and I have to fend for myself. Looks like a weeks worth of fucking microwave food.


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.....no fucking need for that......just use your hand!!!! :lol:





FUCK Michigan

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Damn, my fucking wife is in the Philippines for a week and I have to fend for myself. Looks like a weeks worth of fucking microwave food.


Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuude.....no fucking need for that......just use your hand!!!! :lol:





FUCK Michigan





:rofl2: FFFFuck that was funny.

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I did a fuckin' favor for a fuckin' co-worker last week and she just repaid my fuckin' kindness with a 12 pack of Yuengling Lager in fuckin' bottles. Wow, it actually pays to be nice to these fuckin people sometimes! :chug:

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Good fuckin Wednesday to ya!


Good fuckin' Wednesday to you too Lees!!


It wasn't shaping up to be a very good fuckin' Wednesday till I got that fuckin' 12 pack!! Now everything is comin' up fuckin' roses!!

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I did a fuckin' favor for a fuckin' co-worker last week and she just repaid my fuckin' kindness with a 12 pack of Yuengling Lager in fuckin' bottles. Wow, it actually pays to be nice to these fuckin people sometimes! :chug:


That's fuckin' awesome dude! Hope she doesn't tell your wife about the "favor". ;)

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I did a fuckin' favor for a fuckin' co-worker last week and she just repaid my fuckin' kindness with a 12 pack of Yuengling Lager in fuckin' bottles. Wow, it actually pays to be nice to these fuckin people sometimes! :chug:


That's fuckin' awesome dude! Hope she doesn't tell your wife about the "favor". ;)


:lol: Wouldn't that be a fuckin' fuckup !?!?

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That's fuckin' cool that he held out like that, I'm available for a 40. :anon:


Wow, Pete, even I can't be had that fuckin' cheap. :)

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