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The F*%K Thread


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yeah, that fucker keeps talking about that fuckin thing, but he has yet to show up. He needs to get on the fuckin ball.




He's to busy looking for that fucking cell pone thief and he also has that wedding thing going on.

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Yeah, sorry Lisa :wub:... still working on it but a few fuckin' things keep getting in the way. I wonder if I find my phone owner if I could use his broken fucking bones for propellers. Now I have to look into buying bullet-proof armour for my honeymoon too. Fuck the world.

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Last night was fucked. For some reason everytime I tried logging on Internet Explorer it would kick me back off. Somehow I was able to log on as a temp user(whatever that means) but it wouldn't let me go anywhere that wasn't in my favorites. I was so fucking pissed that I had trouble enjoying the new CSI.

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Last night was fucked. For some reason everytime I tried logging on Internet Explorer it would kick me back off. Somehow I was able to log on as a temp user(whatever that means) but it wouldn't let me go anywhere that wasn't in my favorites. I was so fucking pissed that I had trouble enjoying the new CSI.


That's fucked up m'man. :( Did you fuckin' watch "Shark" by chance?

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The fog is SO fuckin thick right now, it's like a white-out outside. I'm lookin' out my window, and the highway is a fuckin parking lot full of brake lights. Some dumbass driving too fuckin fast & caused an accident... I can hear the fuckin sirens. I hope nobody's hurt too badly..... and if not - I'd stomp a mudhole in the fucker that caused the pileup.

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You lot think you're fucked,you should be fucking me.A crazy fucked-up fucker in a fucking surreal fucking world.Otherwise,just fucked up in a fucked up fucking enviroment.I bet I've lost the fucking point of this fucking thread,but who gives a fuck.Oh fuck it !!!!

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Fuck yea Wotty, you fuckin' definitely have grasped the fuckin' point of this fuckin thread... I haven't seen so many fuckin' fucks in one post in this fuckin' thread since... well... the last fuckin' time I fuckin' posted in it! :)

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Fuck yea Wotty, you fuckin' definitely have grasped the fuckin' point of this fuckin thread... I haven't seen so many fuckin' fucks in one post in this fuckin' thread since... well... the last fuckin' time I fuckin' posted in it! :)

Too fucking true!!!

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Fuck yea Wotty, you fuckin' definitely have grasped the fuckin' point of this fuckin thread... I haven't seen so many fuckin' fucks in one post in this fuckin' thread since... well... the last fuckin' time I fuckin' posted in it! :)

Too fucking true!!!


What the fuck can I say, I'm a fucking foul mouthed motherfucker some-fuckin-times. :)

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Fuck yea Wotty, you fuckin' definitely have grasped the fuckin' point of this fuckin thread... I haven't seen so many fuckin' fucks in one post in this fuckin' thread since... well... the last fuckin' time I fuckin' posted in it! :)

Too fucking true!!!


What the fuck can I say, I'm a fucking foul mouthed motherfucker some-fuckin-times. :)

Surely you fucking jest in a muther-fucking way.Oh fucking hell here fucking comes one of the fucking jailers,I mean fucking carers,Oh fucking fuck it !!!

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Surely you fucking jest in a muther-fucking way.Oh fucking hell here fucking comes one of the fucking jailers,I mean fucking carers,Oh fucking fuck it !!!


Don't let the motherfuckin' bastards take you fuckin' alive Wotty!

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Last night was fucked. For some reason everytime I tried logging on Internet Explorer it would kick me back off. Somehow I was able to log on as a temp user(whatever that means) but it wouldn't let me go anywhere that wasn't in my favorites. I was so fucking pissed that I had trouble enjoying the new CSI.


That's fucked up m'man. :( Did you fuckin' watch "Shark" by chance?



No we watched that new fucking show Jericho, we had taped it from the night before. That's a damn good show imo.


After that we watched the new CSI which was boring as hell until the last 5 fucking minutes. Then my wife had to watch ER, at this time I was still trying to solve my internet problems. After ER we watched Greys Anatomy that we taped during CSI.


Anybody else notice that I watch way to much fucking television.

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:lol: That is a lot of TV, nothin' wrong with that. :drink:


I set up the DVR to help my Mother-in-law be able to tape Grey's while watching CSI. I'll bet that was a pretty common occurance last night!


What the fuck, you didn't put the word FUCK in your post!! :lol:

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:lol: That is a lot of TV, nothin' wrong with that. :drink:


I set up the DVR to help my Mother-in-law be able to tape Grey's while watching CSI. I'll bet that was a pretty common occurance last night!

You forgot to say FUCK!! :D

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:lol: That is a lot of TV, nothin' wrong with that. :drink:


I set up the DVR to help my Mother-in-law be able to tape Grey's while watching CSI. I'll bet that was a pretty common occurance last night!



I'm sure there was a ton of fucking people taping one of those shows while watching the other.

I wonder who won the ratings war between those 2 shows?

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It is raining like it's the fucking end of the world in Southern Illinois.

This is 2 days in a row of this fucking shit, tornado warnings/watches and thunderstorm warnings.


I wonder if the sun is ever gonna shine again?

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I fucking hate it when the fuckin phone goes and it's these fuckin companies who randomly pick your fuckin phone number and try to fuckin' sell you something - usually right when your doing something fuckin important.


For instance there I was going for the fuckin' world record for standing on my hands while simultaneously pointing out the errors contained in the Russian translation of the book "Aspects of the ergodic, qualitative and statistical theory of motion", by G. Gallavotti, F. Bonetto, G. Gentile, when the phone went. I reached slowly over to it but lost my fuckin balance and scuppered my fuckin chance of fame and glory all because some fuckwit wants to sell me a fuckin mobile phone. I only had another 10 fuckin minutes and I'd have fuckin nailed it....bastids! :angry:

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I fucking hate it when the fuckin phone goes and it's these fuckin companies who randomly pick your fuckin phone number and try to fuckin' sell you something - usually right when your doing something fuckin important.


For instance there I was going for the fuckin' world record for standing on my hands while simultaneously pointing out the errors contained in the Russian translation of the book "Aspects of the ergodic, qualitative and statistical theory of motion", by G. Gallavotti, F. Bonetto, G. Gentile, when the phone went. I reached slowly over to it but lost my fuckin balance and scuppered my fuckin chance of fame and glory all because some fuckwit wants to sell me a fuckin mobile phone. I only had another 10 fuckin minutes and I'd have fuckin nailed it....bastids! :angry:


Fucking classic!!!!! :rofl2:

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