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White Widdow - Serenade


I think most people have heard at least half this album on you tube, so we all know what to expect. This is very good....big 80s styled anthems. My question is this - how is this that much different to the debut? Everyone ive seen who has reviewed this has said it is miles better than the debut?? OK, the production is miles better - bigger, boldly, more harmonies - not surprising given who produced it, but the songs?? Pretty much on a par for me, with maybe the exception of one or two obvious stand out killer tunes like 'Cry Wolf' (very debut Heavens Edge) and 'How Far I Run'. Pretty essential purchase though.


Vain - Enough Rope


The jury is still out on whether these songs are new or old songs pre debut or in alliance with Adler. Its pretty much being packaged as a new album and on first/second listen this is on a par with the debut in terms of song style. Bags of attitude, great rocking tunes, excellent guitar solos and a couple of pretty cool ballads. Theyve also thrown in a couple of old classics like 'Cindy', which sound amazing. Basically for any fan of Vain this is essential listening. In a year devoid of the 'newer' big guns like HS, Crashdiet and Crazy Lixx this is about as good as its going to get sleaze/glam wise.

I haven't heard anything of the new White Widdow except the first 2 samples people posted way back - waiting till I have the hard copy in my hands. But even with that said, mate, I already 100% agree with your take on how many clowns are out there. I'm pretty sure it's also going to be every bit as good as the debut, except maybe, by the sounds of it, a touch better. Which is fair enough to prefer the new to debut. But I can't understand the clowns who apparently hated the debut so much now suddenly love the sound of the new one, even if the band haven't really done anything that different to the debut. And I mean that in a good way, considering I LOVED the debut and I'd be happy for 10 more albums from the band just like it. :) Anyway, people. What do you do with them?


Those clowns you talk about are as entitled to their opinion as you are. I can't help but feel that this band would only have had about half the hype they get if they were American or British... They're a good band IMO, just overrated.

Granted, if they were British I'd have liked them a whole lot less, but still a good band is a good band. ;)


I jest. They could come from Ethiopia or Iraq and if they recorded an album like their debut I'd still love it as much as I do. I don't really look at where a band's from for guidance, and it certainly has ZERO impact on how I feel about the band, unless things like a heavy vocal accent need to be factored in.


If you're saying I have a bias preference of an Aussie band, no person worldwide is more critical of Aussie bands than I. I could name the ones worth mentioning on a single hand... and yes, White Widdow is one of them. But I've always called a spade a spade and most Aussie bands suck, unfortunately. It just so happens that White Widdow aren't one of them. :)


If one looks back over my tastes in the last decade or so, nothing rates higher for me than a classy melodic rock disc with it's face firmly planted in 1988-1992, and to me that's exactly what White Widdow have encompassed with their debut, and now hopefully the new one too.


Yeah but let's just clarify the 'clowns' statement. This is aimed at a whole group of people stating that the new album is 'miles better' than the debut. This statement is flawed IMO....yes the production is miles better but the songs are on a par. I'll be very interested to see their performance at FF - I bet the 'best' songs live are the ones from the debut, like 'Crimes of passion', 'Broken Hearts', 'We've Got The Wings'....we'll see.

To me the production on the debut was excellent... one of the strong points in my personal opinion. Especially when you compare it to what was happening with The Deadthings. So if it's even better on the new one I'm a happy man.


And yeah, don't get me wrong... this isn't just aimed at Tim... there seem to be plenty out there thinking that the new one is a whole new ball game and the debut sucked. So don't worry Tim, there's a whole circus around you... not just a one-man clown act. ;)


I think you're exaggerating a bit, and I agree with Glen that there's not a lot of difference between them. I didn't think the debut sucked, I thought it was a bit dull and about a 6/10 whereas the new one sounds more consistent and about a 7/10 (just from soundbytes). For my money a 6/10 album is an average one that sits on the shelf whereas a 7/10 is one that gets spun a bit more and is generally worth picking up. Frankly we should all get behind new MR bands as there aren't too many making music worth buying these days, so they get my support. I just don't like them as much as you do.

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ARCH / MATHEOS - Sympatethic Resonance (2011)

new offering from ex-Fates Warning singer, and basically backed up by FW's rhythm section, hm a bit dry and flat for me, maybe because FW isn't my fave prog metal band and I found it hard to appreciate their music, but i did like couple of lengthy tracks here, 'Stained Glass Sky' which is complex and has that Middle-Eastern flair and 'Any Given Day (Strangers Like Me)', but 'Neurotically Wired' is completely passable and uninspiring, especially 'On The Fence' which I think is the worst. The slowtempo, acoustical feel of 'Incense and Myrrh' isn't too bad. Overall, could be a 65% from me, I've heard that Redemption is much better, let's see how it goes later.


I adore old Fates Warning so had been looking forward to this one since it was announced and actually all four members are the current FW band(I believe Frank X Aresti is back in the band) without Ray Alder(current FW vocalist). While I would of prefered an old school Fates style disc I have loved this on first spin with "Stanied Glass Sky" being the best of the bunch but do agree that "On the Fence" isn't that good. This one is very similar to John Arch's two song EP from 2002 that Jim Matheos and Joey Vera helped with. The sound of the album is monsterous and is very progressive with so many time changes and is much heavier than the new DT album.

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ARCH / MATHEOS - Sympatethic Resonance (2011)

new offering from ex-Fates Warning singer, and basically backed up by FW's rhythm section, hm a bit dry and flat for me, maybe because FW isn't my fave prog metal band and I found it hard to appreciate their music, but i did like couple of lengthy tracks here, 'Stained Glass Sky' which is complex and has that Middle-Eastern flair and 'Any Given Day (Strangers Like Me)', but 'Neurotically Wired' is completely passable and uninspiring, especially 'On The Fence' which I think is the worst. The slowtempo, acoustical feel of 'Incense and Myrrh' isn't too bad. Overall, could be a 65% from me, I've heard that Redemption is much better, let's see how it goes later.


I adore old Fates Warning so had been looking forward to this one since it was announced and actually all four members are the current FW band(I believe Frank X Aresti is back in the band) without Ray Alder(current FW vocalist). While I would of prefered an old school Fates style disc I have loved this on first spin with "Stanied Glass Sky" being the best of the bunch but do agree that "On the Fence" isn't that good. This one is very similar to John Arch's two song EP from 2002 that Jim Matheos and Joey Vera helped with. The sound of the album is monsterous and is very progressive with so many time changes and is much heavier than the new DT album.


yup, it's like basically Fates Warning with Arch on vocal. I think we agree on the best and worst part of this album, but to me 2 strong tracks are basically not enough. Sometimes I sense that Arch is singing like James Labrie here, or probably like Charlie Dominici, but worse in some ways that I can't explain hm I don't really like his singing style and I know many prefer Adler over him. Very progressive I agree, but heavier ? well I think 2011 has a lot of prog/power album that's better and also heavier than this. I still haven't got the chance to try Redemption yet (it's Ray Adler project), but hopefully this week I'll have my time :)


but good thing you like it since you're also a fan of FW so you should be able to digest this better than me

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ANUBIS GATE - s/t (2011)

fifth album of Danish prog/power band, but this time they seem to strip down the power a bit and put melodic into the arrangement. A very good album I guess with some best tracks here are : 'Facing Down', with its strange new wave / dancey feel; 'Desiderio Omnibus', a blistering tempo with a healthy dose of melodies; 'River', a mysterious track that opens up passage to the closing track 'Circumstanced', an epic relaxing tune but they're able to twist it heavy in some places. Couple of decent tracks and couple of more interesting songs like 'Hold Back Tomorrow' and 'Telltale Eyes' (superb instrumental duel). I need to re-evaluate this album later as I think it's promising, but for now, I'm satisfied at 80%.


SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

my first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is 'oh crap - the hype is an epic fail!'. Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confuse to pick that 'Slave To The Grind' side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of 'Grind' in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, 'Wishin'. Some other acceptable tracks are 'Dream Forever' (still ballad), 'One Good Reason', the title track, and 'I'm Alive' (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach is desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)

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ARCH / MATHEOS - Sympatethic Resonance (2011)

new offering from ex-Fates Warning singer, and basically backed up by FW's rhythm section, hm a bit dry and flat for me, maybe because FW isn't my fave prog metal band and I found it hard to appreciate their music, but i did like couple of lengthy tracks here, 'Stained Glass Sky' which is complex and has that Middle-Eastern flair and 'Any Given Day (Strangers Like Me)', but 'Neurotically Wired' is completely passable and uninspiring, especially 'On The Fence' which I think is the worst. The slowtempo, acoustical feel of 'Incense and Myrrh' isn't too bad. Overall, could be a 65% from me, I've heard that Redemption is much better, let's see how it goes later.


I adore old Fates Warning so had been looking forward to this one since it was announced and actually all four members are the current FW band(I believe Frank X Aresti is back in the band) without Ray Alder(current FW vocalist). While I would of prefered an old school Fates style disc I have loved this on first spin with "Stanied Glass Sky" being the best of the bunch but do agree that "On the Fence" isn't that good. This one is very similar to John Arch's two song EP from 2002 that Jim Matheos and Joey Vera helped with. The sound of the album is monsterous and is very progressive with so many time changes and is much heavier than the new DT album.


yup, it's like basically Fates Warning with Arch on vocal. I think we agree on the best and worst part of this album, but to me 2 strong tracks are basically not enough. Sometimes I sense that Arch is singing like James Labrie here, or probably like Charlie Dominici, but worse in some ways that I can't explain hm I don't really like his singing style and I know many prefer Adler over him. Very progressive I agree, but heavier ? well I think 2011 has a lot of prog/power album that's better and also heavier than this. I still haven't got the chance to try Redemption yet (it's Ray Adler project), but hopefully this week I'll have my time :)


but good thing you like it since you're also a fan of FW so you should be able to digest this better than me


Arch was almost the original DT singer before Charlie came in so if anyone is sounding like anyone it would be Charlie or James sounding like John since John's voice is so original and sounds pretty much like it did in the mid 80's before he left FW. Of course it's aged some but it's still powerful for a guy that don't sing but every 8 years or so. I dig it. I was hoping for it to be better but I'm only one spin through so I'm sure I'll appreciate it more.

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

my first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is 'oh crap - the hype is an epic fail!'. Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confuse to pick that 'Slave To The Grind' side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of 'Grind' in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, 'Wishin'. Some other acceptable tracks are 'Dream Forever' (still ballad), 'One Good Reason', the title track, and 'I'm Alive' (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach is desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)


I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....

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A slightly more consistent disc than the first one, but otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference. If you liked the first you'll like this one. And if you have kittens over anything that takes zero risks and follows the MR blueprint to the letter then you'll probably think this is the 21st century's "Vital Signs" or something. Personally I wish they didn't sound quite so much like it's 1984, but respect their ability to write some pretty damn good songs (especially in the first half of this) and think several of them match the high quality of "Broken Hearts..." from their debut. In truth there's no real filler, although I'll always skip a chorus that's just a 4x repeat of the song title - something they do a few times - as that's just lazy IMO. Good quality and very slick sounding stuff this, and it's v.refreshing to see bands like this still making this style of music in 2011. No doubt some idiot will take my above review and ask why I "hated" the debut but like this one, but the truth is I don't mind both of them - I just think they're a million miles behind Toby Hitchcock/WoA/Lovex (my fave discs of 2011). Probably a 7/10 from me.

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

my first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is 'oh crap - the hype is an epic fail!'. Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confuse to pick that 'Slave To The Grind' side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of 'Grind' in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, 'Wishin'. Some other acceptable tracks are 'Dream Forever' (still ballad), 'One Good Reason', the title track, and 'I'm Alive' (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach is desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)


I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....


backed...on my 'first' listen through I thought it pretty much kicked arse....not that I can remember any of the songs, but that might just be my bad memory ;-) This will be a grower for sure....& i thought Bach sounded pretty OK actually.

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A slightly more consistent disc than the first one, but otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference. If you liked the first you'll like this one. And if you have kittens over anything that takes zero risks and follows the MR blueprint to the letter then you'll probably think this is the 21st century's "Vital Signs" or something. Personally I wish they didn't sound quite so much like it's 1984, but respect their ability to write some pretty damn good songs (especially in the first half of this) and think several of them match the high quality of "Broken Hearts..." from their debut. In truth there's no real filler, although I'll always skip a chorus that's just a 4x repeat of the song title - something they do a few times - as that's just lazy IMO. Good quality and very slick sounding stuff this, and it's v.refreshing to see bands like this still making this style of music in 2011. No doubt some idiot will take my above review and ask why I "hated" the debut but like this one, but the truth is I don't mind both of them - I just think they're a million miles behind Toby Hitchcock/WoA/Lovex (my fave discs of 2011). Probably a 7/10 from me.


Yeah backed again....esp on the repeat chorus title x4 - one of my pet hates. However, this is still extremely well done with a pretty killer production - it sounds massive, so I'll still rate it in the 80s somewhere.

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A slightly more consistent disc than the first one, but otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference. If you liked the first you'll like this one. And if you have kittens over anything that takes zero risks and follows the MR blueprint to the letter then you'll probably think this is the 21st century's "Vital Signs" or something. Personally I wish they didn't sound quite so much like it's 1984, but respect their ability to write some pretty damn good songs (especially in the first half of this) and think several of them match the high quality of "Broken Hearts..." from their debut. In truth there's no real filler, although I'll always skip a chorus that's just a 4x repeat of the song title - something they do a few times - as that's just lazy IMO. Good quality and very slick sounding stuff this, and it's v.refreshing to see bands like this still making this style of music in 2011. No doubt some idiot will take my above review and ask why I "hated" the debut but like this one, but the truth is I don't mind both of them - I just think they're a million miles behind Toby Hitchcock/WoA/Lovex (my fave discs of 2011). Probably a 7/10 from me.


Well my first impression of this disc is that it's MILES AHEAD of the debut, which was overrated. Everything is better: the production, the choruses, the vocals (especially the harmonies which are amazing), and most importantly the songs of course. Like some reviewer said the debut sounds like a bunch of schoolkids compared to this, couldn't agree more...

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A slightly more consistent disc than the first one, but otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference. If you liked the first you'll like this one. And if you have kittens over anything that takes zero risks and follows the MR blueprint to the letter then you'll probably think this is the 21st century's "Vital Signs" or something. Personally I wish they didn't sound quite so much like it's 1984, but respect their ability to write some pretty damn good songs (especially in the first half of this) and think several of them match the high quality of "Broken Hearts..." from their debut. In truth there's no real filler, although I'll always skip a chorus that's just a 4x repeat of the song title - something they do a few times - as that's just lazy IMO. Good quality and very slick sounding stuff this, and it's v.refreshing to see bands like this still making this style of music in 2011. No doubt some idiot will take my above review and ask why I "hated" the debut but like this one, but the truth is I don't mind both of them - I just think they're a million miles behind Toby Hitchcock/WoA/Lovex (my fave discs of 2011). Probably a 7/10 from me.


Everything is better: the production


backed. couldnt agree more. Yep the production is definitely better.

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

my first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is 'oh crap - the hype is an epic fail!'. Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confuse to pick that 'Slave To The Grind' side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of 'Grind' in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, 'Wishin'. Some other acceptable tracks are 'Dream Forever' (still ballad), 'One Good Reason', the title track, and 'I'm Alive' (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach is desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)


I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....


well like you said, 6/10 isn't a horrible rating for this one, it's just that the best part is still the ballad, which isn't a good thing for a guy with a harsh-and-screamo vocal like Bach. I don't expect him to sound like he used to 20 years ago, people aged and that's normal, but if he's putting out a not-so-good vocal like this, at least he should have half great tracks and not average like this one.


Hm, don't know if i have interest to even spin this twice coz it's a shame since Bach is one of my fave singers back in the Skid Row days, and the first two albums of Skid Row are spectacular.

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NEWMAN - Under Southern Skies (2011)

this guy never disappoint, consistency is the key factor that probably keeps Steve going on and on. I love his recent work, Big Life, and probably this is as strong as it is, the songs' style are very similar, the production is awesome as well, and some of the best songs here are 'Killing Me', 'If He Loves You', 'Ghost In The Night', 'Fire With Fire', and 'Save No Prisoners'. Some weak/fillers are the title track and 'Monsterrat', but it's actually still in the 6.5-7 range. Overall, 'The Art of Balance' might be a better disc, but this one can be a grower and probably should be around 75-80% at the first spin.


VENUS VEGAS - Morning Still Life (2010)

an okay modern rock band, nothing's spectacular, i found couple of great tracks here, 'You're Not Worth My Time' and 'Signs', some other good tracks, 'The Red Flag List', Lost', and 'Kansas City', and the rest are quite mediocre at best. Not bad but probably in the range 65-70% for me.

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MACHINE HEAD - Unto the Locust


I love this band, and "The Blackening" was THE metal highlight of this century so far IMO. This isn't quite the same standard but is still utterly stunning throughout with some unbelievable musicianship (some of the guitar solo duels are breathtaking). Forget the "Burn My Eyes" debut, this is their time right now, and a better collection of riffs/catchy tunes/soloing you will not hear in 2011. There's even a childrens choir on one of the songs. This album is why I'm harsh on new releases from Anthrax/Megadeth/Slayer etc - as they all should be making music as good and as powerful and forward-thinking as this but they're all just peddling watered-down nostalgia.


MASTODON - The Hunter


Much more straight-ahead disc from the retro rockers, with some ultra catchy tunes ("Curl of the Burl" is awesome). Gone is the prog-sound, although there's still a space-y feel. They're generally over-hyped by the mainstream press but I like a band that does their own thing, and this is light-years ahead of other modern/retro rock bands (like Black Stone Cherry) IMO.

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SHY - s/t (2011)

if you ever have any doubt how Shy will prevail post Mills, well don't be, because their latest disc is pretty much still very good in terms of songwriting and of course the new singer's performance. The vocal isn't as mountain-peak as Mills/Harnell style and instead the singing style is in pretty normal range.


I spotted some volatility in their songs, found at least 4 excellent tracks here : 'Land of Thousand Lies', 'Pray', 'Only For The Night', and 'Over You'. Several other great tracks are 'So Many Tears', 'Live For Me', and 'Save Me', but for me, 'Breathe', 'Blood On The Line', 'Sanctuary', and 'Union of Souls' are pretty average.


A fine disc on the first spin and probably get an 80% from me.


Not even started to rate this yet, but on first spin impression I have to say that I am impressed. Yeah, backed that there a couple of fillers on board...agreed the 7 mins plus of 'Sanctuary' is a mistake, 'Breathe' is a little unspectacular (although this could be a grower - mid paced burner type song)...what I am a little surprised by is 'Blood On The Line' - filler? I thought this song was awesome and possibly my fav track on offer lol!! Lee Small sounds great to me....much prefer his vocal style over Mills. The 'music' is pretty great too - big variation from AOR styled tunes to more hard rock (almost in a classic vein). Not sure at the moment whether this is capable of challenging the likes of TH and WoA, yeah I'd have to say not....but it is v good.


I'd disagree with both you guys on this one. I liked the "Unfinished Business" and (to a lesser extent) the "Sunset and Vine" discs - both were smooth Journey-styled AOR with killer guitar work. Here it's slightly more dated-sounding classic rock and - although the vocals suit the style - I don't like either. Their early albums gave the band major-league status in AOR, now they're just a bit old/tired/dull and lacking in ideas. It doesn't sound bad by any means, just not what I was expecting....

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Sencelled - s/t


Well this will be fastest 'first spin impression' ever. Simple Plan with a Swedish singer. There done. To add a bit of meat to the bones...sound wise this is probably somewhere between Simple Plan and Lovex (leaning more towards SP). Pretty good catchy choruses throughout (slightly annoying in places....silly lyrics on one or two). Check out 'Wild One', 'Miracle', One Night Stand' or 'Carry On' which are the highlights.

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Sencelled - s/t


Well this will be fastest 'first spin impression' ever. Simple Plan with a Swedish singer. There done. To add a bit of meat to the bones...sound wise this is probably somewhere between Simple Plan and Lovex (leaning more towards SP). Pretty good catchy choruses throughout (slightly annoying in places....silly lyrics on one or two). Check out 'Wild One', 'Miracle', One Night Stand' or 'Carry On' which are the highlights.


Well, this one reminded me a lot of 7th Heaven.

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

My first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is "Oh crap, the hype is an epic fail!". Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confused to pick that "Slave to the Grind" side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of "Grind..." in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, "Wishin'." Some other acceptable tracks are "Dream Forever" (still ballad), "One Good Reason," the title track, and "I'm Alive" (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)

I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....

Epic fail? Holy crap, man, I could not disagree more. Granted, I hoped it would be a little better, but it's still a pretty kickass heavy-hard rock album, and I thought Bach sounded damn good. Anyone expecting "Slave to the Grind Part Deux" is going to be a tad bit disappointed, but after "Angel Down" I don't think anyone had a right to expect that. "Hope for," maybe, but not "expect." And for the record, I really disliked "Wishin'." Disliked all the ballads, actually.


All that said, if Bach wants to have someone like Chris Laney write some songs for him on the next go-round, I would not complain...

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

My first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is "Oh crap, the hype is an epic fail!". Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confused to pick that "Slave to the Grind" side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of "Grind..." in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, "Wishin'." Some other acceptable tracks are "Dream Forever" (still ballad), "One Good Reason," the title track, and "I'm Alive" (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)

I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....

Epic fail? Holy crap, man, I could not disagree more. Granted, I hoped it would be a little better, but it's still a pretty kickass heavy-hard rock album, and I thought Bach sounded damn good. Anyone expecting "Slave to the Grind Part Deux" is going to be a tad bit disappointed, but after "Angel Down" I don't think anyone had a right to expect that. "Hope for," maybe, but not "expect." And for the record, I really disliked "Wishin'." Disliked all the ballads, actually.


All that said, if Bach wants to have someone like Chris Laney write some songs for him on the next go-round, I would not complain...


Yes, I actually expect a different vibe than 'Angel Down' because Bach hyped all over the news that this is gonna be very 'Grind' sound, as I recall, but it's wildly far from what I expected, and I found his voice is also miles behind from his glorious days, so that are double bad news for me. But I do think Nick Sterling is a very nice find by him, I spotted a big talent out of that guy, it's just that he really needs a songwriter because songs like these are the quality of those teenage modern rockers in their mid 20s can do, and not out of a guy who has been a legend for over 20 years, but that's also because he's not a good writer in the first place.


'Wishin', is probably mediocre or very average if compared to any other better ballads in the world by any other bands, but in this case, it's actually one of the best of the album, so that's pretty sum up why I gave this a generous 60%, and I haven't played 'Angel Down' again for thousand years, but isn't the ballad is also the strongest out of that album? :) but you're probably not a ballad guy, so that's understandable.

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

My first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is "Oh crap, the hype is an epic fail!". Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confused to pick that "Slave to the Grind" side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of "Grind..." in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, "Wishin'." Some other acceptable tracks are "Dream Forever" (still ballad), "One Good Reason," the title track, and "I'm Alive" (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)

I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....

Epic fail? Holy crap, man, I could not disagree more. Granted, I hoped it would be a little better, but it's still a pretty kickass heavy-hard rock album, and I thought Bach sounded damn good. Anyone expecting "Slave to the Grind Part Deux" is going to be a tad bit disappointed, but after "Angel Down" I don't think anyone had a right to expect that. "Hope for," maybe, but not "expect." And for the record, I really disliked "Wishin'." Disliked all the ballads, actually.


All that said, if Bach wants to have someone like Chris Laney write some songs for him on the next go-round, I would not complain...


Yes, I actually expect a different vibe than 'Angel Down' because Bach hyped all over the news that this is gonna be very 'Grind' sound, as I recall, but it's wildly far from what I expected, and I found his voice is also miles behind from his glorious days, so that are double bad news for me. But I do think Nick Sterling is a very nice find by him, I spotted a big talent out of that guy, it's just that he really needs a songwriter because songs like these are the quality of those teenage modern rockers in their mid 20s can do, and not out of a guy who has been a legend for over 20 years, but that's also because he's not a good writer in the first place.


'Wishin', is probably mediocre or very average if compared to any other better ballads in the world by any other bands, but in this case, it's actually one of the best of the album, so that's pretty sum up why I gave this a generous 60%, and I haven't played 'Angel Down' again for thousand years, but isn't the ballad is also the strongest out of that album? :) but you're probably not a ballad guy, so that's understandable.


No way is Wishin the best song on this album ???! In fact Im with Mark in that all the ballads are weak. Its the rockers which excel for me.....OK, obviously Bach's vocals arent up to his 'Slave' days, but then what did you expect? For me the first 5 songs are all pretty cool, then you get 2 average ballads (skip), but then 'Dirty Power' almost kicks your speakers in with that riff....love this one....'Live The Life' keeps the momentum going before another average ballad rears its ugly head. But 'One Good Reason' revives things and is pretty awesome...probably the best track. 'Wishin' ends things and in fairness is probably the best ballad and is definitely more melodic/mellow....but this is pretty sappy for Bach and doesnt really suit the style of the album......in fact its a song I wouldnt hesitate to skip 9 times out of 10. So in summary at least 7 really good arse kickers, and 4 pointless ballads.


About a 7.5/10 for me i reckon

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A slightly more consistent disc than the first one, but otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference. If you liked the first you'll like this one. And if you have kittens over anything that takes zero risks and follows the MR blueprint to the letter then you'll probably think this is the 21st century's "Vital Signs" or something. Personally I wish they didn't sound quite so much like it's 1984, but respect their ability to write some pretty damn good songs (especially in the first half of this) and think several of them match the high quality of "Broken Hearts..." from their debut. In truth there's no real filler, although I'll always skip a chorus that's just a 4x repeat of the song title - something they do a few times - as that's just lazy IMO. Good quality and very slick sounding stuff this, and it's v.refreshing to see bands like this still making this style of music in 2011. No doubt some idiot will take my above review and ask why I "hated" the debut but like this one, but the truth is I don't mind both of them - I just think they're a million miles behind Toby Hitchcock/WoA/Lovex (my fave discs of 2011). Probably a 7/10 from me.



Well F**k Me!!! I couldn't agree more. They are a very good band, but this release nor last years debut are in the same class as WOA, Toby Hitchcock or Treat. For me the biggest hurdle for the band is the bland vocals. The keys are stunning, the guitar soloing is awesome, the songs are generally great, it's the vocals that are holding them back. They aren't terrible by any means, but imagine the vocalists from any of the bands mention beforehand...the result would be sick and I believe would bring this band to another level. I'm sure when all is said and done, this will be one of my fav of 2011, but there is no way they will even challenge for a podium finish.

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SEBASTIAN BACH - Kicking and Screaming (2011)

My first reaction after scrolling through this album for the first time is "Oh crap, the hype is an epic fail!". Bach's voice is heavily deteriorating and I can say he sounds pretty bad here, the vocal part, and the songs aren't much better. The album is confused to pick that "Slave to the Grind" side he moaned and the modern rock path, but looks like the latter won and I can only find a small trace of "Grind..." in couple of songs. In fact, too average to be true, you know, the best part of this album, is again, the ballad, "Wishin'." Some other acceptable tracks are "Dream Forever" (still ballad), "One Good Reason," the title track, and "I'm Alive" (another ballad, oh no!). Probably this is a proof that Bach desperately needs a proper songwriting machine. (60%)

I quite liked this as I enjoy modern metal. Agree his vocals have gone somewhat, and there are too many (mediocre) ballads on this thing. Otherwise not bad IMO....

Epic fail? Holy crap, man, I could not disagree more. Granted, I hoped it would be a little better, but it's still a pretty kickass heavy-hard rock album, and I thought Bach sounded damn good. Anyone expecting "Slave to the Grind Part Deux" is going to be a tad bit disappointed, but after "Angel Down" I don't think anyone had a right to expect that. "Hope for," maybe, but not "expect." And for the record, I really disliked "Wishin'." Disliked all the ballads, actually.


All that said, if Bach wants to have someone like Chris Laney write some songs for him on the next go-round, I would not complain...


Yes, I actually expect a different vibe than 'Angel Down' because Bach hyped all over the news that this is gonna be very 'Grind' sound, as I recall, but it's wildly far from what I expected, and I found his voice is also miles behind from his glorious days, so that are double bad news for me. But I do think Nick Sterling is a very nice find by him, I spotted a big talent out of that guy, it's just that he really needs a songwriter because songs like these are the quality of those teenage modern rockers in their mid 20s can do, and not out of a guy who has been a legend for over 20 years, but that's also because he's not a good writer in the first place.


'Wishin', is probably mediocre or very average if compared to any other better ballads in the world by any other bands, but in this case, it's actually one of the best of the album, so that's pretty sum up why I gave this a generous 60%, and I haven't played 'Angel Down' again for thousand years, but isn't the ballad is also the strongest out of that album? :) but you're probably not a ballad guy, so that's understandable.


No way is Wishin the best song on this album ???! In fact Im with Mark in that all the ballads are weak. Its the rockers which excel for me.....OK, obviously Bach's vocals arent up to his 'Slave' days, but then what did you expect? For me the first 5 songs are all pretty cool, then you get 2 average ballads (skip), but then 'Dirty Power' almost kicks your speakers in with that riff....love this one....'Live The Life' keeps the momentum going before another average ballad rears its ugly head. But 'One Good Reason' revives things and is pretty awesome...probably the best track. 'Wishin' ends things and in fairness is probably the best ballad and is definitely more melodic/mellow....but this is pretty sappy for Bach and doesnt really suit the style of the album......in fact its a song I wouldnt hesitate to skip 9 times out of 10. So in summary at least 7 really good arse kickers, and 4 pointless ballads.


About a 7.5/10 for me i reckon


well yeah taste is different Glen, but if this is a 75% for you and real good hard rock albums like Victory - Don't Talk Science is only average for you, then we're really on the other side of the rivers here :D


some other hard rock / heavier albums of 2011 that I think should worth beyond 75-80% for me are The Poodles, Hell In The Club, Diamond Lane, Destrophy, King Kobra, Grand Design, Wicked Jester, not to mention the other thing that we both agree like Toby Hitchcock and stuffs, and sorry that Bach's new album is probably way behind, but then 60 to 75 isn't very much different right, it's not like i give this album a lousy 40 :)

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Sencelled - s/t


Well this will be fastest 'first spin impression' ever. Simple Plan with a Swedish singer. There done. To add a bit of meat to the bones...sound wise this is probably somewhere between Simple Plan and Lovex (leaning more towards SP). Pretty good catchy choruses throughout (slightly annoying in places....silly lyrics on one or two). Check out 'Wild One', 'Miracle', One Night Stand' or 'Carry On' which are the highlights.


hm interesting, need to try this one this afternoon, so you think it's a keeper or a pass, for a CD i mean

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Faithsedge - s/t ; aside from a pretty muddy production job and a slightly average start, this isn't bad in the end. The second half is much stronger than the first, and I really quite enjoyed songs like 'Take you away,' 'That's what happened to us' and 'When it rains.' All are great tracks. In fact, aside from the filler that is 'Faith-Anne' and a pretty average first 4 songs, most the tunes on this are pretty good. This certainly won't intercept any top 10's this year, I doubt, but it's a decent album.

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A slightly more consistent disc than the first one, but otherwise it's impossible to tell the difference. If you liked the first you'll like this one. And if you have kittens over anything that takes zero risks and follows the MR blueprint to the letter then you'll probably think this is the 21st century's "Vital Signs" or something. Personally I wish they didn't sound quite so much like it's 1984, but respect their ability to write some pretty damn good songs (especially in the first half of this) and think several of them match the high quality of "Broken Hearts..." from their debut. In truth there's no real filler, although I'll always skip a chorus that's just a 4x repeat of the song title - something they do a few times - as that's just lazy IMO. Good quality and very slick sounding stuff this, and it's v.refreshing to see bands like this still making this style of music in 2011. No doubt some idiot will take my above review and ask why I "hated" the debut but like this one, but the truth is I don't mind both of them - I just think they're a million miles behind Toby Hitchcock/WoA/Lovex (my fave discs of 2011). Probably a 7/10 from me.



Well F**k Me!!! I couldn't agree more. They are a very good band, but this release nor last years debut are in the same class as WOA, Toby Hitchcock or Treat. For me the biggest hurdle for the band is the bland vocals. The keys are stunning, the guitar soloing is awesome, the songs are generally great, it's the vocals that are holding them back. They aren't terrible by any means, but imagine the vocalists from any of the bands mention beforehand...the result would be sick and I believe would bring this band to another level. I'm sure when all is said and done, this will be one of my fav of 2011, but there is no way they will even challenge for a podium finish.


When the songs are this good, I don't really care if the vocalist is not the strongest ever. This is the best AOR album this year without competition.

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