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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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"Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow" (1993)

This direct-to-video, in-name-only sequel to the Jean-Claude van Damme cult hit was the first major starring role for a young and unknown Angelina Jolie. She plays a rogue robo-chick, who was built to be an assassin, who rebels against her programming. Naturally, she is then pursued across a dystopian future America by an assortment of bad guys. Enjoyable low-budget sci-fi junk.


"The Doll Squad" (1973)

A team of gorgeous female secret agents battle a madman who's planning to unleash a plague on the world. This ultra-cheesy, super-low-budget action/exploitation flick never comes close to living up to its awesome premise or its poster art. The ladies are nice to look at but the flick moves at a snail's pace and the "action" sequences are so poorly staged that they're unintentionally hilarious.
Producer/director Ted V. Mikels once claimed that the makers of "Charlie's Angels" ripped off the idea from this movie. If that's the case, gimme "Charlie's Angels" any day.
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"Superchick" (1973)

Brain-dead '70s T&A comedy about a mousy, brown-haired airline stewardess by day who turns into a free-lovin' blonde party girl by night, with a different boyfriend in every city. When she gets mixed up with some gangsters planning a mid-air heist, wacky hi-jinks are supposed to ensue but it takes forever to get to that point...

This is the kind of movie that was considered "racy" in the early 70s but it'll barely raise an eyebrow (or much of anything else) now. The eye candy's nice, but for a modern audience the humor will come mainly from laughing ironically at the corny jokes, the terrible acting, and the outdated fashions, slang and decor.

Useless trivia: "Superchick" is played by the late Joyce Jillson, who retired from acting shortly after this film to become a popular syndicated astrology columnist - who wrote several books and served as a "psychic advisor" to many celebrities, including former President Reagan!

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Avengers - Age Of Ultron. Harkening back to my rabid comic book poring over (before I could actually read) days back in the groovy mid-60's. The stuff they can put on film these days is astounding. Is there such a thing as a stuntman anymore?

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Over the last few days ...


Wreck It Ralph / Inside Out / Minions (with the kids)


Run, Fat Boy, Run / The Bad Education Movie / Shaun Of The Dead (with my better half and her girls)

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  • My Little Pony

Pan, again. This is a really good movie and the guy playing the young James Hook is very Harison Ford/Indianna Jones/Han Solo like.

Really? 'Cause the reviewers are bombing it to shit.

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Pan, again. This is a really good movie and the guy playing the young James Hook is very Harison Ford/Indianna Jones/Han Solo like.

Really? 'Cause the reviewers are bombing it to shit.



yeah 26/45 at rotten tomatoes usually not a good thing

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Nice in-depth look about Antarctica, what happened there during summer and winter in research base, quite interesting documentary and breathtaking scenery




Good biographical movie about Bobby Fischer's chess battle against Boris Spassky in 1972. tobey's acting is pure class!




Enjoyable and underrated Bond's franchise

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Pan, again. This is a really good movie and the guy playing the young James Hook is very Harison Ford/Indianna Jones/Han Solo like.

Really? 'Cause the reviewers are bombing it to shit.

yeah 26/45 at rotten tomatoes usually not a good thing



Can't always believe what you read I suppose. The film sure tickled me. I'd watch it again. Sure it's not a true epic classic but it is a lot of fun with great effects and an interesting enough tie in to what we know as the Peter Pan story. I'd like to see another continuing the tale to further bridge the gap.

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  • My Little Pony




Pan, again. This is a really good movie and the guy playing the young James Hook is very Harison Ford/Indianna Jones/Han Solo like.

Really? 'Cause the reviewers are bombing it to shit.

yeah 26/45 at rotten tomatoes usually not a good thing



Can't always believe what you read I suppose. The film sure tickled me. I'd watch it again. Sure it's not a true epic classic but it is a lot of fun with great effects and an interesting enough tie in to what we know as the Peter Pan story. I'd like to see another continuing the tale to further bridge the gap.



Well, I'll file it away in the "to watch" list, and remember that you loved it. If I don't enjoy it, I'll know not to trust your judgement again. ;}

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Pan, again. This is a really good movie and the guy playing the young James Hook is very Harison Ford/Indianna Jones/Han Solo like.

Really? 'Cause the reviewers are bombing it to shit.

yeah 26/45 at rotten tomatoes usually not a good thing



Can't always believe what you read I suppose. The film sure tickled me. I'd watch it again. Sure it's not a true epic classic but it is a lot of fun with great effects and an interesting enough tie in to what we know as the Peter Pan story. I'd like to see another continuing the tale to further bridge the gap.



Well, I'll file it away in the "to watch" list, and remember that you loved it. If I don't enjoy it, I'll know not to trust your judgement again. ;}



I thought it a bit average.....certainly a different spin on the story....worth watching once....

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Finally saw Star Wars VII which was good. Like the way the Empire and now whomever they are have a total disregard for OH&S. Here in Australia if you're working on the roof of a 2 story house you need to put up rails....obviously this is not an issue on the Death Star/Star Killer etc.

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  • My Little Pony

Like the way the Empire and now whomever they are have a total disregard for OH&S. Here in Australia if you're working on the roof of a 2 story house you need to put up rails....obviously this is not an issue on the Death Star/Star Killer etc.

Haha. Yup. I was thinking the same thing during that scene. Assuming you're referring to the scene I'm thinking about.

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With my son this afternoon...

"Toy Story 2" (1999)

Buzz, Slinky and the gang must ride to the rescue when Woody the Cowboy is stolen by a vintage toy collector who wants to ship him to a museum... in Japan!

The second installment in the Pixar saga is (as usual) fast moving, funny stuff with a great voice cast.

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Back To The Future 3

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"Thor: The Dark World" (2013)

Thor tangles with an ancient baddie who wants to capitalize on an upcoming planetary alignment to destroy the universe. In other words... just another day at the office for the God of Thunder. Natalie Portman, Kat Denning and a half-naked Stellan Skarsgaard are the Earthlings caught in the middle as the usual zapping, blasting, and massive property damage ensues.
This was the only entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that I hadn't seen, so now I'm all caught up. Better late than never.
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  • My Little Pony

Over the Christmas break I went through a shit-tonne of Studio Ghibli films. I only have two more to watch.


Whisper of the Heart (1995)


My Neighbours the Yamadas (1999)

This is a series of vignettes, and is really quite funny. Some moments I honestly almost fell off my couch.


The Cat Returns (2002)


Howl's Moving Castle (2004)


Tales From Earthsea (2006)


Ponyo (2008)


Arriety (2010)


From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)


The Wind Rises (2013)


Non-anime films I watched include:


Cold Fish (2010)


Cronos (1993)

Considered one of the best vampire films. I didn't love it, even if it is directed by Guillermo del Toro, whom I do love.


Dope (2015)

Really good.


Guns of Navarone (1961)



The Homesman (2014)


Incendies (2010)

A film about two siblings whose mother dies, and are sent on a quest to find their father they've never met, and their older brother they never even knew about. This film is phenomenal.


It Follows (2014)

Very cool, and refreshing horror film.


Looper (2012)

I don't know why it took me so long to watch this.


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)

Do you want to cry? Watch this film. Excellent, excellent, excellent!


The Revenant (2016)

Can Leonardo DiCaprio finally land himself an Oscar?


Sicario (2015)

Very engaging film.


Songs from the Second Floor (2000)

Real quirky Swedish comedy. Not for everyone.


You, the Living (2007)

More quirky Swedish humour from Roy Andersson, who directed "Songs from the Second Floor" above, and "A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence," which I have yet to watch. Again, this type of humour isn't well-received by most. But if you like it, you'll love Roy Andersson.


Yeah... I had a real lazy Christmas. It was amazing!!

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