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Last movie you watched?

66 mustang

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I'm fighting a nasty cold this weekend... good reason to stay in bed and watch movies...

"Fright Night Part II" (1988)

After three years of therapy, Charley Brewster has convinced himself that he imagined the events of the original "Fright Night." Unfortunately, the vampire from the first film had a sister, and now she's come to town gunning for him and Peter Vincent. Entertaining, underrated sequel directed by Tommy Lee Wallace ("Halloween III").

"Shocking Dark" (aka "Alienators" aka "Terminator 2," 1989)

A team of commandos is sent into the ruins of post-apocalypse Venice to find a secret laboratory, and are attacked by hungry mutations. Remember "Aliens?" The Italians who made this ultra-cheap sci-fi horror flick sure do, because this is practically a shot-by-shot remake. Oh, and three quarters of the way thru the movie they throw in a killer cyborg ala "The Terminator," just because. Poorly acted copycat schlock that was actually released as "Terminator 2" in some overseas markets with lax copyright laws.

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The Muppet Christmas Carol


It's A Wonderful Life

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"Elves" (1989)

A down-on-his-luck department store Santa (Dan "Grizzly Adams" Haggerty) must protect a teenage girl from a demonic Elf - part of a Nazi experiment to procreate the Master Race on Christmas Eve - in this utterly WTF holiday themed horror trash epic. I think this movie gave me a traumatic brain injury.

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American Hero


ugggghhh. don't bother.

It's like they made this movie with the specific purpose to only ever be an indie movie.

ie: it will never be more than some weird cult movie for a very small group of people.


126 minutes I'll never get back.


Sadly, it had potential all the way through, but just fizzed out.

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The Peanuts Movie,with my youngest who doesn't know who snoopy is :) enjoyed it


Shrek The Third & Shrek Forever After,again with my youngest,his big brothers are playin ps4 :)

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The Ridiculous 6

Best past of this movies was picking the actors as they came up.

Average other than that, which is a shame because it was the lack of real comedy which let it down and it could have been much better.

2 hours was too long for what was needed.

But in the end it was a fair movie, which wasn't too hqard to watch.

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The Ridiculous 6

Best past of this movies was picking the actors as they came up.

Average other than that, which is a shame because it was the lack of real comedy which let it down and it could have been much better.

2 hours was too long for what was needed.

But in the end it was a fair movie, which wasn't too hqard to watch.

I enjoyed it.

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Meh, very relient on the loud music jump scare but the movie was watchable and I suppose the intent was fair.


Rewind This


Excellent if you are like me a geeky obsessive collector of things. Obviously VHS and specifically obscure (IE horror) movies.

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Peanuts - started watching this with the kids. 10 minutes in it was just like an old episode and boring so I left.


The Intern - not a bad movie. DeNiro is excellent. Worth a watch, but it's in the vein of The Devil Wears Prada in many ways.

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Les Miserables

I always joked with my wife that this would be a great movie about miserable lesbians. It isn't :)
But it was surprisingly better than I thought it would be considering they sing through it, and that one of the singers is Russell Crowe.

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Magnificent 7!

One of my favorite westerns period!

Got the 4 movie set for xmas(actually picked it my self)

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